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Q1669873 Inglês

    Finally, Aisha finished with her customer and asked what colour Ifemelu wanted for her hair attachments.

    “Colour four.*

    “Not good colour," Aisha said promptly.

    “That's what I use."

    “It look dirty. You don't want colour one?"

    “Colour one is too black, it looks fake," Ifemelu said, loosening her headwrap. “Sometimes I use colour two, but colour four is closest to my natural colour."


    She touched Ifemelu’s hair. "Why you don’t have relaxer?"

    “I like my hair the way God made it."

    “But how you comb it? Hard to comb." Aisha said.

    Ifemelu had brought her own comb. She gently combed her hair, dense, soft and tightly coiled, until it framed her head like a halo. “It's not hard to comb if you moisturize it properly," she said, slipping into the coaxing tone of the proselytizer that she used whenever she was trying to convince other black women about the merits of wearing their hair natural. Aisha snorted; she clearly could not understand why anybody would choose to suffer through combing natural hair, instead of simply relaxing it. She sectioned out Ifemelu's hair, plucked a little attachment from the pile on the table and began deftly to twist.

ADICHIE. C. Americanah A novel New York: Anchor Books. 2013

A passagem do romance da escritora nigeriana traz um diálogo entre duas mulheres negras: a cabeleireira, Aisha, e a cliente, Ifemelu. O posicionamento da cliente é sustentado por argumentos que

Q1669874 Inglês
A Mother in a Refugee Camp
No Madonna and Child could touch Her tenderness for a son She soon would have to forget... The air was heavy with odors of diarrhea, Of unwashed children with washed-out ribs And dried-up bottoms waddling in labored steps Behind blown-empty bellies. Other mothers there Had long ceased to care, but not this one: She held a ghost-smile between her teeth, and in her eyes the memory Of a mother's pride... She had bathed him And rubbed him down with bare palms. She took from their bundle of possessions A broken comb and combed The rust-colored hair left on his skull And then — humming in her eyes — began carefully (to part it. In their former life this was perhaps A little daily act of no consequence Before his breakfast and school; now she did it Like putting flowers on a tiny grave. ACHEBE. C Collected Poems New York Anchof Books. 20W
O escritor nigeriano Chinua Achebe traz uma reflexão sobre a situação dos refugiados em um cenário pós-guerra civil em seu país. Essa reflexão é construída no poema por meio da representação de uma mãe, explorando a(s)
Q1669875 Inglês

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Disponível em. https// Acesso em 12 jun 2018.

Os recursos usados nesse pôster de divulgação de uma campanha levam o leitor a refletir sobre a necessidade de

Q1669876 Inglês

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Disponível em www csuchico edu Acesso em 11 dez 2017

Nesse pôster de divulgação de uma campanha que aborda a diversidade e a inclusão, a interação dos elementos verbais e não verbais faz referência ao ato de

Q1677447 Inglês

If Women Had Their Own Currency, Here’s What It Would Be Worth

Charlotte Alter @charlottealter Maya Rhodan @m_rhodan July 31, 2014

   After a little girl asked President Obama why there aren’t any women on U.S. currency, he said that adding some female faces to our cash sounded like a "pretty good idea". Almost immediately, all of our fantasies came alive on the web. What would, let’s say, Ruth Bader Ginsburg look like on a $20 bill? Where would we spend our Beyoncé $10 bill first? Will our grandmas give us a Susan B. Anthony $5 bill on our birthdays and tell us not to spend it all at once?

  But then we remembered: because of the wage gap, a dollar for a woman is not the same as a dollar for a man. Although the true extent of the gender pay gap is widely disputed even among feminists, President Obama said in the 2014 State of the Union that women make only 77¢ for every dollar a man makes.

Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 ago. 2014 (adaptado). 

Nas notas e moedas de dólar norte-americano, estão estampados apenas bustos de homens. Ao imaginar a possibilidade de inclusão de figuras célebres femininas às notas, o autor do texto indica que
Q1677448 Inglês

Women in Theatre: Why Do So Few Make It to the Top?

An all-female Julius Caesar (A Shakespeare play) has just hit the stage, but it's a rarity in theatre. In a special report, Charlotte Higgins asks leading figures why women are still underrepresented at every level of the business — and what needs to change.

HIGGINS, C. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 dez. 2012.

