Questões de Concurso Sobre inglês
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I. MBA. II. unicorn. III. honest
I. Discourse markers are words or expressions that link, manage, and help to organize sentences; they connect what is written or said.
II. Discourse markers are called “linking words” and they are also known as 'linking phrases', or 'sentence connectors'.
III. In the formation of the word and in its classification, syntactically, the elements that compound the discourse markers always derive from adjectives.
(Adapted from
Tick the correct alternative about the given text type(s).
I. Expository because it explains something. II. Narrative because it tells/talks about a sequence of events. III. Hortatory because it discourages someone to do something.
I. English is a language widely used around the world.
II. Knowing and using other language provide you to be able to understand other people in its social and cultural way of living. III. Students must be aware that English is not used by non-native speakers during the daily routine.
She will meet him later (1st part), since she said she enjoyed the date yesterday (2nd part).
The sentence is:
1.(__)Studying a foreign language makes it possible to understand nuances of the local culture, such as idiomatic expressions and ways of thinking, in addition to facilitating communication.
2.(__)By learning a language, we can access literature, films, music, and other cultural productions in their original form, without relying on translations or interpretations.
3.(__)When we learn a language, we are just learning how to communicate with people who speak that language.
The CORRECT sequence is:
Um(a) professor(a) de Língua Inglesa do Ensino Fundamental, em uma reunião de professores, faz a seguinte colocação: "Segundo a Lei nº 9.394/96, o Ensino Fundamental obrigatório, com duração de 9 (nove) anos, iniciando-se aos 6 (seis) anos de idade, terá por objetivo a formação básica do cidadão, mediante o desenvolvimento da capacidade de aprender, tendo como meios básicos o pleno domínio da leitura, da escrita e do cálculo; compreensão do ambiente natural e social, do sistema político, da tecnologia, das artes e dos valores em que se fundamenta a sociedade; o desenvolvimento da capacidade de aprendizagem, tendo em vista a aquisição de conhecimentos e habilidades e a formação de atitudes e valores; e o fortalecimento dos vínculos de família, dos laços de solidariedade humana e de tolerância recíproca em que se assenta a vida social".
Podemos afirmar que a fala do(a) professor(a) está:
Person 1: "Hey, have you heard about the upcoming concert?"
Person 2: _______________
Person 1: "It's on August 15th. Are you interested in going?"
Person 2: "Actually, I have an exam the next day. I don't think I'll be able to make it."
Person 1: "Oh, that's too bad. Well, maybe we can catch the next one together."
Person 2: "Yeah, that sounds like a good plan. By the way, what was the name of the band again?"
Person 1: "It's 'The Midnight Riders'. They're pretty popular these days."
Person 2: "Great, thanks! I'll definitely check them out."
Considering the context, mark the alternative that best completes the gap.