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Q2906171 Inglês

Analise o texto a seguir:

The Internet has become such an integral part of our lives, with such powerful capabilities, that it is easy to forget that this technological marvel was created by the long, hard, dedicated efforts of human beings – folks who had a vision of what universal networking could become and worked to make it happen. The key people, projects, and organizations that helped create the Internet are described below, first in a top-level summary and then in sections in roughly chronological order.

(Extraído de: Internet History.

Baseando-se no texto apresentado, é correto afirmar que

Q2906167 Inglês

Considere o texto a seguir:

We should point out here that the focal point of any operating system is its ‘kernel’. Without going into great detail, the kernel is what tells the big chip that controls your computer to do what you want the program that you’re using to do. To use a metaphor, if you go to your favorite Italian restaurant and order ‘Spaghetti alla Bolognese’, this dish is like your operating system. There are a lot of things that go into making that dish like pasta, tomato sauce, meatballs and cheese. Well, the kernel is like the pasta. Without pasta, that dish doesn’t exist. You might as well find some bread and make a sandwich. A plate of just pasta is fairly unappetizing.

Without a kernel, an operating system doesn’t exist. Without programs, a kernel is useless.

(Extraído de: Beginners Level Course: What is Linux?

Segundo o texto, pode-se interpretar que

Q2906164 Inglês

O texto a seguir deve ser utilizado para responder às questões de números 21 a 23.

Historically, information security has been called a number of different things such as:

• Data security;

• IT Security;

• Computer security.

But these terms (except possibly data security) ignore the fact that the information that is held on the computers is almost always and most certainly worth many times more than the computers that it runs on. The correct term is ‘information security’ and typically information security comprises three component parts:

• Confidentiality. Assurance that information is shared only among authorised persons or organisations. Breaches of confidentiality can occur when data is not handled in a manner appropriate to safeguard the confidentiality of the information concerned. Such disclosure can take place by word of mouth, by printing, copying, e-mailing or creating documents and other data etc.;

• Integrity. Assurance that the information is authentic and complete. Ensuring that information can be relied upon to be sufficiently accurate for its purpose. The term ‘integrity’ is used frequently when considering information security as it represents one of the primary indicators of information security (or lack of it). The integrity of data is not only whether the data is ‘correct’, but whether it can be trusted and relied upon;

• Availability. Assurance that the systems responsible for delivering, storing and processing information are accessible when needed, by those who need them.

(Extraído de: “An Introduction to Information, Network and Internet Security.

What is ‘Information Security’?” The Security Practitioner

Segundo o texto, quando os dados não são tratados de forma adequada para salvaguardar a confidencialidade da informação de interesse, pode ocorrer

Q2906161 Inglês

O texto a seguir deve ser utilizado para responder às questões de números 21 a 23.

Historically, information security has been called a number of different things such as:

• Data security;

• IT Security;

• Computer security.

But these terms (except possibly data security) ignore the fact that the information that is held on the computers is almost always and most certainly worth many times more than the computers that it runs on. The correct term is ‘information security’ and typically information security comprises three component parts:

• Confidentiality. Assurance that information is shared only among authorised persons or organisations. Breaches of confidentiality can occur when data is not handled in a manner appropriate to safeguard the confidentiality of the information concerned. Such disclosure can take place by word of mouth, by printing, copying, e-mailing or creating documents and other data etc.;

• Integrity. Assurance that the information is authentic and complete. Ensuring that information can be relied upon to be sufficiently accurate for its purpose. The term ‘integrity’ is used frequently when considering information security as it represents one of the primary indicators of information security (or lack of it). The integrity of data is not only whether the data is ‘correct’, but whether it can be trusted and relied upon;

• Availability. Assurance that the systems responsible for delivering, storing and processing information are accessible when needed, by those who need them.

(Extraído de: “An Introduction to Information, Network and Internet Security.

What is ‘Information Security’?” The Security Practitioner

A melhor tradução, dentro do contexto, para “information security comprises three component parts” é:

Ano: 2009 Banca: AOCP Órgão: CASAN - SC Prova: AOCP - 2009 - CASAN-SC - Administrador |
Q2900245 Inglês

From "Conclusion on Global Warming":

One of the big questions of today is whether global warming and climate change can be stopped or whether it is inevitable. Though worried, most scientists believe that if we act now, “serious” climate change and global warming can be avoided. A few, such as James Lovelock who created the GAIA theory of the Earth as a living organism, believes that is far too late to stop the changes that are now unfolding. Politicians either deny that there is a problem or act as if there is plenty of time to do something. After weighing the arguments we in The GAIA-Movement have had to conclude the following:

- Global Warming and Climate Change are unavoidable as they are already going on and have been so for quite some time;

- they constitute an inevitable catastrophe that will unfold in the years and decades to come;

- this fact cannot be reversed as the politicians in power will not provide the leadership needed to implement the monumental changes needed to reduce greenhouse gas emission and

- the processes set in motion are of such magnitude that they by now can only be postponed or prolonged so as to allow more time for adaptation.

We have reached our conclusions on global warming, climate change and the consequences thereof for food production and a number of other issues after studying books, films, websites, radio interviews, scientific magazines and reports.

The information we have found points in a clear direction and has thus enabled us to make a clear conclusion.

A basic book has been “Six Degrees” by Mark Lynas, a journalist who has studied many scientific reports and from that has been able to describe what may happen to the Earth as it warms 1-2-3-4-5 and even 6 degrees.

Elizabeth Kolbert has written “Field Notes from a Catastrophe”. She has met many scientists working on global warming and the book has much dramatic information. Several other authors have written books that give many details on global

warming and climate change such as “The Last Generation” by Fred Pierce, “The Weather Makers” by Tim Flannery, “A Rough Guide to Climate Change” by Robert Henson, “The Revenge of GAIA” by James Lovelock and “An Inconvenient Truth” by Al Gore, who received the Nobel Peace Prize for his effort to inform about climate change. The last book is also on film and there are several other films that tell about different aspects of climate change and what can be done to build a world on renewable energy.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a UN working group, which also received the Nobel Peace Prize made their latest report in 2007. We have studied the report which presents several models for how the climate may change during the next 100 years.

Text taken from the Gaia Movement: On: 10/23/2009

“Gaia” is the name of a Greek goddess of Earth.

What seems to be the type of text presented here?

191: D
192: B
193: E
194: C
195: E