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GOAL has worked to improve access to food for highly vulnerable and food-insecure
households in many districts of Zimbabwe. We identify such households, supply them with
monthly food rations, and conduct monthly post-distribution monitoring. GOAL works in the
same districts, to improve access to food for the most vulnerable primary school children during
the peak hungry months. The emphasis is on orphans and vulnerable children. GOAL provides
short-term food security support to other vulnerable households by increasing the availability of
grain, and by helping enhance their ability to meet basic needs.
Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 dez. 2012 (adaptado).
Tendo como público-alvo crianças órfãs e em situações de vulnerabilidade, a organização não
governamental GOAL tem atuado no Zimbábue para
Edward Enninful, the new editor-in-chief of British Vogue, has a proven history of addressing diversity that many hope will be the start of an overhaul of the global Vogue brand.
In March, he responded sublimely when US President Donald Trump nominated Supreme Court judge Neil Gorsuch, who allegedly does not care much about civil rights: Enninful styled a shoot for his then employer, the New York-based W magazine, in which a range of ethnically diverse models climb the stairs of an imaginary "Supreme Court". In February, after Trump initiated the much-debated immigration ban, Enninful put together a video showcasing the various fashion celebrities who have immigrated into the US. Even before his first official day in Vogue’s Mayfair offices, Enninful had hired two English superstars of Jamaican descent in an attempt to diversify the team. Model Naomi Campbell and make-up artist Pat McGrath both share Enninful’s aim of championing fashion as a force for social change.
One can only hope that Enninful’s appointment is not a mere blip, but a move in the right direction on a long road to diversity for the global brand.
Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 ago. 2017 (adaptado).
Considerando-se as características dos trabalhos realizados pelo novo editor-chefe da Vogue inglesa, espera-se que a revista contribua para a
Women in Theatre: Why Do So Few Make It to the Top?
An all-female Julius Caesar (A Shakespeare play) has just hit the stage, but it's a rarity in theatre. In a special report, Charlotte Higgins asks leading figures why women are still underrepresented at every level of the business — and what needs to change.
HIGGINS, C. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 dez. 2012.
O vocábulo “rarity” tem um papel central na abordagem do assunto desse texto, que destaca a
If Women Had Their Own Currency, Here’s What It Would Be Worth
Charlotte Alter @charlottealter Maya Rhodan @m_rhodan July 31, 2014
After a little girl asked President Obama why there aren’t any women on U.S. currency, he said that adding some female faces to our cash sounded like a "pretty good idea". Almost immediately, all of our fantasies came alive on the web. What would, let’s say, Ruth Bader Ginsburg look like on a $20 bill? Where would we spend our Beyoncé $10 bill first? Will our grandmas give us a Susan B. Anthony $5 bill on our birthdays and tell us not to spend it all at once?
But then we remembered: because of the wage gap, a dollar for a woman is not the same as a dollar for a man. Although the true extent of the gender pay gap is widely disputed even among feminists, President Obama said in the 2014 State of the Union that women make only 77¢ for every dollar a man makes.
Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 ago. 2014 (adaptado).
Disponível em www csuchico edu Acesso em 11 dez 2017
Nesse pôster de divulgação de uma campanha que
aborda a diversidade e a inclusão, a interação dos
elementos verbais e não verbais faz referência ao ato de
Disponível em. https// Acesso em 12 jun 2018.
Os recursos usados nesse pôster de divulgação de uma
campanha levam o leitor a refletir sobre a necessidade de
No Madonna and Child could touch Her tenderness for a son She soon would have to forget... The air was heavy with odors of diarrhea, Of unwashed children with washed-out ribs And dried-up bottoms waddling in labored steps Behind blown-empty bellies. Other mothers there Had long ceased to care, but not this one: She held a ghost-smile between her teeth, and in her eyes the memory Of a mother's pride... She had bathed him And rubbed him down with bare palms. She took from their bundle of possessions A broken comb and combed The rust-colored hair left on his skull And then — humming in her eyes — began carefully (to part it. In their former life this was perhaps A little daily act of no consequence Before his breakfast and school; now she did it Like putting flowers on a tiny grave. ACHEBE. C Collected Poems New York Anchof Books. 20W
O escritor nigeriano Chinua Achebe traz uma reflexão sobre a situação dos refugiados em um cenário pós-guerra civil em seu país. Essa reflexão é construída no poema por meio da representação de uma mãe, explorando a(s)
Finally, Aisha finished with her customer and asked what colour Ifemelu wanted for her hair attachments.
