Questões de Concurso Sobre inglês

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Q2188975 Inglês
In teachers’ training programs, many methods and approaches are presented, among them, the audio-lingual method that grew into prominence in the 1950s in the USA. During the Second World War, US officials felt the need for translators and interpreters who were fluent in major foreign languages. In 1942, a special training program was organized to train fluent foreign speakers in a short time which is why this method is also referred to as the Army Method. According to the discouraged audio-lingual method, it is NOT CORRECT to say that: 
Q2188974 Inglês
“Reading comprehension strategies are intentional plans and procedures that proficient readers apply to comprehend the text (MAINE, 2013). Readers should equip themselves with multiple reading strategies to comprehend a text effectively (SOHAIL, 2016). The complexity of the reading process is often associated with grasping the intended meaning of the text (YAPP et al., 2021). In addition, the process often involves “internal thinking” (PARIS & FLUKES, 2005). Reading strategies are thus employed by the readers who deliberately attempt to monitor and alter their initiatives in decoding the text, comprehending words, and understanding the meaning of the text (AFFLERBACH et al., 2008, apud PERTANIKA, 2022).
After reading the extract from Pertanika J. (2022) about reading, choose the CORRECT item that best summarizes the main ideas about reading strategies.
Q2188973 Inglês
[…] information technology is an indivisible part of education in the twenty-first century. When used correctly in the classroom, technology can allow students to experience situations and circumstances that the students of 20 years ago could only dream about. Through technology, books and figures can suddenly become alive and applicable to the real world. In addition, information technology provides an even greater avenue for interaction between teacher and students. At the English lessons different videos, exercises, games, listening drills may be done. Information technology makes learning English available to a wider range of learners as well. (RODINADZE, & ZARBAZOIA, 2012, p. 274)
According to Rodinadze, S., & Zarbazoia, K., 2012, judge the items below as (T) True or (F) False regarding the ADVANTAGES of information technology in teaching the English language.
I. Information technology helps students as well as teachers in studying the course material easily because of fast access. Studying the subjects with the help of online libraries and dictionaries has made grasping and increasing knowledge easy for the students.
II. Information technology may facilitate learning or serve as the actual educational structure allowing learning to occur. It benefits both traditional education institutions and online educational models in fundamental ways. For example, multimedia presentations, knowledge-management softwares, apps, mobile devices such as tablets, personal digital assistants (PDAs), lap tops, video conferencing, cloud computing, and collaborative document editing are notable information technology services benefiting education that can provide teachers with an endless choice to create more exciting and interactive lessons.
III. Students and educators utilizing cloud computing to store their homework can also modify the documents access settings to allow multiple editors and contributors to participate in an assignment. This empowers educators to design work assignments for teams of students working together and, in so doing, cultivate a teamwork ethos preparing them for the workplace. Now information technology has made it easy to study as well as teach in groups or in clusters. At the English lessons with online resources they can be united together to do the desired task.
IV. Teachers can enter grades and assignment updates online, rather than in a paper grade-book. Libraries with a digital database in place of a traditional card catalog make their resources available for students to search anywhere with an Internet connection. Staff members can find and send transcript information and other records quickly by accessing a digital filing system, saving time and paper.
V. Information and communication technology opens the doors for better distance learning programs, allowing those in disadvantaged areas to have access to the same education as the privileged. Because this technology makes information accessible from nearly any location with a mobile device or laptop, courses can be more flexible; meaning those with full schedules who may not have the time or opportunity to further their education can choose to enroll in courses online and complete assignments on their own time.
VI. Interactive audio and video allow real time communication using phones and computers at the English lessons. Voice over Internet Protocol enables a person's voice to be transmitted through an Internet connection. Voice and multimedia presentations can also be delivered to a dispersed class with questions and answers taking place in real time.
Choose the CORRECT sequence.
Q2188972 Inglês
“The most important difference lies in the learners and their purposes for learning English. ESP students are usually adults who already have some acquaintance with English and are learning the language in order to communicate a set of professional skills and to perform particular job-related functions. An ESP program is therefore built on an assessment of purposes and needs and the functions for which English is required. […] The ESP focal point is that English is not taught as a subject separated from the students' real world (or wishes); instead, it is integrated into a subject matter area important to the learners”. (FIORITO, 2005) Disponível em: teachers/articles/teaching-english-for-specific-purposes-esp.html, accessed on 15th December 2022.
According to Fiorito (2005), what is INCORRECT to say about English for Specific Purposes (ESP)?  
Q2188971 Inglês

Read the quote and choose the CORRECT statement that completes the given sentence.

