Questões Militares

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Q1045215 Direito Constitucional
Em relação aos princípios gerais do Sistema Tributário Nacional, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q1045214 Direito Civil
A respeito das Pessoas Jurídicas de Direito Privado, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q1045210 Direito Constitucional
Em relação à repartição de competências entre União e Estados na Constituição Federal, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q1045209 Direito Constitucional
A respeito do direito e interesses das populações indígenas, assinale a afirmativa INCORRETA.
Q1045208 Direito Constitucional
A respeito dos Direitos Sociais, Direito à Nacionalidade e Direitos Políticos, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q1045207 Direito Processual Civil - Novo Código de Processo Civil - CPC 2015
Em relação às provas no Código de Processo Civil, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q1045205 Direito Processual Civil - Novo Código de Processo Civil - CPC 2015
Em relação aos recursos no Código de Processo Civil, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q1045204 Direito Processual Civil - Novo Código de Processo Civil - CPC 2015
A respeito das normas fundamentais do processo civil, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q1045202 Direito Penal
Não se admite tentativa em:
I. crimes preterdolosos, crimes habituais, crimes de mera conduta; II. crimes plurissubsistentes, crimes dolosos, crimes permanentes; III. crimes formais, crimes culposos, crimes plurissubsistentes; IV. contravenções penais, crimes habituais, crimes omissivos próprios.
Analise os itens acima a assinale
Q1045200 Legislação da Justiça Militar
A Lei 8.457, de 4/9/1992, organiza e regula o funcionamento da Justiça Militar da União. No ano passado (2018), sofreu diversas alterações, algumas delas há muito defendidas e esperadas pelos estudiosos e operadores do Direito Militar. A respeito da estrutura da Justiça Militar da União, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q1045199 Direito Processual Penal Militar
Nas democracias, a atividade policial não é autorreferencial, mas está subordinada aos valores democráticos, à gestão democrática das políticas públicas. Assim, a accountability é um instrumento de adesão das práticas policiais às decisões políticas, dentro do paradigma democrático. (ÁVILA, Thiago André Pierobom de. Fundamentos do Controle Externo da Atividade Policial. Belo Horizonte: D’Plácido Editora, 2016)
A respeito da afirmativa acima e considerando o poder de polícia judiciária militar, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q1045197 Direito Penal Militar
Após ter sido advertida pelo Oficial de dia na parada (formatura do início do serviço da guarda), por estar com o uniforme em desalinho, a Sargento Erínia foi tomada pelo sentimento intenso de raiva e, como estava de serviço no rancho, resolveu vingar-se do jovem Tenente Ícaro. Assim, planejou colocar duas folhas de beladona (planta extremamente venenosa) na salada que serviria ao Tenente, no jantar daquele domingo. Planejou e começou a executar seu plano. Por volta das 18h30min, a Sargento Erínia levou ao refeitório dos oficiais a refeição do Tenente, na qual estavam as folhas tóxicas. Deixou o prato sobre a mesa e voltou para o rancho. Ocorre que, naquela noite, o Subcomandante do Quartel resolveu ir até a Organização Militar para assinar um documento e, por estar com sede, passou no refeitório. Vendo o prato do Tenente, decidiu experimentar um pouquinho de salada e acabou pegando uma das folhas de beladona. Em poucos minutos os sintomas da intoxicação começaram a aparecer, até que, três horas mais tarde, o subcomandante morreu envenenado. Realizadas as perícias e os exames, constatou-se a causa morte e, no decorrer das investigações, descobriu-se que a Sargento Erínia desejava matar o oficial de dia. Com base nesse fato, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q1045191 Direito Penal Militar
Em 13/10/17 foi publicada a Lei 13.491, que ampliou significativamente os limites do Direito Penal Militar, pois alterou o inciso II do art. 9º do CPM, para incluir no conjunto dos crimes militares os delitos previstos em toda a legislação penal comum, quando praticados nas circunstâncias e condições especificadas nas alíneas do referido inciso. Em relação a essa mudança, seus efeitos e as discussões que dela decorreram, avalie as seguintes afirmativas e a relação proposta ente elas.
I. As modificações trazidas pela Lei 13.491/17 não foram igualmente interpretadas e aceitas pelas diversas Instituições. A Associação dos Delegados de Polícia do Brasil (ADEPOL) e o Partido Socialismo e Liberdade (PSOL), por exemplo, combatem as alterações e ingressaram com Ações Direta de Inconstitucionalidade perante o Supremo Tribunal Federal. Nos autos das ADI’s, o Ministério Público Federal emitiu parecer pela inconstitucionalidade de dispositivos da lei.
II. A Lei 13.491 restabeleceu a competência da Justiça Militar da União para processar e julgar os crimes dolosos contra a vida praticados contra civis, em qualquer situação. Recorde-se que essa competência havia sido transferida da Justiça Militar para a Justiça Comum pela Lei 9.299/96, de iniciativa do Deputado Hélio Bicudo.
A respeito dessas afirmações, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q1045189 Direito Penal Militar
O traço característico e essencial da conduta criminosa é sua relação de contrariedade com o ordenamento jurídico, ao que se denomina antijuridicidade ou ilicitude. Portanto, parte-se da premissa de que a prática de um fato típico sugere a ilicitude. Entretanto, em situações excepcionais, o legislador autoriza o comportamento típico tornando-o “conforme o direito”, e o faz valendo-se de normas penais permissivas, mais conhecidas como causas excludentes da antijuridicidade, previstas no art. 42 do CPM. Além delas, existem causas justificativas supralegais, que são reconhecidas como produtos do próprio dinamismo social. A respeito das excludentes de ilicitude, é correto dizer que
Q1042189 Inglês

