Questões Militares
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Sergeant Brooks: Can you tell me _____ you last saw Private Johnson?
Corporal Diaz: I last saw him in Colonel Grant’s office.
Sergeant Brooks: _____ did you see him exactly?
Corporal Diaz: Five minutes before lunch break.
Sergeant Brooks: And _____ was he doing there?
Corporal Diaz: He was repairing the colonel’s computer.
Sergeant Brooks: _____ was he with?
Corporal Diaz: Nobody. He was alone.
Sergeant Brooks: _____ did you go to the Colonel’s Office?
Corporal Diaz: Because I had to take documents to Colonel Grant before he left for lunch.
When Johnny comes marching home By Patrick Sarsfield Gilmore
When Johnny comes marching home again Hurrah! Hurrah!
We’ll give him a hearty welcome then Hurrah! Hurrah!
The men will cheer and the boys will shout The ladies they will all turn out
Disponível em Acesso em 22 de dezembro de 2022.
Read the song and choose the correct answer.
Leia o texto para responder à questão.
Because we all have different styles of teaching, and therefore planning, orientations about course planning and delivery should not be meant to be prescriptive. As Bailey (1996) points out, a lesson plan is like a road map “which describes where the teacher hopes to go in a lesson, presumably taking the students along”. It is the latter part of this quote that is important for teachers to remember, because they may need to make “in-flight” changes in response to the actuality of the classroom. As Bailey (1996) correctly points out, “In realizing lesson plans, part of a skilled teacher’s logic in use involves managing such departures to maximimize teaching and learning opportunities”. Clearly thought-out lesson plans will more likely maintain the attention of students and increase the likelihood that they will be interested.
(RICHARDS, Jack C.; RENANDYA, Willy A.(Ed.).
Methodology in language teaching: an anthology of current practice.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. p. 36. Adaptado)
Choose the alternative that best completes the dialogue:
Mary: Hi, ____ am Mary Smith. ___ am from the USA. What’s your name?
Paul: _____ name is Paul Thompson.
Mary: Nice to meet you. _____ are you from?
Paul: Nice to meet you, too. _____ am from London. And who is ____ woman?
Mary: ____ is Jessica Lopez. ____ is from the USA too.
From Nail bars to car washes: how big
is the UK’s slavery problem?
by Annie Kelly
Does slavery exist in the UK?
More than 250 years since the end of the
transatlantic slave trade, there are close to 41
million people still trapped in some form of slavery
across the world today. Yet nobody really knows
the scale and how many victims or perpetrators of
this crime there are in Britain.
The data that has been released is inconsistent. The government believes there are about 13,000 victims of slavery in the UK, while earlier this year the Global Slavery Index released a much higher estimate of 136,000.
Statistics on slavery from the National Crime Agency note the number of people passed on to the government’s national referral mechanism (NRM), the process by which victims of slavery are identified and granted statutory support. While this data gives a good snapshot of what kinds of slavery are most prevalent and who is falling victim to exploiters, it doesn’t paint the whole picture. For every victim identified by the police, there will be many others who are not found and remain under the control of traffickers, pimps and gangmasters.
There are also many potential victims who don’t agree to go through the mechanism because they don’t trust the authorities, or are too scared to report their traffickers. Between 1 November 2015 and 30 June 2018, the government received notifications of 3,306 potential victims of modern slavery in England and Wales who were not referred to the NRM.
The police recorded 3,773 modern slavery offences between June 2017 and June 2018.
(Source: oct/18/nail-bars-car-washes-uk-slavery-problem-anti-slavery-day. Access: 20/10/2018)
Which question word completes the dialogue correctly?
Peter:______wasn’t Mary at work yesterday?
Jane: She was ill.
Which question word best completes the paragraph below?
So if smoking is so bad for you, ______ is it so hard to quit? Stopping smoking is difficult for several reasons: nicotine is highly addictive, rewarding psychological aspects of smoking and genetic predisposition.
(Adapted from http://www.spine-health,com/wellness/stop-smoking)
Languages are taught and learned in various places, some in informal settings, others in formal contexts, such as classrooms. It is common knowledge that regardless of the method used, second language learners achieve mastery of the target language to varying degrees. Although 10 individuals may be in the same language class for a year, their eventual proficiency level and profile will be different from one another. This is the result of a combination of the factors briefly mentioned above, compounded with the pedagogical methods that the learner has encountered. Generally speaking, it can be stated that most individuals learn to communicate basic information through a conversation in the target language in the first few years of active language study (provided that there are opportunities to use the language to create personal meaning). It is important to note that mere exposure or contact with the target language in most cases is not sufficient to result in productive language skills.
“This is a result of a combination of the factors briefly mentioned above” (sentence 04) is a sentence in which the subject is clearly in evidence. Now, mark the alternative in which the underlined word(s) is the subject.
I. Who is the pilot that flew the TAM aircraft which burnet out in São Paulo?
I. Who is the pilot that flew the TAM aircraft which burnet out in São Paulo?
III. What was responsible for the TAM aircraft crash in São Paulo?
IV. What was responsible for the TAM aircraft crash in São Paulo?
Choose the best alternative to answer the question below:
What is Antarctica like?
Mark the sentence below that CANNOT answer the following question correctly.
“ Which prejudice do you have?” (line 56).
Many South Africans remain poor and unemployment is high − a factor blamed for a wave of violent attacks against migrant workers from other African countries in 2008 and protests by township residents over poor living conditions during the summer of 2009.
Land redistribution is a crucial problem that continues existing. Most farmland is still white-owned. ________ land acquisition on a "willing buyer, willing seller" basis, officials have signaled that large-scale expropriations are on the cards. The government aims to transfer 30% of farmland to black South Africans by 2014.
Mark the correct question to the answer below.
“The government aims to transfer 30% of farmland to black South Africans by 2014.”
Leave Out All The Rest (Linking Park)
Soundtrack of Twilight
I dreamed I was missing
You were so scared
But no one would listen
‘Cause no one else cared
After my dreaming
I woke with this fear
What am I leaving
When I’m done here
When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I’ve done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed
Don’t be afraid
I’ve taken my beating
I’ve shared what
I made
Someone else can come and save me from myself
I can’t be who you are
Read the dialogue and mark the right expression to complete it correctly.
A: _____________ have you been working as a sergeant?
B: For about 2 years.
The National Gallery in London is among a growing number of venues that have banned selfie sticks. ________ is so wrong with walking around a gallery taking pictures of yourself ? The gallery says it needs to protect artworks and other visitors. But some users can’t see what the fuss is about.
(Adapted from