“Throughout this paper I have been arguing that we have to go further than finding ways of improving techniques to create “real life” situations in the classroom. Teachers as decision-makers and agents need to consider the identities that are being (re)constructed by their pedagogical practices and choices. Considering that those identities are being shaped anyway, it is important that teachers become aware of the effects of their actions. One of the possible identities is that of a global citizen: not someone who knows many languages but someone who deals with the conflicts inherent in communicative events made possible by a language that has acquired a global dimension” (GIMENEZ, 2007, p. 27).

According to Gimenez, globalization and the spread of English around the world have posed new challenges to language teachers because:

Q2188970 Inglês
Rose, D. & Martin, J. (2012) have contributed to what is known as a genre approach to literacy development. According to them, genres are generic categories of written forms. The term is commonly used in literary circles to refer to the major genres of poetry, prose and drama. In relation to literacy studies, genres are broadened substantially, so as to include such generic forms as narratives, descriptions, information reports and procedural texts.
According to the authors, it is CORRECT to point that:
Q2188969 Inglês
The OCEM were published in 2006 for improving teacher’s practice in the classroom. They bring some examples of activities that teachers should put into practice in the classroom for achieving their aims concerning reading, writing and speaking (OCEM, 2006, p. 87).
Judge the items below as (T) True or (F) False about the aims of OCEM (2006).
I. To reflect on the educational function of teaching foreign languages in high school and to emphasize their importance in the curriculum;
II. To reaffirm the notion of citizenship and discuss the practice of this notion in the foreign languages teaching context without considering globalization;
III. To discuss the problem of exclusion in the teaching context in the face of “globalizing” values and the feeling of inclusion often combined with foreign languages knowledge;
IV. To introduce theories about language and new technologies emphasizing globalization and individualism.
V. To give suggestions on the practice of teaching foreign languages through literacies, multiliteracies, multimodality and hypertext.
Choose the statement with the TRUE items. 
Q2188968 Inglês
According to the "Orientações Curriculares para o Ensino Médio" (OCEM) (2006, p. 117), there are two types of reading that can be explored by teachers in the classroom: critical reading and critical literacy. They guide students to different ways of seeing themselves and the world in this context. Choose the FALSE statement about critical literacy.
Q2188389 Inglês
FDA clears first diagnostic radiology app, Mobile MIM
By Brian Dolan
February 04, 2011

    Mobile MIM was one of the very first medical applications to debut in Apple's AppStore when it first launched in 2008, but the application also has the distinction of being the first medical application pulled from the store because of regulatory concerns. Today those concerns are over: The US Food and Drug Administration has officially granted the mobile radiology application a 510(k) clearance.
     “The application is the first cleared by the FDA for viewing images and making medical diagnoses based on computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and nuclear medicine technology, such as positron emission tomography (PET)," the FDA stated in a press release this morning. "It is not intended to replace full workstations and is indicated for use only when there is no access to a workstation.”
    MIM's experience is one of the few public accounts of the nuances of FDA regulation of mobile health services. The clearance some two and a half years later of an app that originally launched with Apple's AppStore is surely a milestone for mobile health.

(Adapted from
Segundo o texto, o Mobile MIM
Q2188388 Inglês
FDA clears first diagnostic radiology app, Mobile MIM
By Brian Dolan
February 04, 2011

    Mobile MIM was one of the very first medical applications to debut in Apple's AppStore when it first launched in 2008, but the application also has the distinction of being the first medical application pulled from the store because of regulatory concerns. Today those concerns are over: The US Food and Drug Administration has officially granted the mobile radiology application a 510(k) clearance.
     “The application is the first cleared by the FDA for viewing images and making medical diagnoses based on computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and nuclear medicine technology, such as positron emission tomography (PET)," the FDA stated in a press release this morning. "It is not intended to replace full workstations and is indicated for use only when there is no access to a workstation.”
    MIM's experience is one of the few public accounts of the nuances of FDA regulation of mobile health services. The clearance some two and a half years later of an app that originally launched with Apple's AppStore is surely a milestone for mobile health.

(Adapted from
No trecho “Today those concerns are over” (1º parágrafo), ‘are over’ pode ser substituído, sem alteração de sentido, por
Q2188387 Inglês
Inglês Técnico

Social Security serves as one of the leading federal agencies in health IT.

