Questões de Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension para Concurso

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Q2925971 Inglês

Read the next conversation.

* ___does Helen live?

# She lives on Second Avenue.

* ___do I get there?

# Take the subway. It's faster.

* Thanks.

Choose the option that lists two interrogative pronouns that complete the dialogue correctly.

Q2925970 Inglês

Read the following text.

Sarah and I work for a big company. As a matter of fact, ___ both work for the same person. ___ boss is kind but hardworking. He makes ___ work on weekends. And I hate working on weekends!

Choose the option below with three pronouns that complete the text correctly.

Q2925968 Inglês

This text refers to questions from 35 through 37

Letters to the editor

1 Dear Editor:

I’m sick and tired of the traffic in this city! It is so bad

that I can never get anywhere on time. There are too many

4 cars on the road, and most of them have only one person in

them. Another problem is the buses. They are so old and slow

that nobody wants to take them. They are noisy and very dirty.

7 You can’t even see out the windows! Also, the taxi drivers are

rude. They never know where they are going, and they take a

long time to get someplace. Taxis are expensive, too. And the

10 subway is just too crowded and dangerous. What are we going

to do?

Jack C. Richards In: New Interchange 2. Interchange activities 2, Cambridge University Press (adapted).

Consider the clause "they take a long time to get someplace" (l.8-9). Its interrogative form is:

Q2925963 Inglês

This text refers to questions from 30 through 34

Choosing an ecodestination

1 Imagine visiting an uncrowded, beautifully preserved

coastline or rain forest. A local guide is ready and able to

explain the natural wonders before you. Imagine relaxing

4 among local people who are genuinely happy to meet you and

share their world. This vision is no fantasy. Vacations for

environmentally and culturally aware travelers are available

7 in many locations around the world.

In Brazil, an ecoresort on the coast of Bahia helps to

save the Atlantic rain forest, one of the most endangered on

10 earth. Visitors can explore the forest with “mini guides”, local

children who take great pride in the beauty of their forest.

Visitors can also spend time at a sea turtle breeding facility

13 next to the resort. Here they can learn how villagers protect

the nesting sea turtles every night on the beach in front of the

tourists’ hotel.

16 Off the coast of Western Samoa — a Pacific island

known for its unique culture and exotic scenery — lies a very

special small island. On this island, local villagers still fish in

19 the early morning hours and weave their nets during the day.

Villagers warmly welcome visitors by preparing meals of

fresh, local seafood. Later, guests are invited to take part in a

22 ceremonial dance on the beach under the stars. After the

ceremony, guests retire to a locally owned hotel and enjoy the

sounds of the South Sea.

Jack C. Richards e Samuela Eckstut-Didier. In: Strategic Reading 1, Cambridge University Press (adapted).

Why does the author say that the Atlantic rain forest is "endangered" (l.9)?
Q2925962 Inglês

This text refers to questions from 30 through 34

Choosing an ecodestination

1 Imagine visiting an uncrowded, beautifully preserved

coastline or rain forest. A local guide is ready and able to

explain the natural wonders before you. Imagine relaxing

4 among local people who are genuinely happy to meet you and

share their world. This vision is no fantasy. Vacations for

environmentally and culturally aware travelers are available

7 in many locations around the world.

In Brazil, an ecoresort on the coast of Bahia helps to

save the Atlantic rain forest, one of the most endangered on

10 earth. Visitors can explore the forest with “mini guides”, local

children who take great pride in the beauty of their forest.

Visitors can also spend time at a sea turtle breeding facility

13 next to the resort. Here they can learn how villagers protect

the nesting sea turtles every night on the beach in front of the

tourists’ hotel.

16 Off the coast of Western Samoa — a Pacific island

known for its unique culture and exotic scenery — lies a very

special small island. On this island, local villagers still fish in

19 the early morning hours and weave their nets during the day.

Villagers warmly welcome visitors by preparing meals of

fresh, local seafood. Later, guests are invited to take part in a

22 ceremonial dance on the beach under the stars. After the

ceremony, guests retire to a locally owned hotel and enjoy the

sounds of the South Sea.

Jack C. Richards e Samuela Eckstut-Didier. In: Strategic Reading 1, Cambridge University Press (adapted).

According to the text, we can say that, on the coast of Bahia and off the coast of Western Samoa, local people

176: D
177: A
178: D
179: A
180: D