Questões Militares Comentadas sobre verbos | verbs em inglês

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Q950710 Inglês
The word “honestly” underlined in the text is
Q950707 Inglês

Read the text and answer questions

Ursula! I whispered

Yes, my darling, she said, without __________ her eyes.

What have you got in your basket? I asked. She opened her eyes, startled, and looked at me.

What do you mean? she said defensively.

There is something moving in your basket, I said.

Oh, it’s nothing. It’s just a present for somebody. She said.

Adapted from, FERGUSON, Kenneth. Read for Meaning, Comprehension tests for First Certificate. Ed. Evans Brothers, first Published 1975.

Read the text and choose the best response.

The verbs “whispered” and “said” underlined in the text refer to

Q950705 Inglês

Read the text and answer questions

Ursula! I whispered

Yes, my darling, she said, without __________ her eyes.

What have you got in your basket? I asked. She opened her eyes, startled, and looked at me.

What do you mean? she said defensively.

There is something moving in your basket, I said.

Oh, it’s nothing. It’s just a present for somebody. She said.

Adapted from, FERGUSON, Kenneth. Read for Meaning, Comprehension tests for First Certificate. Ed. Evans Brothers, first Published 1975.

The word “darling”, line 2, in the text refers to
Q950704 Inglês

Read the text and answer questions

Ursula! I whispered

Yes, my darling, she said, without __________ her eyes.

What have you got in your basket? I asked. She opened her eyes, startled, and looked at me.

What do you mean? she said defensively.

There is something moving in your basket, I said.

Oh, it’s nothing. It’s just a present for somebody. She said.

Adapted from, FERGUSON, Kenneth. Read for Meaning, Comprehension tests for First Certificate. Ed. Evans Brothers, first Published 1975.

Choose the appropriate word to fill in the blank.
Q950699 Inglês

Read the extract and choose the best alternative to complete the blank.

Dan and Jenny are married. They got married exactly 20 years ago, so today is their 20th wedding anniversary. They ___________ together for 20 years.

Q950696 Inglês

Read the dialogue and choose the best alternative to complete the blanks, respectively.

— Hey Bob, let’s keep ________. We’re almost there!

— I think you need to ________, Grandma!

— Do I?

Q950688 Inglês
Choose the alternative that shows the same tense as in the sentence “Have you heard of the Facebook?”
Q950687 Inglês
The sentence “You should sign up”, line 6, expresses
Q937959 Inglês

Leia o texto a seguir e responda à questão.

Learn to code, it’s more important than English as a second language

    Apple CEO Tim Cook says coding is the best foreign language that a student in any country can learn. The tech executive made the remarks to French outlet Konbini while in the country for a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron. The tech leader gave some brief thoughts on education:

    “If I were a French student and I were 10 years old, I think it would be more important for me to learn coding than English. I’m not telling people not to learn English in some form – but I think you understand what I am saying is that this is a language that you can use to express yourself to 7 billion people in the world. I think that coding should be required in every public school in the world.”

    Of course, it’s in Cook’s best interest to have the world learning how to code. He runs a tech company that depends on access to a constantly growing pipeline of talent. But it could be in your interest too: studying coding could increase your chances of pulling in a big salary. A computer-science education, at least in countries like the US, is one of the most viable and lucrative career paths open to young people today.

    But, Cook says, the benefits go beyond that. “It’s the language that everyone needs, and not just for the computer scientists. It’s for all of us”. He added that programming encourages students of all disciplines to be inventive and experimental: “Creativity is the goal. Coding is just to allow that. Creativity is in the front seat; technology is in the backseat. With the combination of both of these you can do such powerful things now.”

Adapted from

Which one from the underlined verbs in the text conveys a verb tense that is different from the others?
Q937067 Inglês

Choose the correct option to complete the text below.

In the age of sail, however, a captain's options ______if a more powerful enemy ship_______while his own vessel______at anchor. If the situation was urgent [...], a captain_____ _ that it was more prudent to cut the anchor cable [...], and run, living to fight another day.

(https ://

Q937064 Inglês

Which option completes the sentences below correctly?

I- The faucet is dripping. I need to have it______.

II- We got him ______ us with the first steps of the project.

III- They got the living room ______in pastel colors as they had always wanted.

IV- Instead of buying a new computer, why don’t you have your old one______?

Q937059 Inglês

Which option completes the paragraph below correctly?

In places with electricity, artificial lighting has prolonged our experience of daylight, allowing us ______ productive for longer. At the same time, it has cut nighttime short, and so to get enough sleep we now have______it all in one go. Now, "normar sleep requires forgoing the periods of wakefulness that used______up the night; we simply don't have time for a midnight chat with the neighbor any longer. "But people with particularly strong circadian rhythms continue,_____ , up in the night.

(https ://

Q937057 Inglês

                             Switzerland’s invisible linguistic borders

      There are four official Swiss languages: German, French, Italian and Romansh, an indigenous language with limited status that's similar to Latin and spoken today by only a handful of Swiss. A fifth language, English, is increasingly used to bridge the linguistic divide. In a recent survey by Pro Unguis, three quarters of those queried said they use English at least three times per week.

      In polyglot Switzerland, even linguistic divisions are divided. People in the German-speaking cantons speak Swiss-German at home but learn standard German in school. The Italian spoken in the Ticino canton is peppered with words borrowed from German and French.

