Questões ENEM de Inglês

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Q851628 Inglês

One of the things that made an incredible impression on me in the film was Frida’s comfort in and celebration of her own unique beauty. She didn’t try to fit into conventional ideas or images about womanhood or what makes someone or something beautiful. Instead, she fully inhabited her own unique gifts, not particularly caring what other people thought. She was magnetic and beautiful in her own right. She painted for years, not to be a commercial success or to be discovered, but to express her own inner pain, joy, family, love and culture. She absolutely and resolutely was who she was. The trueness of her own unique vision and her ability to stand firmly in her own truth was what made her successful in the end.

HUTZLER, L. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 maio 2013.

A autora desse comentário sobre o filme Frida mostra-se impressionada com o fato de a pintora

Q745548 Inglês

                 Newvaccine could fight nicotine addiction

      Cigarette smokers who are having trouble quitting because of nicotine's addictive power may some day be able to receive a novel antibody-producing vaccine to help them kick the habit.

      The average cigarette contains about 4 000 different chemicals that — when burned and inhaled — cause the serious health problems associated with smoking. But it is the nicotine in cigarettes that, like other addictive substances, stimulates rewards centers in the brain and hooks smokers to the pleasurable but dangerous routine.

      Ronald Crystal, who chairs the department of genetic medicine at Weill-Cornell Medical College in New York, where researchers are developing a nicotine vaccine, said the idea is to stimulate the smoker's immune system to produce antibodies or immune proteins to destroy the nicotine molecule before it reaches the brain.

                BERMAN, J. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jul. 2012.

Muitas pessoas tentam parar de fumar, mas fracassam e sucumbem ao vício. Na tentativa de ajudar os fumantes, pesquisadores da Weill-Cornell Medical College estão desenvolvendo uma vacina que

Q745547 Inglês

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Anúncios publicitários buscam chamar a atenção do consumidor por meio de recursos diversos. Nesse pôster, os números indicados correspondem ao(à)

Q745546 Inglês

                      Mauritius: gender roles and statuses

      Division of Labor by Gender. The economic success of industry has led to low unemployment rates. This has changed the workplace and home life as women joined the workforce. This industrialization also led to women being promoted faster. According to the Minister of Women, Family Welfare, and Child Development, a quarter of all managers are now women.

      Women are the traditional homekeepers of the society. Between 1985 and 1991 the number of women working outside the home increased from 22 percent to 41 percent. With that trend continuing, hired housekeeping and child care have become relatively new and important industries.

      The Relative Status of Women and Men. Historically, women have had subordinate roles in Mauritian society. However, the Constitution specifically prohibits discrimination based on sex, and women now have access to education, employment, and governmental services.

      In March 1998 the Domestic Violence Act was passed. This gave greater protection and legal authority to combat domestic abuse. In that same year it also became a crime to abandon one's family or pregnant spouse for more than two months, not to pay food support, or to engage in sexual harassment.

      Women are underrepresented in the government. The National Assembly has seventy seats, of which women hold five.

                            Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 fev. 2013.

Questões como o papel de homens e mulheres na sociedade contemporânea vêm sendo debatidas de diferentes pontos de vista, influenciados por valores culturais específicos de cada sociedade. No caso das Ilhas Maurício, esses valores sustentam a tomada de decisão em torno da
Q745545 Inglês

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Bansky é um grafiteiro famoso. Na obra pintada em um muro da cidade de Claremont, Califórnia, em 2007, ele fez uso de um trocadilho com a palavra “change”, o que caracteriza seu grafite como um protesto contra a

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