Questões Militares de Inglês - Pronomes | Pronouns

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Q1663211 Inglês
In “scientists were expecting that visit” (line 17), the underlined word has the same use as in
Q1663091 Inglês

Choose the right alternative to complete the gap:

Mr. Thompson’s secretary was ill yesterday, so he had to type the document ________.

Q1663089 Inglês

Complete the sentences with the right demonstrative pronoun:

    Who is ________ officer over there? 

Q1660127 Inglês
The word “My” in the text is a ____________ pronoun.
Q1660123 Inglês

Dear Jane, 

    Everybody says that people like to wear sunglasses. My mother has two and my sisters have many. In my opinion, sunglasses make people look artificial. My friends disagree with me. They always do that. Nobody understands me. Am I wrong? 

The word Everybody in bold in the text is 
26: C
27: C
28: B
29: D
30: A