      Language may not be destiny, but it does determine much more than the words we speak. Language drives culture, and culture drives life. In that sense, the Rõstigraben is as much a cultural border as a linguistic one. Life on either side of the divide unfolds at a different pace, Bianchi explained. “[In my opinion] French speakers are more laid-back. A glass of white wine for lunch on a workday is still rather usual. German speakers have little sense of humour, and follow rules beyond the rigidity of the Japanese."

      The cultural divide between Italian-speaking Switzerland and the rest of the country - a divide marked by the so-called Polentagraben - is even sharper. Italianspeakers are a distinct minority, accounting for only 8% of the population and living mostly in the far southern canton of Ticino. “When I first moved here, people told me, Ticino is just like Italy except everything works’, and I think that's true,” said Paulo Gonçalves, a Brazilian academic who has been living in Ticino for the past decade.

      Coming from a nation with one official spoken language, Gonçalves marvels at how the Swiss juggle four. “It is quite remarkable how they manage to get along,” he said, recalling going to a conference attended by people who spoke French, German, Italian and English. "You had presentations being given in four different languages in the same conference hall.’’

      Living in such a multilingual environment "really reshapes how I see the world and imagine the possibilities,” Gonçalves said. “I am a significantly different person than I was 10 years ago.”

      Switzerland’s languages are not evenly distributed. Of the country’s 26 cantons, most - 17 - are German speaking, while four are French and one Italian. (Three cantons are bilingual and one, Grisons, trilingual.) A majority of Swiss, 63%, speak German as their first language.

                                                                      (Abridged from http ://

Which option completes the sentence below correctly?

Greg ______, and ______ his leg while he ______ in Bariloche.

Q933370 Inglês

Choose the correct option.

By the time we get there, the party______________ .

Q933364 Inglês
Which is the correct sequence to complete the sentences below?
1.______ all your money on clothes is not good. 2 .1 don’t think this article deserves_____. 3. I’m afraid of______ sick during the trip. 4. It’s easy______deceived by fake news.
Q933363 Inglês
Choose the correct alternative to complete the text below.
About a year ago, two sisters ______ at a local Virginia Beach tea shop on a beautiful summer afternoon sipping delicious bubble tea, sharing laughs and enjoying each other's company, unsure of when they might see each other again. Both sisters ______the Navy in January 2014, leaving for basic training only two weeks apart. Since then, they ______assigned to different duty stations, making it difficult to find time to see each other.
(Adapted from:
Q929983 Inglês

Social media ’destroying how society works'

    A former Facebook executive has said social media is doing great harm to society around the world. The executive is a man called Chamath Palihapitiya. He ___________ Facebook in 2007 a n d ___________a vice president. He was responsible for increasing the number of users Facebook had. Mr Palihapitiya said he feels very guilty about getting more people to use social networks. He said the networks are destroying society because they are changing people's behavior. Twenty years ago, people talked to each other face to face. Today, people message each other and do not talk. People also really care about what other people think of them. They post photos and wait to see how many people like the photo. They get very sad if people do not like the photo.
    Mr. Palihapitiya said people should take a long break from social media so they can experience real life. He wants people to value each other instead of valuing online "hearts, likes, and thumbs-up". Palihapitiya also points out how fake news is affecting how we see the world, it is becoming easier for large websites to spread lies. It is also becoming easier to hurt other people online. Anyone can hide behind a fake user name and post lies about other people. Palihapitiya said this was a global problem. He is worried about social media so much that he has banned his children from using it. However, he did state that Facebook was a good company. He said: "Of course, it's not all bad. Facebook overwhelmingly does good in the world."
Mark the option in which there is NO Present Continuous Tense.
Q929982 Inglês

Social media ’destroying how society works'

    A former Facebook executive has said social media is doing great harm to society around the world. The executive is a man called Chamath Palihapitiya. He ___________ Facebook in 2007 a n d ___________a vice president. He was responsible for increasing the number of users Facebook had. Mr Palihapitiya said he feels very guilty about getting more people to use social networks. He said the networks are destroying society because they are changing people's behavior. Twenty years ago, people talked to each other face to face. Today, people message each other and do not talk. People also really care about what other people think of them. They post photos and wait to see how many people like the photo. They get very sad if people do not like the photo.
    Mr. Palihapitiya said people should take a long break from social media so they can experience real life. He wants people to value each other instead of valuing online "hearts, likes, and thumbs-up". Palihapitiya also points out how fake news is affecting how we see the world, it is becoming easier for large websites to spread lies. It is also becoming easier to hurt other people online. Anyone can hide behind a fake user name and post lies about other people. Palihapitiya said this was a global problem. He is worried about social media so much that he has banned his children from using it. However, he did state that Facebook was a good company. He said: "Of course, it's not all bad. Facebook overwhelmingly does good in the world."
Which verb forms respectively complete the gaps in text I?
Q922533 Inglês

Observe o 6º parágrafo:

One such pervasive trend concerns demographics. The age structure of most African countries invokes the classic pyramidal distribution, in which younger generations are more numerous than older ones. The trend is extreme in subSaharan Africa, where 60 percent of the total population is under the age of 25. And you can find similar figures in other regions.

Após uma breve análise linguística desse parágrafo, é CORRETO afirmar que

Q916345 Inglês
In the topic “Forced and early marriage” (line 56), the modal verb can be replaced by ____ without changing the meaning.
101: B
102: D
103: C
104: A
105: C
106: D
107: D
108: C
109: B
110: D
111: B
112: C
113: C
114: B
115: C
116: D
117: B
118: B
119: C
120: A