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Ano: 2023 Banca: IBFC Órgão: PM-PB Prova: IBFC - 2023 - PM-PB - Soldado PM - Combatente |
Q2289399 Inglês
Why Climate Change Could Mean
More Delayed Flights

    No one enjoys a delayed flight, but as our weather gets warmer, we can expect more of them.
   That's according to experts, who say that the heat of the summer might cause more delays.
    Bloomberg looked at US data for flight delays at airports in Chicago and New York from June to August in 2022 and from January to March in 2023. It found that there were more delayed flights in the summer months at both airports.
    When the temperature rises above 39 degrees Celsius, things get very difficult for airlines, Bijan Vasigh, a professor at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in the US, told Bloomberg.
    The air is thinner when it gets hot and that makes it harder for planes to take off. In thinner air there is not as much lift, so more power is needed.
     When they need more power, it helps to have a lighter airplane.
    That might mean pilots have to make last-minute decisions to reduce the weight on board by dumping fuel, passengers or baggage — meaning the plane will probably be delayed.
    The problem gets worse at airports that are at a higher altitude where the air is already thinner, and at airports with short runways, since planes need more space to get up to a high speed.
   But thin air is not the only problem. Smoke from wildfires — that have been happening all around the world in the summer of 2023 —can also cause flights to be delayed and canceled.
    Of course, the summer is also a busy time when millions of people fly, and weather is not the only cause of delays — but our hotter climate doesn't seem to be helping.

Internet: Engoo
O último parágrafo começa com a expressão "Of course". Assinale a alternativa que apresenta qual das seguintes expressões não é um sinônimo. 
Q2237481 Inglês

Text 1 A11-I

ingles.png (378×116)

Internet: < > (adapted).

Considering text 1 A11-I, choose the correct option. 
Q2201219 Inglês
Read the text and answer the question.

Kids can show anxiety symptoms early on
Kristen Rogers - CNN

       Excessive clinginess to parents can be a sign a child is struggling with an anxiety disorder, experts have said.
    Anxiety disorders are marked by persistent and excessive worries. While someone with generalized anxiety might worry about various everyday things, someone with social anxiety typically has ‘intense or persistent fears or worries about being judged negatively by other people’, said Rachel Busman, a New York-based clinical psychologist and cognitive and behavioral consultant _______ specialized in anxiety.
      One fifth of children worldwide have anxiety symptoms that are clinically elevated, or worse than what is considered normal, according to a 2011 study.
       Anxiety symptoms can be difficult to spot, but the sooner parents notice signs, the earlier mental health professionals ‘can help parents and kids understand what is happening’, said Dr. Rebecca Baum, a professor of general pediatrics and adolescent medicine at the University of North Carolina.
        Children with anxiety might begin to avoid anxietyinducing situations. This behavior can facilitate a cycle that makes their fears bigger and bigger.

Adapted from
Which word can substitute ‘clinginess’ (line 1) without changing the meaning? 
Q2201216 Inglês
Read the text and answer the question.

From space, astronaut sounds the alarm about climate crisis
The Associated Press

    A French astronaut has used a video call from space to sound the alarm about worsening repercussions from climate change that he can see ______ the International Space Station.
       Entire regions of Earth in flames. Storms trailing destruction in their wake. And the haunting fragility of humanity’s only home floating like a blue — but also tarnished — pearl in the vastness of space.
      Through the portholes ______ the International Space Station, French astronaut Thomas Pesquet has an arresting view of global warming’s repercussions. He used a video call from space to sound the alarm Thursday, as negotiators, government officials and activists continued meeting at a U.N. climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland.
        “We see the pollution of rivers, atmospheric pollution, things like that.”
        “We saw entire regions burning from the space station, ______ Canada, in California,” he said. “We saw all of California covered ______ a cloud of smoke and flames with the naked eye from 400 kilometers (250 miles) up.”

Adapted from Access on October 25th.
The underlined expression in the text is similiar in meaning to
Ano: 2022 Banca: FGV Órgão: CBM-RJ Prova: FGV - 2022 - CBM-RJ - Cadete do Corpo de Bombeiro |
Q1992608 Inglês
Read the text and answer the question that follow it.

The exciting technologies revolutionizing firefighting in 2022

    One of the most important tools for a firefighter in the field is the ability to communicate with other members of the crew, officers, and decision-makers. Communication can be the difference between being able to ask for – and receive – help, or being alone as fires move, shift, and change.
  Communication can be the difference between having the latest intelligence and knowledge about what is going on, or being in the dark. Communication is also the difference between having a coordinated, collaborative effort, or having a number of individuals operating independently – which is the least effective way to fight a fire.
    While cellular networks have expanded and improved tremendously – especially in the age of 5G – there are still areas of our country where cellular connectivity and other terrestrial mobile networks aren’t available. There are also some situations where the communications equipment that power terrestrial networks can be damaged in fires, and leave firefighters without connectivity.
    This is why mobile mesh networking will be a widely adopted technology for firefighters and hotshot crews in 2022.
   Mobile mesh networking can enable the use of communications and situational awareness tools – such as ATAK – off the grid in places where other terrestrial networks don’t exist. This means that firefighters will be able to share information and see each other’s locations even in isolated, remote locations. They can also be used to spread connectivity over a wide geographic area and to each individual without a single, centralized piece of equipment that can be compromised and fail. This means they can deliver resilient and redundant communications that is always available to the firefighter.
   Finally, mobile mesh networking can be a low-cost alternative to connecting IoT devices. Instead of each individual sensor requiring its own expensive cellular connection – or incredibly pricey satellite connection – mobile mesh can be used to connect IoT devices over a wide geographic area with no recurring cost. This can help accelerate fire-focused IoT programs, and enable the government to extend them to more areas at a lower cost to the taxpayer.
   Enabling resilient, reliable communications and situational awareness alone is enough to make mobile mesh networking a game-changer for firefighting. But its ability to inexpensively connect IoT devices and sensors that can make firefighting more proactive and less dangerous make mobile mesh technologies essential in 2022.

Adapted from
“Latest” in “the latest intelligence and knowledge” (2nd paragraph) can be replaced without change of meaning by
1: C
2: C
3: B
4: D
5: D