In terms of voice, the verbs in these three sentences “Liter...
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Literary works are born, as shapeless ghosts, in the intimacy of a writer's consciousness, projected into it by the combined strength of the unconscious, and the writer's sensitivity to the world around him, and the writer's emotions…
literature has been relegated...
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Passive voice calls for verb to be in its auxuliary role. It means that the subject of the sentence is on the receiving end of the action, which befalls on him. Witha active voice, it's the very subject which performs the action contained in the verb,
Voz passive exige auxiliar (to be) && um verbo principal para o sujeito que sofre a ação. No português, usa-se voz passiva somente com verbos transitivos diretos. No inglês, é possível usá-los com outros tipos de transitividade.
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