Home Vestibulares Questões Q1337032 According to the information in the article, Michael Fish Próximas questões Com base no mesmo assunto Q1337032 Inglês Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension , Ano: 2013 Banca: FGV Órgão: FGV Prova: FGV - 2013 - FGV - Vestibular em Administração | Q1337032 Inglês Texto associado According to the information in the article, Michael Fish Alternativas A ruined his reputation as a meteorologist by forecasting a terrible storm that, in the end, did not occur. B was famous for committing a number of mistakes when he forecast the weather on British television. C was ridiculed for announcing that a hurricane would strike England much later that it actually did. D assured his television audience that there was no need to worry because hurricanes never reach England. E once issued a television weather forecast that has since been unequalled in terms of inaccuracy. Responder Você errou!   Resposta: teste Parabéns! Você acertou! teste Tirar Dúvida Gabarito Comentado Aulas (4) Comentários Estatísticas Cadernos Criar anotações Notificar Erro Salvar novo filtro Nome do novo filtro