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Q2494619 Inglês
A teacher presented students two groups of words with the didactic aim of introducing questions to guide students’ observations and insights. Choose the item displaying the criterion that justifies the teacher’s word choice in both groups.


Q2494618 Inglês
One of the most demanding duties of teachers is to prepare creative materials so that their learners’ interest is kept. Having observed nonverbal language use in the image, mark the assertion picturing what it is meant to convey.

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Q2494617 Inglês
Texts types, also known as genres, refer to categories with different purposes. Read the text thoroughly to mark the option which describes the communicative purpose desired.

Could Climate Change Cause More Lakes to Turn Bright Pink?

        Ponds with bubblegum-pink water may sound like something straight out of a dream or a fairytale, but some experts say climate change might actually lead to pinker waters across the world. In Hawaii, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service staff at Keālia Pond National Wildlife Refuge have been monitoring unusually pink water in the park since October 30. Initially, it was feared the color was a sign of a toxic algal bloom, such as the type that produces red tides, but preliminary analysis suggested the culprits were single-celled, salt-loving halobacteria. These bacteria are responsible for turning other bodies of water pink, including the Great Salt Lake’s North Arm in Utah. This area of the lake was separated from the South Arm in the 1950s with the construction of a railroad causeway, this cut off the North Arm from any influx of freshwater, raising its salinity to an average of 26 to 30 percent – double that of the South Arm – and making it an attractive environment for pinkish-orange algae (Dunaliella salina) and violet-pinkish bacteria (Halobacterium and Halococcus).
           Other naturally occurring pink lakes are spread out across the world. Lake Retba in Senegal, Salinas de Torrevieja in Spain and several lakes in the south of Western Australia have all taken on a rosy hue from their resident bacteria. While the lakes may look striking, any increase in Barbie Dreamhouse-colored waters may be a sign of warming temperatures and drier conditions driven by climate change.
       Keālia Pond’s unusual pink water certainly seems connected to drought. As of December 19, much of Maui is under abnormally dry to severe drought conditions. Normally, the Waikapu Stream flows into the pond, raising water levels and reducing salinity. But that hasn’t happened for a long time, so the salinity of the Keālia Pond outlet is currently greater than 70 parts per thousand – twice that of seawater.

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Q2494616 Inglês
Read the decription and find out the method it refers to.

         It started being developed by James Asher in the 60s. It’s a method built around the coordination of speech and action where teachers give commands in the target language and students respond with movement. Defenders of the method believed that students learn a second language in the same way that infants learn their native tongue. They claimed that a lot of the linguistic input young children hear is in the form of a command, which activates the right side of the brain, thus allowing them to be able to internalize language immediately.
       On the first day of a Beginner Level English language class, for example, the teacher might initially ask students to stand up, sit down, jump, walk, turn and stop. Then later, commands might include more information, such as touch your head, write the number 3, point to the window and walk to the door.
       As students become more advanced, the teacher will introduce new linguistic elements such as prepositions (walk between John and Mary), adjectives (pick up the red pen) and adverbs (stand behind your chair), and will develop sets of commands with more and more detailed and complicated information.

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Q2494614 Inglês
Read the text carefully, go through the assertions related to it and choose the correct option.

        Task-based Teaching (TBT) – and Task-based Learning (TBL) – is the approach that TESOL Advantage advocates as best practice when it comes to English language teaching. While TBT’s basic principles are derived from CLT (Communicative Language Teaching), there are some important differences. Critics of CLT have raised the following concerns:

           1.Teachers can struggle with the non-specific requirements of CLT.
       2.Teachers are often worried about giving up too much control during a CLT exercise.
       3.Many learners have low intrinsic motivation to communicate in a foreign language and so struggle with CLT student-centric exercises.
     4.Because CLT is a meaning-focused approach, learners may struggle with grammar issues.
      TBT addresses all of these concerns. It gives teachers a specific requirement to focus on – getting the students to complete a task. Teachers worried about their classes becoming chaotic because of a lack of structure in the lesson now have clear steps that create guidelines and boundaries – a pre-task, task and post-task. Students become more empowered and motivated when they complete tasks because they ‘own’ the language and control the task response. While TBT definitely has a greater focus on meaning than form, teachers can add an optional language focus at the end of a task to cover any grammatical issues that the task highlighted. 

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I. CLT critics aim at the CLT being a method that is meaning-focused. II. TBT enables introduction of grammar as well as linguistic itens through assignments. III. TBT is a method which refines the CLT method.

There is accuracy in what is stated in 

1086: C
1087: D
1088: B
1089: D
1090: A