“Colour four.*
“Not good colour," Aisha said promptly.
“That's what I use."
“It look dirty. You don't want colour one?"
“Colour one is too black, it looks fake," Ifemelu said, loosening her headwrap. “Sometimes I use colour two, but colour four is closest to my natural colour."
She touched Ifemelu’s hair. "Why you don’t have relaxer?"
“I like my hair the way God made it."
“But how you comb it? Hard to comb." Aisha said.
Ifemelu had brought her own comb. She gently combed her hair, dense, soft and tightly coiled, until it framed her head like a halo. “It's not hard to comb if you moisturize it properly," she said, slipping into the coaxing tone of the proselytizer that she used whenever she was trying to convince other black women about the merits of wearing their hair natural. Aisha snorted; she clearly could not understand why anybody would choose to suffer through combing natural hair, instead of simply relaxing it. She sectioned out Ifemelu's hair, plucked a little attachment from the pile on the table and began deftly to twist.
ADICHIE. C. Americanah A novel New York: Anchor Books. 2013
A passagem do romance da escritora nigeriana traz um diálogo entre duas mulheres negras: a cabeleireira, Aisha, e a cliente, Ifemelu. O posicionamento da cliente é sustentado por argumentos que
A Minor Bird
I have wished a bird would fly away,
And not sing by my house all day;
Have clapped my hands at him from the door
When it seemed as if I could bear no more.
The fault must partly have been in me.
The bird was not to blame for his key.
And of course there must be something wrong
In wanting to silence any song.
FROST. R. West .running Brook Now Yolk Horny Hod and Company, 1928
No poema de Robert Frost, as palavras “fault" e "blame" revelam por parte do eu lírico uma
The Power of Pictures by Vickie An
In February, the group took a photography field trip to Haiti’s La Visite national park. A student holds up a lizard as her classmates snap away. It’s said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Conservation photographer Robin Moore believes this. He especially believes that the stories photographs can tell about the environment can inspire people to care for the earth. “It doesn’t matter what language you speak or what culture you come from, because a photo can speak to everyone,” Moore says. That’s the idea behind Frame of Mind. Moore cofounded the organization last year with environmental educator Deanna Del Vecchio and fellow nature photographer Neil Ever Osborne. The group is on a mission to help young people around the world connect with nature through photography workshops. In August 2011, Frame of Mind hosted its very first workshop with 20 youth journalists in Jacmel, Haiti. The workshop was held in partnership with Conservation International and Panos Caribbean. Each student was given a digital camera to use for the week and was taught how to use it. During the session, the kids learned about the local environment and how it relates to their lives. AN, V. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 maio 2012 (adaptado).
Reconhecendo o potencial da fotografia como uma linguagem universal, a organização mencionada intenciona levar
I don't drink coffee I take tea my dear I like my toast done on one side And you can hear it in my accent when I talk I'm an Englishman in New York See me walking down Fifth Avenue A walking cane here at my side I take it everywhere I walk I'm an Englishman in New York […] I'm an alien, I'm a legal alien I'm an Englishman in New York I'm an alien, I'm a legal alien I'm an Englishman in New York Modesty, propriety can lead to notoriety You could end up as the only one Gentleness, sobriety are rare in this society At night a candle's brighter than the sun
STING. Nothing Like the Sun. Studio Album. United States: A&M Records, 1987 (fragmento).
Na letra da canção Englishman in New York, a fala do eu lírico evidencia uma atitude de
1. Four year high school diploma. 2. New York City residency is required within 90 days of appointment. 3. Must be able to understand and be understood in English. 4. Must pass a drug screening.
APPLICATION FEE: $47.00 - Payable on the day of the test. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 out. 2013.
Neste anúncio de emprego no Departamento de Polícia da cidade de Nova Iorque, um dos requisitos para se preencher a vaga é
NICHOLS, J. In: COLLIE, J.; LADOUSSE, G. Paths into Poetry. England: Oxford University Press, 1993.
No poema Classifying, a escritora inglesa Judith Nichols compara várias pessoas com o objetivo de
Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 abr. 2015.
O infográfico aborda a importância do inglês para os negócios. Nesse texto, as expressões but e yet only evidenciam
No cartum, o estudante faz uma pergunta usando turn
this thing on por
If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn.
