Questões de Inglês - Pronome reflexivo | Reflexive Pronoun para Concurso

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Q1975101 Inglês
Text for the item from.

Sean Coughlan. Narcissists ‘horrible people but happy’.
Internet: <> (adapted).
Based on the text, judge the item from. 

A reflexive pronoun refers back to the subject of a sentence or clause; there is an example of a reflexive pronoun in the third paragraph. 
Q1866957 Inglês

Observe as sentenças a seguir:

I - For now on you have your own bedroom.

II - My father was a bus driver for 10 years.

III - My mother-in-law is very sweet.

Assinale a alternativa correta: 

Q1838874 Inglês

Text for the question.

How to Improve Your Work-Life Balance 

Internet: <> (adapted).

Choose the alternative that presents a reflexive pronoun.
Q1743972 Inglês

- I saw ____as a famous actor.
The children got dressed ______ .

Q1730991 Inglês

Choose the right answer:

Several researchers were working on the survey, each came up with some interesting proposals, and typically ____ claimed that ____ was the best.

The majority of ____ are concerned about new technology, until we’ve actually tried them out for ____.

6: C
7: B
8: D
9: B
10: A