Questões de Concurso Comentadas sobre aspectos linguísticos | linguistic aspects em inglês

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Q2169469 Inglês
Read the excerpt of the chapter “Decolonization” from the book Post-Colonial Studies: The Key Concepts below to answer QUESTION.

“Decolonization is the process of revealing and dismantling colonialist power in all its forms. This includes dismantling the hidden aspects of those institutional and cultural forces that had maintained the colonialist power and that remain even after political independence is achieved. Initially, in many places in the colonized world, the process of resistance was conducted in terms or institutions appropriated from the colonizing culture itself. This was only to be expected, since early nationalists had been educated to perceive themselves as potential heirs to European political systems and models of culture. This occurred not only in settler colonies where the white colonial élite was a direct product of the system, but even in colonies of occupation. Macaulay’s infamous 1835 Minute on Indian Education had proposed the deliberate creation in India of just such a class of ‘brown white men’, educated to value European culture above their own. This is the locus classicus of this hegemonic process of control, but there are numerous other examples in the practices of other colonies. […]
As well as direct and indirect economic control, the continuing influence of Eurocentric cultural models privileged the imported over the indigenous: colonial languages over local languages; writing over orality and linguistic culture over inscriptive cultures of other kinds (dance, graphic arts, which had often been designated ‘folk culture’). Against all these occlusions and overwritings of pre-colonial cultural practices, a number of programmes of decolonization have been attempted. Notable among these have been those that seek to revive and revalue local languages. The pressure of the global economy means that élite communication is dominated by the use of the ex-colonial languages, notably the new ‘world language’ of English, whose power derives from its historical use across the largest of the modern empires and from its use by the United States.” (ASHCROFT, et al., 2007, p. 56-57)
A. The excerpt below is from the previous text. Look at the word in bold and answer the question:
“Initially, in many places in the colonized world, the process of resistance was conducted in terms or institutions appropriated from the colonizing culture itself” (ASHCROFT, et al., 2007, p. 56).
B. The word “colonized” in this excerpt shares the same word class with the word in bold in: 
Q2166441 Inglês
The “ed” at the end of simple past regular verbs can be pronounced as 1-/ɪd/, 2-/t/, or 3-/d/, depending on the sounds that precede the suffix. Which of the alternatives below shows verbs that follow the “ed” pronunciation rules in this order: 1-/ɪd/, 2-/t/, or 3-/d/?
Q2166440 Inglês
Considering word order, which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?
Q2163895 Inglês

Julgue o item subsequente. 

The sentence “It is I who wrote the letter” is grammatically incorrect.
Q2163887 Inglês

Julgue o item subsequente. 

The sentence “They have drank a lot of beer” is grammatically correct.
Q2163863 Inglês

Julgue o item subsequente. 

The sentence “Lucy wants to spend some days in the her beach house” is grammatically correct. 
Q2163847 Inglês

Julgue o item subsequente. 

The sentence “If I were rich, I would travel around the world” is grammatically correct. 
Q2127446 Inglês
Consider the sentences below:
I.The knight is waiting for you! II.The night will still be long.
The words in bold are:
Q2124636 Inglês
   ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It is a common disorder that often results in learning difficulties. People with this disorder act impulsively and are easily distracted. They may also exhibit hyperactive behavior. While some specialists consider ADHD a behavioral disorder, others call it a cognitive disorder.
   The cause of ADHD is unknown. However, brain scans indicate that it may be caused by abnormal size, function, and form of the brain’s frontal lobe. There may also be an imbalance of chemicals in the brain. ADHD is believed to be inherited in most cases, but it is also prevalent in premature babies and children who have experienced head injuries.  
   The disorder ADD (attention deficit disorder) was renamed ADHD to account for the “hyperactivity” that is often one of the major symptoms found in people with the disorder. The disability can exist without the presence of hyperactivity, in which case it is referred to as a subset of ADHD called ADD. Both terms are often used to describe the same disorder.
    Children can exhibit ADHD symptoms at a very young age, and are often diagnosed before the age of seven. On the other hand, some adults do not realize they have this disorder until their own children are diagnosed with it. Some symptoms, such as hyperactivity, may be less severe as a child ages and learns coping mechanisms. 

Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the previous text, judge the following item.

In British English, the words “behavior” and “realize” are more commonly spelled “behaviour” and “realise”, respectively.

Q2124611 Inglês
     Children are not being taught enough about plants at a time when they could be the answer to global warming, scientists have warned. This has led to people becoming “disconnected from the botanical world” of plants when understanding flora has become crucial to ecology. Even students starting masters’ degrees in biology lack a “basic” ability to identify plants, the new study claims.
       Data from the Higher Education Statistics Agency of the United Kingdom reveals just one student graduated in plant science for every 185 who graduated in other life sciences between 2007 and 2019. The lack of botanical knowledge means people can’t identify invasive species and that ecological damage is being done as trees are planted in the wrong places and wildflower meadows are damaged.
     Researchers argue “nature literacy” must become a core skill for professionals from planners, engineers, architects, and educators as much as it does to farmers, foresters, and fishermen. Researchers at the University of Leeds, in England, say plant ecology — which studies the distribution and abundance of plants, the effect of the environment on them and how they interact with the environment — is also not taught well enough. “We ignore the opportunities presented to us by the botanical world at our own peril,” said lead study author and doctoral student Seb Stroud.
       This data is also corroborated by the Scottish government, which said there are not enough skilled people to implement “nature-based solutions” to rising temperatures. The University of Leeds team also argued that people’s inability to identify plants could make the spread of invasive plants worse. The researchers conclude: “The extinction of botanical education will only continue to worsen unless we break the cycle of disconnection from the botanical world.”