                      Prison without guards or weapons in Brazil

      Tatiane Correia de Lima is a 26-year-old mother of two who is serving a 12-year sentence in Brazil. The South American country has the world’s fourth largest prison population and its jails regularly come under the spotlight for their poor conditions, with chronic overcrowding and gang violence provoking deadly riots.

      Lima had just been moved from a prison in the mainstream penitential system to a facility run ______(1) the Association for the Protection and Assistance to Convicts (APAC) in the town of Itaúna, in Minas Gerais state. Unlike in the mainstream system, “which steals your femininity”, as Lima puts it, at the APAC jail she is allowed to wear her own clothes and have a mirror, make-up and hair dye. But the difference between the regimes is far more than skin-deep.

      The APAC system has been gaining growing recognition as a safer, cheaper and more humane answer to the country’s prison crisis. All APAC prisoners must have passed through the mainstream system and must show remorse and be willing to follow the strict regime of work and study which is part of the system’s philosophy. There are no guards or weapons and visitors are greeted by an inmate who unlocks the main door to the small women’s jail.

      Inmates are known as recuperandos (recovering people), reflecting the APAC focus ______(2) restorative justice and rehabilitation. They must study and work, sometimes in collaboration with the local community. If they do not - or if they try to abscond - they risk being returned to the mainstream system. There have been physical fights but never a murder at an APAC jail.

                          Adapted from

According to the text, choose the correct statement.
Q1042188 Inglês

                      Prison without guards or weapons in Brazil

      Tatiane Correia de Lima is a 26-year-old mother of two who is serving a 12-year sentence in Brazil. The South American country has the world’s fourth largest prison population and its jails regularly come under the spotlight for their poor conditions, with chronic overcrowding and gang violence provoking deadly riots.

      Lima had just been moved from a prison in the mainstream penitential system to a facility run ______(1) the Association for the Protection and Assistance to Convicts (APAC) in the town of Itaúna, in Minas Gerais state. Unlike in the mainstream system, “which steals your femininity”, as Lima puts it, at the APAC jail she is allowed to wear her own clothes and have a mirror, make-up and hair dye. But the difference between the regimes is far more than skin-deep.

      The APAC system has been gaining growing recognition as a safer, cheaper and more humane answer to the country’s prison crisis. All APAC prisoners must have passed through the mainstream system and must show remorse and be willing to follow the strict regime of work and study which is part of the system’s philosophy. There are no guards or weapons and visitors are greeted by an inmate who unlocks the main door to the small women’s jail.

      Inmates are known as recuperandos (recovering people), reflecting the APAC focus ______(2) restorative justice and rehabilitation. They must study and work, sometimes in collaboration with the local community. If they do not - or if they try to abscond - they risk being returned to the mainstream system. There have been physical fights but never a murder at an APAC jail.

                          Adapted from

In the sentence “But the difference between the regimes is far more than skin-deep.(paragraph 2), the expression skin-deep means
Q1042186 Inglês

                Lego wants to replace plastic blocks with sustainable materials

      The Lego Group wants to replace the plastic in their products with a “sustainable material” by 2030, the company announced.

