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Q2482247 Inglês

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The textual inference can be seen as a form of interpretation of the central theme of a text or book, but it is essential for the reader to have previous knowledge of this theme to be able to fully comprehend the message of the text/book.

Q2482246 Inglês

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The learning of Instrumental English will not become useful even with dedication, due to its situational uses, being applied mostly for specific professional areas and not seen as a way of learning english as a whole language.

Q2482245 Inglês

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Although Machado de Assis wrote on almost every literary genre, on most of them his style is marked by irony, the psychological depth of his characters, and the critical analysis of Brazilian society of his time.

Q2482244 Inglês

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In english Inflectional suffixes follow regular patterns and are added to words in a consistent manner, while derivational suffixes have the ability to change the meaning of the base word, frequently leading to a related yet distinct idea.

Q2482243 Inglês

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Álvares de Azevedo, a brazilian Romancist was widely known for his characteristics of sentimental exaggeration, idealization of women and love, cheerfulness, love and death as central points of a story.

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