Questões Militares
Comentadas sobre artigos | articles em inglês
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“Bright Star is a joint exercise. It is _____ important part of combat training. Servicemen and women from _____ army, navy and air force participate in _____ exercise. It takes place in _____ north-east of Egypt, near _____ Mediterranean. They practise military skills.”
“In my cottage there are ________ tables in the dining room and there is _________ armchair in _________ living room.
“In my cottage there are _______ tables in the dining room and there is ________ armchair in _______ living room.”
Read text li to answer question
Text II
10 Shorts Not to Miss at 2020's
Annecy "Carne" (Camila Kater, Abano Produciónes, Doctela, Brazil, Spain)
Camila Kater's debut short is _______ fresh, unprejudiced reflection on femininity through successive stages of life. A resourceful documentary, "Carne" mixes diverse techniques such as paint, watercolor, stop motion, 35mm film and virtual imagery decomposition to obtain a harmonious, vindicating ensemble narrated by five women from childhood to old age, from around the world. Produced by Spain's Abano and Brazil's Doctela, it premiered last year at Locamo, earning a special mention. Multiple further awards fo!lowed.
Read the following sentence.
"Camila Kater's debut short is ______ fresh, unprejudiced reflection on femininity through successive stages of life."
Mark the option that completes the sentence correctly
_______ China's first autonomous cargo ship, named Jin Dou Yun O Hao, has made its first voyage in Zhuhai. Yunzhou Tech, ______ technology company based in Zhuhai, developed ______ ship in collaboration with Wuhan University of Technology and CCS. _______ autonomous cargo ship will reduce 20°/o construction cost, 20% operation cost and 15% fuel consumption.
(Adapted from
Which of the options completes the text below correctly?
I got into________ accident on my bike
If you have experienced ________ crash on your Citi Bike and are injured, call 911 immediately. You should also call ________ police department w here_________ crash took place and file ________ report w ith __________officer to make sure that all important information is documented.
(Adapted from
Read and complete the sentence below.
I’m traveling to ,______ United States next month. I want to see _____ Hawaii and________ Rocky Mountains (depending on_______money and________time!).
Mark the option which best completes the blanks respectiveiy.
For many years, Scotland was ___________ poor country. But now things are better for most people. There is oil and gas in __________sea between Scotland and Norway. Edinburgh is ____________ important place for money, and there are big banks there, like the Royal Bank of Scotland. Tourists visit this beautiful country and they bring money to Scotland too. Many people love living and working there, and more than 20 million visitors go to Scotland each year.
Now, mark the correct option, from top to bottom:
Language, brain and disability
It has often been remarked that we come to appreciate_____unique complexity and function of language only when it starts to go wrong. This happens daily in many small ways - when we detect ambiguity, express ourselves incoherently, or speak at cross-purposes. Less commonly, it happens in _____ dramatic and devastating manner, in _____ form of language disability. Those who find it difficult or impossible to communicate, on account of some physical, psychological, or other disability, face _____ frustrating, isolated, and uncertain future, in which their disability is often not recognized, and community support services may be inaccessible or absent. Drawing attention to ______ existence and extent of language disability is thus _____important role for any encyclopedia of language.
(Adapted from: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of language)
Read the text to do the question below. Complete with a, the or Ø (no article).
___________ Brazil is a huge country.
In,___________North, there are____________rain forests and ___________ longest river is also situated there. In ___________ South, ____________ climate is more European. ___________ Brazil also has many social differences.___________ rich own most of____________ country’s wealth and ___________ poor often live on minimum wage.
Now mark the option which completes the gaps
Read the text and answer question
I am from New Zealand, which is _____ country that is in _____
Pacific Ocean. Wellington is _____ name of _____ capital of my
Choose the best alternative to complete the blanks in the text.
Choose the alternative that correctly completes the sentences according to the right use of articles:
When we cross the street we must wait for the green man on _____ crossing sign, but in one Australian city, he no longer wears trousers._____ city of Melbourne is now in the news because it changed some of the pedestrian lights from men to women._____member of the Melbourne city board thinks that to see only__ ___male figure is not right. She hopes that _____female figure will make our world equal.
Which option correctly completes the sentences below?
1 - _________River Thames is a river that flows through London.
2- Sweden is in_____ northern Europe.
3- _____ Lake Superior is the largest of the Great Lakes of North America.
4- ______ Canaries are an archipelago and autonomous community of Spain.
5- ______ French are famous for their food.
What is the correct option to complete the text below?
Navy Ships Respond to Piracy Attack
Late night on 08 April______distress call was received from ______foreign merchant vessel MV OS 35 (Tuvalu registered vessel), which was attacked and boarded by pirates in ______Gulf of Aden.
______Indian Navy ships Mumbai, Tarkash, Trishul and Aditya proceeding on deployment to ______ Mediterranean responded to ______ call and rapidly closed______merchant vessel by ______ early hours of 09 April.
(Adapted from http: // www. marineinsight .com / shipping)
What is the correct option to complete the text below?
The current smartphone market
It's______ brand new year and already there have been ______new smartphones released onto the market.
Upgrading from your current device can be ______exciting time, but it can also be______little confusing with all of______options available.
(http ://
Complete the sentences using an article when necessary.
I- Is Mario_________ honest man?
II- The students wear_________ uniform here.
III- _________ Smiths live next to the supermarket.
IV- __________ Brasília was made the capital ia 1960.
Choose the correct option.
Read the text and answer question
Traditional American cake bars
100g butter 1tsp. vanilla ½ tsp baking powder
200g sugar ¼ tsp salt 100g chopped walnuts
2 eggs 100g flour 50g chocolate U
Melt _____ chocolate and butter and mix carefully.
Add _____ sugar and mix again until smooth. Leave to cool.
Add _____ eggs and vanilla and mix.
Add _____ flour, baking powder, and salt, and mix until well-combined.
Stir in the walnuts.
Put the mix in a cake tin and cook for 25min at 175°C.
Eat with fruit or ice cream.