If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive.
If children live with pity, they learn to feel sorry for themselves.
If children live with ridicule, they learn to feel shy.
If children live with tolerance, they learn patience.
If children live with praise, they learn appreciation.
If children live with acceptance, they learn to love.
If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.
If children live with recognition, they learn it is good to have a goal.
If children live with sharing, they learn generosity.
If children live with fairness, they learn justice.
If children live with kindness and consideration, they learn respect.
If children live with friendliness, they learn the world is a nice place in which to live.
NOLTE, D. L. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jul. 2012.
Valores culturais de um povo revelam sua forma de ser, agir e pensar. Na concepção da autora, as diferentes formas de educar crianças nos Estados Unidos confirmam que as crianças
In this life
Sitting on a park bench
Thinking about a friend of mine
He was only twenty-three
Gone before he had his time.
It came without a warning
Didnꞌt want his friends to see him cry
He knew the day was dawning
And I didnꞌt have a chance to say goodbye.
MADONNA. Erotica. Estados Unidos: Maverick, 1992.
A canção, muitas vezes, é uma forma de manifestar
sentimentos e emoções da vida cotidiana. Por exemplo,
o sofrimento retratado nessa canção foi causado
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Sugar fear-mongering unhelpful
By The Washington Times Tuesday, June 25, 2013
In his recent piece “Is obesity a disease?” (Web, June 19), Dr. Peter Lind refers to high-fructose corn syrup and other “manufactured sugars” as “poison” that will “guarantee storage of fat in the body.” Current scientific research strongly indicates that obesity results from excessive calorie intake combined with a sedentary lifestyle. The fact is Americans are consuming more total calories now than ever before. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, our total per-capita daily caloric intake increased by 22 percent from 2,076 calories per day in 1970 to 2,534 calories per day in 2010 — an additional 458 calories, only 34 of which come from increased added sugar intake. A vast majority of these calories come from increased fats and flour/ cereals. Surprisingly, the amount of caloric sweeteners (i.e. sugar, high-fructose, corn syrup, honey, etc.). Americans consume has actually decreased over the past decade. We need to continue to study the obesity epidemic to see what more can be done, but demonizing one specific ingredient accomplishes nothing and raises unnecessary fears that get in the way of real solutions.
Shrewsbury, Mass.
Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 jul. 2013 (adaptado).
Ao abordar o assunto “obesidade”, em uma seção de jornal, o autor
5 Ways Pets Can Improve Your Health
A pet is certainly a great friend. After a difficult day, pet owners quite literally feel the love.
In fact, for nearly 25 years, research has shown that living with pets provides certain health benefits. Pets help lower blood pressure and lessen anxiety. They boost our immunity. They can even help you get dates.
Allergy Fighters: A growing number of studies have suggested that kids growing up in a home with “furred animals” will have less risk of allergies and asthma.
Date Magnets: Dogs are great for making love connections. Forget Internet matchmaking — a dog is a natural conversation starter.
Dogs for the Aged: Walking a dog or just caring for a pet — for elderly people who are able — can provide exercise and companionship.
Good for Mind and Soul: Like any enjoyable activity, playing with a dog can elevate levels of serotonin and dopamine — nerve transmitters that are known to have pleasurable and calming properties.
Good for the Heart: Heart attack patients who have pets survive longer than those without, according to several studies.
DAVIS, J. L. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 abr. 2013 (adaptado).
Ao discutir sobre a influência de animais de estimação no bem-estar do ser humano, a autora, a fim de fortalecer seus argumentos, utiliza palavras e expressões como research, a growing number of research e several studies com o objetivo de
Most people today have a mobile phone. In fact, many people can't imagine how they ever got along without a portable phone. However, many people also complain about cell phone users. People complain about other people loudly discussing personal matters in public places. They complain when cell phones ring in movie theaters and concert halls. They complain about people driving too slow, and not paying attention to where they are going because they are talking on a cell phone. And they complain about people walking around talking to people who aren't there.
Whenever a new communications technology becomes popular, it changes the way society is organized. Society has to invent rules for the polite way to use the new devices. Our social etiquette, our rules of politeness for cell phones, is still evolving.
Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 fev. 2012 (adaptado).
O uso de celulares em lugares públicos tem sido prática
corrente. O texto aponta que essa prática tem gerado