O vocábulo “rarity” tem um papel central na abordagem do assunto desse texto, que destaca a

Q1677449 Inglês
Vogue Magazine’s Complicated Relationship with Diversity
   Edward Enninful, the new editor-in-chief of British Vogue, has a proven history of addressing diversity that many hope will be the start of an overhaul of the global Vogue brand. 
   In March, he responded sublimely when US President Donald Trump nominated Supreme Court judge Neil Gorsuch, who allegedly does not care much about civil rights: Enninful styled a shoot for his then employer, the New York-based W magazine, in which a range of ethnically diverse models climb the stairs of an imaginary "Supreme Court". In February, after Trump initiated the much-debated immigration ban, Enninful put together a video showcasing the various fashion celebrities who have immigrated into the US. Even before his first official day in Vogue’s Mayfair offices, Enninful had hired two English superstars of Jamaican descent in an attempt to diversify the team. Model Naomi Campbell and make-up artist Pat McGrath both share Enninful’s aim of championing fashion as a force for social change. 
   One can only hope that Enninful’s appointment is not a mere blip, but a move in the right direction on a long road to diversity for the global brand.
Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 ago. 2017 (adaptado).
Considerando-se as características dos trabalhos realizados pelo novo editor-chefe da Vogue inglesa, espera-se que a revista contribua para a 

Q1677450 Inglês

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GOAL has worked to improve access to food for highly vulnerable and food-insecure households in many districts of Zimbabwe. We identify such households, supply them with monthly food rations, and conduct monthly post-distribution monitoring. GOAL works in the same districts, to improve access to food for the most vulnerable primary school children during the peak hungry months. The emphasis is on orphans and vulnerable children. GOAL provides short-term food security support to other vulnerable households by increasing the availability of grain, and by helping enhance their ability to meet basic needs.

Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 dez. 2012 (adaptado).

Tendo como público-alvo crianças órfãs e em situações de vulnerabilidade, a organização não governamental GOAL tem atuado no Zimbábue para

Q1677451 Inglês

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Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 fev. 2012.

A observação dos elementos verbais e visuais do anúncio leva-nos à compreensão de que o objetivo da companhia de abastecimento de água de Denver é

Q718935 Inglês

                       Frankentissue: printable cell technology

      In November, researchers from the University of Wollongong in Australia announced a new bio-ink that is a step toward really printing living human tissue on an inkjet printer. It is like printing tissue dot-by-dot. A drop of bioink contains 10,000 to 30,000 cells. The focus of much of this research is the eventual production of tailored tissues suitable for surgery, like living Band-Aids, which could be printed on the inkjet.

      However, it is still nearly impossible to effectively replicate nature’s ingenious patterns on a home Office accessory. Consider that the liver is a series of globules, the kidney a set of pyramids. Those kinds of structures demand 3D printers that can build them up, layer by layer. At the moment, skin and other flat tissues are most promising for the inkjet.

                           Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 dez. 2012

O texto relata perspectivas no campo da tecnologia para cirurgias em geral, e a mais promissora para este momento enfoca o(a)
Q718936 Inglês

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Orientações à população são encontradas também em sites oficiais. Ao clicar no endereço eletrônico mencionado no cartaz disponível na internet, o leitor tem acesso aos(às)

Q718937 Inglês

                             Italian university switches to English

                By Sean Coughlan, BBC News education correspondent

                         16 May 2012 Last updated at 09:49 GMT

      Milan is crowded with Italian icons, which makes it even more of a cultural earthquake that one of Italy's leading universities — the Politecnico di Milano — is going to switch to the English language. The university has announced that from 2014 most of its degree courses — including all its graduate courses — will be taught and assessed entirely in English rather than Italian.

      The waters of globalisation are rising around higher education — and the university believes that if it remains Italian-speaking it risks isolation and will be unable to compete as an international institution. “We strongly believe our classes should be international classes — and the only way to have international classes is to use the English language”, says the university’s rector, Giovanni Azzone.

                       COUGHLAN, S. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 jul. 2012.

As línguas têm um papel importante na comunicação entre pessoas de diferentes culturas. Diante do movimento de internacionalização no ensino superior, a universidade Politecnico di Milano decidiu
Q718938 Inglês

Ebony and ivory

Ebony and ivory live together in perfect harmony

Side by side on my piano keyboard, oh Lord, why don't we?

We all know that people are the same wherever we go

There is good and bad in ev'ryone,

We learn to live, we learn to give

Each other what we need to survive together alive

McCARTNEY, P Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 maio 2016.

