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Q2680721 Inglês

Instruction: Answer to questions 38 to 47 based on the text below. The Highlights throughout the text are cited in the questions.


01 ____Large hoofed animals belonging to the deer family, caribou and reindeer are actually the

02 same species — Rangifer tarandus. There are differences between caribou and reindeer though.

03 Caribou are native to North America, whereas reindeer are native to northern Europe and Asia.

04 Alaska does have some reindeer, however, imported from Siberia in the late 19th and early 20th

05 centuries.

06 ____Some people use the term "reindeer" to refer to domesticated work animals, such as those

07 pulling Santa's sleigh, but there are both wild and domestic herds of reindeer. Caribou, on the

08 other hand, are wild-living and long-migrating. Indigenous groups herd reindeer and use them for

09 their meat. That's also likely why reindeer evolved to be stockier than caribou.

10 ____Caribou make one of the world's great large-animal migrations. As summer approaches,

11 they head north along well-trod annual routes. Some herds may travel more than 600 miles to

12 get to their summer grazing grounds. They'll spend the summer months feeding on the abundant

13 grasses and plants of the tundra. This is also when they give birth. When the first snows fall each

14 year, the caribou turn back south. Herds of female caribou, called cows, leave several weeks

15 before the males, which follow with yearling calves from the previous birthing season.

16 ____They are taller and lankier than reindeer, likely because they evolved to make these long

17 migrations. They are the only deer in which males and females both have antlers—though only

18 some females have them. Cows have one calf each year, which can stand after only a few minutes

19 and move on with its mother by the next day.

20 ____Caribou are classified as vulnerable to extinction, one step above endangered. Because

21 they're migratory, changes in the landscape, such as the appearance of new fences or other

22 human development on their migration routes, can be especially disruptive. Climate change is

23 also a threat. As the Arctic warms, they become more susceptible to diseases and parasites,

24 which could quickly spread through a herd.

(Available in: – text adapted especially

for this test).

According to the text, which statement about “reindeer” is INCORRECT?

Q2680720 Inglês

Instruction: Answer to questions 38 to 47 based on the text below. The Highlights throughout the text are cited in the questions.


01 ____Large hoofed animals belonging to the deer family, caribou and reindeer are actually the

02 same species — Rangifer tarandus. There are differences between caribou and reindeer though.

03 Caribou are native to North America, whereas reindeer are native to northern Europe and Asia.

04 Alaska does have some reindeer, however, imported from Siberia in the late 19th and early 20th

05 centuries.

06 ____Some people use the term "reindeer" to refer to domesticated work animals, such as those

07 pulling Santa's sleigh, but there are both wild and domestic herds of reindeer. Caribou, on the

08 other hand, are wild-living and long-migrating. Indigenous groups herd reindeer and use them for

09 their meat. That's also likely why reindeer evolved to be stockier than caribou.

10 ____Caribou make one of the world's great large-animal migrations. As summer approaches,

11 they head north along well-trod annual routes. Some herds may travel more than 600 miles to

12 get to their summer grazing grounds. They'll spend the summer months feeding on the abundant

13 grasses and plants of the tundra. This is also when they give birth. When the first snows fall each

14 year, the caribou turn back south. Herds of female caribou, called cows, leave several weeks

15 before the males, which follow with yearling calves from the previous birthing season.

16 ____They are taller and lankier than reindeer, likely because they evolved to make these long

17 migrations. They are the only deer in which males and females both have antlers—though only

18 some females have them. Cows have one calf each year, which can stand after only a few minutes

19 and move on with its mother by the next day.

20 ____Caribou are classified as vulnerable to extinction, one step above endangered. Because

21 they're migratory, changes in the landscape, such as the appearance of new fences or other

22 human development on their migration routes, can be especially disruptive. Climate change is

23 also a threat. As the Arctic warms, they become more susceptible to diseases and parasites,

24 which could quickly spread through a herd.

(Available in: – text adapted especially

for this test).

Which topic below is NOT mentioned in the article?

Q2679884 Inglês

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder às questões de 28 a 32.

Popular hot drink 'lowers blood glucose levels in weeks - and could help prevent diabetes and silent killers'

(1º§) Drinking more green tea made significant improvements to health - a finding which surprised US researchers. They believe the brew could offset risk factors that are linked to metabolic syndrome.

(2º§) Metabolic syndrome, according to the NHS, is the medical term for a combination of diabetes, high blood pressure (hypertension) and obesity. Therefore, people are more likely to have metabolic syndrome if they are overweight, and have poor or high levels of cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar.

(3º§) However, the new study, by Ohio State University, suggests green tea could improve all these factors. And in turn, it could slash the odds of deadly complications related to metabolic syndrome - coronary heart disease and stroke. A group of 40 people were recruited for the study. For one part of the study, they took green tea supplements for 28 days.

(4º§) The gummy sweets contained the compound catechinsdose and was the equivalent of five cups of green tea. ___ another 28 days, they had dummy pills, according to the findings published in Current Developments in Nutrition. In both parts of the experiments they ate a diet that was low in fruit and veg to make sure any positive results could be attributed to green tea, and not a healthy diet.

(5º§) The results showed that fasting blood glucose levels for all participants were significantly lower during the green-tea phase. Poo samples showed fewer markers of gut inflammation, and "leaky gut" was reduced. Leaky gut, or gut permeability, is when the gut lining has cracks or holes in, allowing bacteria to enter the bloodstream and cause inflammation.

