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Q1109961 Inglês
INSTRUCTION: Read carefully the next text; then mark the alternatives that answer the questions or complete the sentences in the question.

Four ways to give ELL students feedback on their writing

Larry Ferlazzo

There does not seem to be clarity among researchers about the best ways to assist ELLs in revising their writing, but they all seem to agree that one of the best things teachers can do is to give ELLs more time - more time to write, more time to think, more time to revise. This need is one of the major reasons why many researchers recommend including an opportunity for peer review and feedback - this process provides more time, as well as providing social support.
One element that we have students use in this process:
1. After students have completed their draft on the computer using Microsoft Word or Google Docs (taking advantage of the spelling and grammar tools available on each), they print out two copies of their essay - one is for their peer reviewer. Each student also gets one copy of the peer review sheet.
The first student who is getting their essay reviewed reads the essay aloud and the reviewer follows along on his/her copy. During this time, both the writer and the reviewer make notes about mistakes and improvements, primarily targeting grammar and sentence construction issues. After the writer is done reading, both he/she and the reviewer discuss the points they both noted. Then, the reviewer goes through the Peer Review sheet one section at a time taking a minute or so to silently read that section of the essay and noting suggestions on the sheet. After he/she is done with each section, the reviewer shares comments with the writer, who makes notes on his/her copy of the essay. This process is repeated until the entire sheet is completed, and then the roles are reversed.
Note that teachers will probably want to modify the Peer Review Sheet to reflect the essay their students are writing.
2. The teachers will then quickly review this “marked-up” version of the essay with the student and, depending on their English proficiency and overall confidence level, may give specific feedback on one or two grammar issues by pointing at the mistake and having students identify the correction. More importantly, they’ll note to themselves what specific skills they need to cover in future lessons.
3. Students will return to the electronic version of the essay they saved and make the revisions identified in the peer review process and in the follow-up conversation teachers had with them.


This is a simple way to provide feedback.
A number of studies suggest that correction -- either through prompts that point out the error to a student and require an immediate attempt at a “repair” or through “recasts” when teachers rephrase correctly what the student said -- can be a useful tool to assist language acquisition. When teachers see a written mistake, they commonly point to it - whether it be a word or a punctuation issue. Students are typically then able to correct it then and there.
Available at: <>. Acessed on: July 15th, 2018 (Adapted).
The process the article is recommending helps students to
Q1109960 Inglês
INSTRUCTION: Read carefully the next text; then mark the alternatives that answer the questions or complete the sentences in the question.

Four ways to give ELL students feedback on their writing

Larry Ferlazzo

There does not seem to be clarity among researchers about the best ways to assist ELLs in revising their writing, but they all seem to agree that one of the best things teachers can do is to give ELLs more time - more time to write, more time to think, more time to revise. This need is one of the major reasons why many researchers recommend including an opportunity for peer review and feedback - this process provides more time, as well as providing social support.
One element that we have students use in this process:
1. After students have completed their draft on the computer using Microsoft Word or Google Docs (taking advantage of the spelling and grammar tools available on each), they print out two copies of their essay - one is for their peer reviewer. Each student also gets one copy of the peer review sheet.
The first student who is getting their essay reviewed reads the essay aloud and the reviewer follows along on his/her copy. During this time, both the writer and the reviewer make notes about mistakes and improvements, primarily targeting grammar and sentence construction issues. After the writer is done reading, both he/she and the reviewer discuss the points they both noted. Then, the reviewer goes through the Peer Review sheet one section at a time taking a minute or so to silently read that section of the essay and noting suggestions on the sheet. After he/she is done with each section, the reviewer shares comments with the writer, who makes notes on his/her copy of the essay. This process is repeated until the entire sheet is completed, and then the roles are reversed.
Note that teachers will probably want to modify the Peer Review Sheet to reflect the essay their students are writing.
2. The teachers will then quickly review this “marked-up” version of the essay with the student and, depending on their English proficiency and overall confidence level, may give specific feedback on one or two grammar issues by pointing at the mistake and having students identify the correction. More importantly, they’ll note to themselves what specific skills they need to cover in future lessons.
3. Students will return to the electronic version of the essay they saved and make the revisions identified in the peer review process and in the follow-up conversation teachers had with them.


This is a simple way to provide feedback.
A number of studies suggest that correction -- either through prompts that point out the error to a student and require an immediate attempt at a “repair” or through “recasts” when teachers rephrase correctly what the student said -- can be a useful tool to assist language acquisition. When teachers see a written mistake, they commonly point to it - whether it be a word or a punctuation issue. Students are typically then able to correct it then and there.
Available at: <>. Acessed on: July 15th, 2018 (Adapted).
The main thing the text is recommending for the development of students’ writing process is
Q1109959 Inglês
INSTRUCTION: Read carefully the next text; then mark the alternatives that answer the questions or complete the sentences in the question.