Em diferentes épocas e lugares, compositores têm utilizado seu espaço de produção musical para expressar e problematizar perspectivas de mundo. Paul McCartney, na letra dessa canção, defende

Q718939 Inglês

      BOGOF is used as a noun as in 'There are some great bogofs on at the supermarket' or an adjective, usually with a word such as 'offer’ or 'deal’ — 'there are some great bogof offers in store'.

      When you combine the first letters of the words in a phrase or the name of an organisation, you have an acronym. Acronyms are spoken as a word so NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) is not pronounced N-A-T-O. We say NATO. Bogof, when said out loud, is quite comical for a native speaker, as it sounds like an insult, 'Bog off!’ meaning go away, leave me alone, slightly childish and a little old-fashioned.

      BOGOF is the best-known of the supermarket marketing strategies. The concept was first imported from the USA during the 1970s recession, when food prices were very high. It came back into fashion in the late 1990s, led by big supermarket chains trying to gain a competitive advantage over each other. Consumers were attracted by the idea that they could get something for nothing. Who could possibly say 'no’?

                              Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 ago. 2012 (adaptado). 

Considerando-se as informações do texto, a expressão “bogof” é usada para
Q745544 Inglês

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A campanha desse pôster, direcionada aos croatas, tem como propósito

Q745545 Inglês

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Bansky é um grafiteiro famoso. Na obra pintada em um muro da cidade de Claremont, Califórnia, em 2007, ele fez uso de um trocadilho com a palavra “change”, o que caracteriza seu grafite como um protesto contra a

Q745546 Inglês

                      Mauritius: gender roles and statuses

      Division of Labor by Gender. The economic success of industry has led to low unemployment rates. This has changed the workplace and home life as women joined the workforce. This industrialization also led to women being promoted faster. According to the Minister of Women, Family Welfare, and Child Development, a quarter of all managers are now women.

      Women are the traditional homekeepers of the society. Between 1985 and 1991 the number of women working outside the home increased from 22 percent to 41 percent. With that trend continuing, hired housekeeping and child care have become relatively new and important industries.

      The Relative Status of Women and Men. Historically, women have had subordinate roles in Mauritian society. However, the Constitution specifically prohibits discrimination based on sex, and women now have access to education, employment, and governmental services.

      In March 1998 the Domestic Violence Act was passed. This gave greater protection and legal authority to combat domestic abuse. In that same year it also became a crime to abandon one's family or pregnant spouse for more than two months, not to pay food support, or to engage in sexual harassment.

      Women are underrepresented in the government. The National Assembly has seventy seats, of which women hold five.

                            Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 fev. 2013.

Questões como o papel de homens e mulheres na sociedade contemporânea vêm sendo debatidas de diferentes pontos de vista, influenciados por valores culturais específicos de cada sociedade. No caso das Ilhas Maurício, esses valores sustentam a tomada de decisão em torno da
Q745547 Inglês

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Anúncios publicitários buscam chamar a atenção do consumidor por meio de recursos diversos. Nesse pôster, os números indicados correspondem ao(à)

Q745548 Inglês

                 Newvaccine could fight nicotine addiction

      Cigarette smokers who are having trouble quitting because of nicotine's addictive power may some day be able to receive a novel antibody-producing vaccine to help them kick the habit.

      The average cigarette contains about 4 000 different chemicals that — when burned and inhaled — cause the serious health problems associated with smoking. But it is the nicotine in cigarettes that, like other addictive substances, stimulates rewards centers in the brain and hooks smokers to the pleasurable but dangerous routine.

      Ronald Crystal, who chairs the department of genetic medicine at Weill-Cornell Medical College in New York, where researchers are developing a nicotine vaccine, said the idea is to stimulate the smoker's immune system to produce antibodies or immune proteins to destroy the nicotine molecule before it reaches the brain.

                BERMAN, J. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jul. 2012.

Muitas pessoas tentam parar de fumar, mas fracassam e sucumbem ao vício. Na tentativa de ajudar os fumantes, pesquisadores da Weill-Cornell Medical College estão desenvolvendo uma vacina que

Q2546388 Inglês

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Por meio de recursos verbais e não verbais, esse cartaz de campanha objetiva

1: C
2: E
3: A
4: A
5: E
6: D
7: A
8: C
9: D
10: C
11: E
12: D
13: E
14: A
15: A
16: B
17: C
18: D
19: D
20: D