(6º§) This is thought to be an "initiating factor for obesity and insulin resistance, which are central to all cardiometabolic disorders", according to Richard Bruno, senior study author and professor of human nutrition. He said: "If we can improve gut integrity and reduce leaky gut, the thought is we'll be able to not only alleviate low-grade inflammation that initiates cardiometabolic disorders, but potentially reverse them."

(7º§) All the participants - half healthy and half with metabolic syndrome - saw benefits, an unexpected finding for the research team. Prof Bruno said: "What this tells us is that within one month we're able to lower blood glucose ___ both people with metabolic syndrome and healthy people.

(8º§) "The lowering of blood glucose appears to be related to decreasing leaky gut and decreasing gut inflammation - regardless of health status." But Prof Bruno added: "We did not attempt to cure metabolic syndrome with a one-month study. "But based on what we know about the causal factors behind metabolic syndrome, there is potential for green tea to be acting at least in part ___ the gut level to alleviate the risk for either developing it or reversing it if you already have metabolic syndrome."

(9º§) Most often, doctors will tell people at risk of metabolic syndrome to improve their lifestyle habits - eat healthier and exercise more. "Unfortunately, we know most persons can't comply with lifestyle modifications for various reasons," Prof Bruno said. Green tea isn't as popular in the Western world as it is in the East, where it has origins in China.

(10º§) It's touted as a healthy drink because studies have found evidence it helps with weight loss, heart disease risk and even cancer. But the findings aren't very strong and are often observational, have small sample sizes or other limitations.


According to the text, metabolic syndrome is the medical term for a combination of several diseases, EXCEPT:

Q2679883 Inglês

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder às questões de 28 a 32.

Popular hot drink 'lowers blood glucose levels in weeks - and could help prevent diabetes and silent killers'

(1º§) Drinking more green tea made significant improvements to health - a finding which surprised US researchers. They believe the brew could offset risk factors that are linked to metabolic syndrome.

(2º§) Metabolic syndrome, according to the NHS, is the medical term for a combination of diabetes, high blood pressure (hypertension) and obesity. Therefore, people are more likely to have metabolic syndrome if they are overweight, and have poor or high levels of cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar.

(3º§) However, the new study, by Ohio State University, suggests green tea could improve all these factors. And in turn, it could slash the odds of deadly complications related to metabolic syndrome - coronary heart disease and stroke. A group of 40 people were recruited for the study. For one part of the study, they took green tea supplements for 28 days.

(4º§) The gummy sweets contained the compound catechinsdose and was the equivalent of five cups of green tea. ___ another 28 days, they had dummy pills, according to the findings published in Current Developments in Nutrition. In both parts of the experiments they ate a diet that was low in fruit and veg to make sure any positive results could be attributed to green tea, and not a healthy diet.

(5º§) The results showed that fasting blood glucose levels for all participants were significantly lower during the green-tea phase. Poo samples showed fewer markers of gut inflammation, and "leaky gut" was reduced. Leaky gut, or gut permeability, is when the gut lining has cracks or holes in, allowing bacteria to enter the bloodstream and cause inflammation.

(6º§) This is thought to be an "initiating factor for obesity and insulin resistance, which are central to all cardiometabolic disorders", according to Richard Bruno, senior study author and professor of human nutrition. He said: "If we can improve gut integrity and reduce leaky gut, the thought is we'll be able to not only alleviate low-grade inflammation that initiates cardiometabolic disorders, but potentially reverse them."

(7º§) All the participants - half healthy and half with metabolic syndrome - saw benefits, an unexpected finding for the research team. Prof Bruno said: "What this tells us is that within one month we're able to lower blood glucose ___ both people with metabolic syndrome and healthy people.

(8º§) "The lowering of blood glucose appears to be related to decreasing leaky gut and decreasing gut inflammation - regardless of health status." But Prof Bruno added: "We did not attempt to cure metabolic syndrome with a one-month study. "But based on what we know about the causal factors behind metabolic syndrome, there is potential for green tea to be acting at least in part ___ the gut level to alleviate the risk for either developing it or reversing it if you already have metabolic syndrome."

(9º§) Most often, doctors will tell people at risk of metabolic syndrome to improve their lifestyle habits - eat healthier and exercise more. "Unfortunately, we know most persons can't comply with lifestyle modifications for various reasons," Prof Bruno said. Green tea isn't as popular in the Western world as it is in the East, where it has origins in China.

(10º§) It's touted as a healthy drink because studies have found evidence it helps with weight loss, heart disease risk and even cancer. But the findings aren't very strong and are often observational, have small sample sizes or other limitations.


According to the text, the green tea:

Q2672311 Inglês

Study these sentences below about the National Curriculum Parameters and decide if they are ( T ) true or ( F ) false.

( ) The curriculum reform for Secondary Education is based on findings about the changes in knowledge and their implications in the knowledge processes and social relations only.

( ) Due to the amount of information produced as a result of the new technologies increased constantly, hence determining new parameters for the professional schooling of citizens.

( ) The new paradigm stems from the understanding that the competencies that are desirable for full human development are increasingly similar to the requirements for one’s inclusion in the production process.

( ) A new curriculum concept for Secondary Education must reflect ancient developments and, considering the speed at which changes have occurred in the fields of teaching English as a second language.

Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom.

756: C
757: D
758: E
759: D
760: E