Internet:<>  (adapted). 

Based on the text above, judge the following item.

The sentence “Children are not being taught enough about plants” (in the first paragraph) can be correctly rewritten as Children are not receiving enough training on plants without change in its meaning.

Q2122707 Inglês
Choose the option where the question is incorrect.
Q2122693 Inglês
When talking about punctuation, it is incorrect to say:
Q2122692 Inglês
What is true about descriptive English writing?
Q2121444 Inglês
Leia o texto para responder a questão.

The teaching of English as a Lingua Franca

        An inexorable trend in the use of global English is that fewer interactions now involve a native speaker. Proponents of teaching English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) suggest that the way English is taught and assessed should reflect the needs and aspirations of the ever-growing number of non-native speakers who use English to communicate with other nonnatives. Understanding how non-native speakers use English among themselves has now become a serious research area.

        Different priorities in teaching English pronunciation, for example, have been defined. Teaching certain pronunciation features, such as the articulation of ‘th’ as an interdental fricative, appears to be a waste of time whereas other common pronunciation problems (such as simplifying consonant clusters) contribute to problems of understanding. Such an approach is allowing researchers to identify a ‘Lingua Franca Core’ (LFC) which provides guiding principles in creating syllabuses and assessment materials.

        Unlike traditional ESL (English as Second Language), ELF focuses also on pragmatic strategies required in intercultural communication. The target model of English, within the ELF framework, is not a native speaker but a fluent bilingual speaker, who retains a national identity in terms of accent, and who also has the special skills required to negotiate understanding with another non-native speaker. Research is also beginning to show how bad some native speakers are at using English for international communication. It may be that elements of an ELF syllabus could usefully be taught within a mother tongue curriculum.

(David Graddol, English Next. Adaptado)
O aprendiz brasileiro, por influência de sua língua materna, tende a erroneamente acrescentar uma vogal a palavras em Língua Inglesa que terminam em grupo consonantal. Dessa forma, adiciona uma nova sílaba à palavra, possivelmente dificultando a compreensão. Assinale a alternativa correta contendo uma palavra que ilustraria tal fenômeno.
Q2115841 Inglês
Instruction: answer question based on the following text. The highlights throughout the text are cited in the question.

Are Cats Nocturnal? Your Cat’s Overnight Activity, Explained

(Available at: – text especially adapted for this test).
Which of the following adverbs follows the same spelling rules as the highlighted word in line 10? 
Q2115062 Inglês

Read the text to answer.

In American literature, regionalism refers to works that describe distinctive local geography and culture, and to movements that value smaller-scaled representations of place over representations of broad territorial range. Regionalism emerges from the perception of modern geographic plurality; writers and readers understand a larger unit of space (commonly the national territory) to be diversified at its periphery according to topographical features, economy, history, dialect, and manners. A region is always one among many within a common container, characterized by uneven development between center and periphery. Regionalism indicates that a writer has chosen to focus on one of the areas outside the centers of power, and to organize the work around that region. In American literature, regionalism has been associated with the sketch or short story, although the category can accommodate poetry and the novel. Regionalism’s detractors have treated it as a minor form portraying outdated folkways, more parochial than literature that features a larger spatial scale and cosmopolitan characters. Its defenders reject that evaluation, often arguing that regionalism provided access to female, nonwhite, and rural writers, who used the form in innovative and empowering ways.

(Available in:

In the segment “Its defenders reject that evaluation, often arguing that regionalism provided access to female, nonwhite, and rural writers” ITS refers back to: 

Q2115060 Inglês
The following handout was tabled for 9º graders of Ensino Fundamental as a research tool. Students should discover the meanings of the abbreviations. They received adequate support on how to perform the research activity, that is, indication of sites, pages, blogs, etc where to look for suitable information.
Imagem associada para resolução da questão

(Available in:

Choose the learning purpose and ability the work with the handout is meant to comprise. 

Q2115059 Inglês

Read the text to answer.

A: So, I’ve decided I’m going to go to the bank and ask for a car loan.

B: That sounds like a good idea.

C: Well, you need a car.

B: Right.

A: Anyway, I was wondering if either of you would teach me how to drive.

B: Look, I’m very busy during the week, I'm trying to catch up with my deadline.

C: I’m in the same boat, but there must be a way...

A: What about the weekend? Say, Saturday morning? You both could take turns.

B: Fine with me!

C: Count me in! 

The words reproducing pause, hesitation, redundancy, etc which might or might not be present in abbreviated form in the dialogue are:

Q2115057 Inglês
The text below reproduces a classroom dialogue which was carried out targeting oral practice.

Teacher: Where did you go on the weekend? Student: I went to the park. Teacher: You went to the park? How nice! What did you do? Student: I played soccer. Teacher: You played soccer. Who played soccer with you? Student: My friends from school, my team. Teacher: Your friends from school, your team? Did you like it? Student: I loved it. Teacher: You loved it. Great!
Among the resources of classroom management, teacher’s speech is considered a key element. The repetition produced by the teacher in the above dialogue signals:
Q2115056 Inglês
The existing relation between verbal and visual-verbal languages contributes to build discourse genre comprehension, and improve perception about many relevant communicative aspects. Observe the advertisements to answer. Imagem associada para resolução da questão

In order to produce meaning out of the advertisements, one should activate relations of:
121: C
122: B
123: E
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128: D
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130: C
131: B
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139: A
140: D