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Foram encontradas 151 questões

Q887764 Inglês

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Uma campanha pode ter por objetivo conscientizar a população sobre determinada questão social. Na campanha realizada no Reino Unido, a frase “A third of the food we buy in the UK ends up being thrown away" foi utilizada para enfatizar o(a)

Q877535 Inglês

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A sigla “AV”, usada no texto, representa o alvo da crítica sobre a elevação do custo de um(a)

Q877534 Inglês

Hunger Games Review: Family Film Guide

Parent Concerns: There is definitely violence in this film. The central Hunger Games may not be as bloody and brutal as author Suzanne Collins describes in the novel, but there’s a visceral reaction to seeing the kid-on-kid violence ratherthanconjuring it inyourown imagination. The tributes kill each other in a host of ways, from spear, knife and arrow wounds to hand-to-hand battles that leave teens with their heads smashed in or necks snapped. The editing is quick and the shots never linger on anything overly graphic, but there is blood and twenty-two adolescents, aged 12-18, die in the annual blood sport pageant. Immature teens, even if they’ve read the books, may not be ready to handle to the film just yet. A good rule of thumb: if they’re not old enough to be reaped into the Hunger Games, theyYe probably not mature enough to see it.

ANGULO-CHEN, S. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28jun. 2012.

Produções literárias e cinematográficas estão, muitas vezes, articuladas. No caso do filme Hunger Games, a autora da resenha chama a atenção para a questão da violência, que é mais

Q877533 Inglês

On the Meaning of Being Chinese

Ethnically speaking, I feel I am complicated to classify, but who isn’t, right? To me, being Chinese-Brazilian in America means a history of living in three opposite cultures, and sometimes feeling that I did not belong in neither, a constant struggle that immigrants, and national citizens, face when their appearance is foreign to natives in the country. Jokingly, I say that I am Asian in America, Brazilian in China, and a “gringa” in Brazil. Nevertheless, 1 believe that dealing with these hard to reconcile extremes have somehow helped me to become more comfortable with my identity.

BELEZA LI. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 mar. 2014.

Nesse fragmento, Beleza Li resume sua experiência de vida ao descrever a complexidade em

Q877532 Inglês

                         Getting Every Child to School

      Right now 67 million children are missing out on their right to an education. They can’t go to school because they have to work to survive, because they are girls or even because there are no schools where they live.

       Where will these children be when they grow up without the chance to learn?

      We’re working to make sure every child goes to school. We’re helping build schools, train teachers, advocating girl’s education and reaching children who have to work or are caught up in emergencies with learning.

      You can help uphold every child’s right to an education. Make a donation today to not only give children the chance to go to school, but also save their lives and protect their childhoods.

Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 maio 2013 (adaptado).

Essa campanha pretende contribuir para diminuir a desigualdade social, uma vez que

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