      The world’s largest toy company will invest $1 billion in their new LEGO Sustainable Materials Centre in Denmark, which _______(1) devoted to finding and implementing new sustainable alternatives for their current building materials. Lego plans on hiring 100 specialists for the center. There is no official definition of a sustainable material.

      Legos _______(2) made with a strong plastic known as acrylonitrile butadiene styrene since 1963. The company uses more than 6,000 tons of plastic annually to manufacture its products, according to NBC News. Changing the raw material could have a large effect on Lego’s carbon footprint, especially considering that only 10% of the carbon emissions from Lego products come from its factories. The other 90% is produced from the extraction and refinement of raw materials, as well as distribution from factories to toy stores.

      The company _______(3) already taken steps to lower its carbon footprint, including a reduction of packaging size and an investment in an offshore wind farm.

                                  Adapted from

According to the text, choose the correct statement.
Q1042185 Inglês

                Lego wants to replace plastic blocks with sustainable materials

      The Lego Group wants to replace the plastic in their products with a “sustainable material” by 2030, the company announced.

      The world’s largest toy company will invest $1 billion in their new LEGO Sustainable Materials Centre in Denmark, which _______(1) devoted to finding and implementing new sustainable alternatives for their current building materials. Lego plans on hiring 100 specialists for the center. There is no official definition of a sustainable material.

      Legos _______(2) made with a strong plastic known as acrylonitrile butadiene styrene since 1963. The company uses more than 6,000 tons of plastic annually to manufacture its products, according to NBC News. Changing the raw material could have a large effect on Lego’s carbon footprint, especially considering that only 10% of the carbon emissions from Lego products come from its factories. The other 90% is produced from the extraction and refinement of raw materials, as well as distribution from factories to toy stores.

      The company _______(3) already taken steps to lower its carbon footprint, including a reduction of packaging size and an investment in an offshore wind farm.

                                  Adapted from

Choose the alternative containing the correct verb forms to complete gaps (1), (2) and (3) in paragraphs 2, 3 and 5 respectively.
Q1042184 Inglês

                Lego wants to replace plastic blocks with sustainable materials

      The Lego Group wants to replace the plastic in their products with a “sustainable material” by 2030, the company announced.

      The world’s largest toy company will invest $1 billion in their new LEGO Sustainable Materials Centre in Denmark, which _______(1) devoted to finding and implementing new sustainable alternatives for their current building materials. Lego plans on hiring 100 specialists for the center. There is no official definition of a sustainable material.

      Legos _______(2) made with a strong plastic known as acrylonitrile butadiene styrene since 1963. The company uses more than 6,000 tons of plastic annually to manufacture its products, according to NBC News. Changing the raw material could have a large effect on Lego’s carbon footprint, especially considering that only 10% of the carbon emissions from Lego products come from its factories. The other 90% is produced from the extraction and refinement of raw materials, as well as distribution from factories to toy stores.

      The company _______(3) already taken steps to lower its carbon footprint, including a reduction of packaging size and an investment in an offshore wind farm.

                                  Adapted from

In the sentence “Changing the raw material could have a large effect on Lego’s carbon footprint...” (paragraph 4), the expression carbon footprint means
Q1042183 Inglês

                                (Título omitido propositadamente)

      Italian children have been told not to turn up to school unless they can prove they have been properly vaccinated. The deadline follows months of national debate over compulsory vaccination. The new law came amid a surge in measles cases - but Italian officials say vaccination rates have improved since it was introduced. Children must receive a range of mandatory immunisations before attending school. They include vaccinations for chickenpox, polio, measles, mumps and rubella.

      Children up to the age of six years will be excluded from nursery and kindergarten without proof of vaccination under the new rules. Those aged between six and 16 cannot be banned from attending school, but their parents face fines if they do not complete the mandatory course of immunisations.

      Italian media report that regional authorities are handling the situation in a number of different ways. In Bologna, the local authority has set letters of suspension to the parents of some 300 children, and a total of 5,000 children do not have their vaccine documentation up to date. In other areas there have been no reported cases, while still others have been given a grace period of a few days beyond the deadline.

      The new law was passed to raise Italy’s dropping vaccination rates from below 80% to the World Health Organisation’s 95% target.

                                    Adapted from

In the sentence “...while still others have been given a grace period of a few days...” (paragraph 3), the expression grace period means
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