Questões de Vestibular UNB 2023 para Prova de Conhecimentos I - 1° dia - Inglês
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In can be inferred from the use of the structure “I’m going to start” (second box) that the kid had already considered the idea of starting a campaign and has decided to go for it.
The passage “to make it free for kids to go to the movies” (third box) can be correctly rewritten as to make kids free to go to the cinema.
Judge the items from 23 through 26 based on the preceding infographic.
According to the infographic, the entire population will suffer the effects of the climate change irrespective of where people live.
One of the main goals of the text is to draw attention to the relationship between vector-borne diseases and the lack of clean water.
The modal verb “will” is used in most sentences of the infographic because the World Health Organization is showing the reader some projections about the future of the world regarding climate change.
With the infographic, the World Health Organization wants to inform that two hundred and fifty thousand people will die by 2050.
At the beginning of the text, the expression “quietly subversive” means that the authors associated to environmental writing establish their point of view on environmental topics in a discreet and subtle way.
The text informs the reader about a course offered to students interested in writing their own literary works on nature.
The module focuses on American authors who wrote fiction during the 19th century.
The passage “We will ask questions of ‘literature,’ ‘environment,’ and ‘activism,’ and the intersections between them”, at the end of the text, means that students will
B study and discuss topics in these areas.