    We request close to 15 million medical records from almost 500,000 health providers to make decisions on about three million disability claims annually. This makes us one of the largest disability programs in the world. Since 2008, Social Security is leading an initiative to enable the electronic exchange of health information to improve the disability determination process.
    The goal of health IT is to reduce the burden on health care providers and offer applicants faster and more consistent disability decisions. Our team has experience in electronic health records exchange. We actively attend leading conferences and knowledge exchange events on health IT. In addition, we continually evaluate our processes to adapt to changes in the field.

    eHealth Exchange

    The eHealth Exchange is a group of federal agencies and non-federal organizations that came together under a common mission and purpose to improve patient care, streamline disability benefit claims, and improve public health reporting through secure, trusted, and interoperable health information exchange.

(Adapted from
A missão da e-Health Exchange é
Q2188386 Inglês
Inglês Técnico

Social Security serves as one of the leading federal agencies in health IT.

    We request close to 15 million medical records from almost 500,000 health providers to make decisions on about three million disability claims annually. This makes us one of the largest disability programs in the world. Since 2008, Social Security is leading an initiative to enable the electronic exchange of health information to improve the disability determination process.
    The goal of health IT is to reduce the burden on health care providers and offer applicants faster and more consistent disability decisions. Our team has experience in electronic health records exchange. We actively attend leading conferences and knowledge exchange events on health IT. In addition, we continually evaluate our processes to adapt to changes in the field.

    eHealth Exchange

    The eHealth Exchange is a group of federal agencies and non-federal organizations that came together under a common mission and purpose to improve patient care, streamline disability benefit claims, and improve public health reporting through secure, trusted, and interoperable health information exchange.

(Adapted from
Segundo o texto, a Seguridade Social
Q2184952 Inglês
Leia o fragmento a seguir e assinale a qual estratégia de leitura ele pertence: “It is a model of fast reading. It is used to get a rapid general impression of the central idea of the text. The teacher controls the reading time spent by the students.
Q2184951 Inglês
No item sobre palavras cognatas e falsos cognatos, há uma especificidade que são as palavras cognatas reais ou idênticas, tanto na forma quanto no significado. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta essa cognata.
Q2184950 Inglês
Leia o fragmento a seguir: “Ted-Bear Repair Technician is an example”, no item sobre aspectos gramaticais, o artigo indefinido singular é formado por ‘a’ ou por ‘na’.
“In (I) __________ rainy weekend, some parents invited me to return to my grandfather’s farm; it would be the first time we went there after his death. We entered by the huge gates, then we opened the heavy dining-room doors. At once I noticed some long-playing records (LP) that he used to listen, I took (II) __________ LP that was in the lowest part of the record player, it was his favorite. Now I need to buy (III) __________ record player, otherwise there was no use of having (IV) __________ old LP like that”.
Assinale a alternativa que preencha correta e respectivamente as lacunas.
Q2184949 Inglês
In the text “Mark Moffet and his strange love”, it can be read: “An entomologist is a person who studies insects. By the way, do you like ants? Tick the alternative that is not a synonymous of the highlighted expression.
Q2184948 Inglês
The word ‘bug’ can have other meanings than just “an insect”. Read the sentences and choose the alternative that exposes “bug” in these other meanings.
I. My new computer is full of bugs! I can’t open even an email. II. Be careful with this new hotel, the owner planted a bug in each hotel room, just to listen to what the hotel guests are saying. III. See! There's a huge bug crawling up your leg!
Q2184947 Inglês
Read the text fragment: “He has an interesting and unusual job”. About the -ing suffix forms, it is correct what is stated in:
I. Adjective, as in “His wife is a charming person!”. II. Noun, as in “The building is near the old market”. III. Verb, as in “Paul is developing a new product”.
Q2184946 Inglês
It is known that in the Morphological area, the final morpheme 's' can represent the plural of nouns (-es1), the verb in Simple Present Tense in the 3rd person singular (-es2) and the idea of possession in the genitive case (-es3). Analyze the verbs taken from the text and mark the alternative in which the -es2 sound is made in /s/.
Q2184945 Inglês
Analyze the textual genre in which the text “Mark Moffet and his strange love” was developed; then mark the alternative that establishes the relationship between the text and its genre.
5461: C
5462: B
5463: D
5464: A
5465: D
5466: A
5467: E
5468: E
5469: C
5470: A
5471: C
5472: E
5473: C
5474: C
5475: B
5476: B
5477: C
5478: A
5479: A
5480: D