Four ways to give ELL students feedback on their writing

Larry Ferlazzo

There does not seem to be clarity among researchers about the best ways to assist ELLs in revising their writing, but they all seem to agree that one of the best things teachers can do is to give ELLs more time - more time to write, more time to think, more time to revise. This need is one of the major reasons why many researchers recommend including an opportunity for peer review and feedback - this process provides more time, as well as providing social support.
One element that we have students use in this process:
1. After students have completed their draft on the computer using Microsoft Word or Google Docs (taking advantage of the spelling and grammar tools available on each), they print out two copies of their essay - one is for their peer reviewer. Each student also gets one copy of the peer review sheet.
The first student who is getting their essay reviewed reads the essay aloud and the reviewer follows along on his/her copy. During this time, both the writer and the reviewer make notes about mistakes and improvements, primarily targeting grammar and sentence construction issues. After the writer is done reading, both he/she and the reviewer discuss the points they both noted. Then, the reviewer goes through the Peer Review sheet one section at a time taking a minute or so to silently read that section of the essay and noting suggestions on the sheet. After he/she is done with each section, the reviewer shares comments with the writer, who makes notes on his/her copy of the essay. This process is repeated until the entire sheet is completed, and then the roles are reversed.
Note that teachers will probably want to modify the Peer Review Sheet to reflect the essay their students are writing.
2. The teachers will then quickly review this “marked-up” version of the essay with the student and, depending on their English proficiency and overall confidence level, may give specific feedback on one or two grammar issues by pointing at the mistake and having students identify the correction. More importantly, they’ll note to themselves what specific skills they need to cover in future lessons.
3. Students will return to the electronic version of the essay they saved and make the revisions identified in the peer review process and in the follow-up conversation teachers had with them.


This is a simple way to provide feedback.
A number of studies suggest that correction -- either through prompts that point out the error to a student and require an immediate attempt at a “repair” or through “recasts” when teachers rephrase correctly what the student said -- can be a useful tool to assist language acquisition. When teachers see a written mistake, they commonly point to it - whether it be a word or a punctuation issue. Students are typically then able to correct it then and there.
Available at: <>. Acessed on: July 15th, 2018 (Adapted).
According to the text, what ELLs students should not have from their teachers is more time to
Q1109958 Inglês
INSTRUCTION: Now read carefully the text below; then mark the alternatives that answer the questions or complete the sentences in the question.

Amy watched six taxis avoid her and go deliberately towards other people. Then she began to realise she was suffering from advanced paranoia and that she had better cut her losses and take the tube home. She was already so late and angry, that the lurching crowded journey couldn’t make her much worse. And there was the danger that if she stood much longer on the side of the street being ignored by rush hour taxi drivers she might lose her small remaining ration of sanity. And she needed to hold on to what she had for tonight.
Tonight Ed’s sister and her husband were coming to dinner. Tonight, for the first time, she would meet the Big Mama figure in Ed’s American family, the one they all bowed to, the one Ed had practically written to for permission to marry Amy. At the time Amy had thought it funny; she had even suggested that her dental reports and Photostats of her GCE certificates be sent to New York. But three years later, after a period of watching Ed write his monthly letter to his big sister Bella, she found it less funny. She was never shown those letters and in pique she had opened one before posting it. It was an infantile report on how their life had been progressing since last month: childish details about the floor covering they had bought for the kitchen, aspirations that Ed’s salary would be reviewed and upped. Praise for a new dress that Amy had bought, minutiae about a picnic they had had with another couple. It had made Amy uneasy, because it had made Ed seem retarded. It was the kind of letter that a mother might expect from a small son who had gone off to summer camp, not something that a sister in far away America should need or want.
Ed had been euphoric about the visit. It had been planned for over three months. Bella and her husband Blair were coming to London for three days as part of a European tour. They would arrive in the morning; they did not want to be met, they preferred to recover from their jet lag alone in the privacy of a good hotel with a comfortable bedroom and bathroom.
Fully refreshed, at seven p.m. they would come and see their beloved Ed and welcome their new sister Amy to the family. Next day there would be a tour to Windsor and an evening at the theatre, with a dinner for the four of them. And on the Saturday morning, Amy might kindly take her new sister Bella shopping, and point out the best places, introduce her to the heads of departments in the better stores. They would have a super girly lunch, and then Bella and Blair should fly out of their lives to Paris.
Normally, on any ordinary Thursday, Amy came home from Harley Street, where she worked as a doctor’s receptionist, took off her shoes, put on her slippers, unpacked her shopping, organized a meal, lit the fire and then Ed would arrive home. Their evenings had begun to have a regular pattern. Ed came home tense and tired. Little by little, in front of the fire, he would unwind; little by little he relaxed his grip on the file of papers he had brought back from the office. He would have a sherry, his face would lose its lines; and then he would agree really that there was no point in trying to do too much work in the evening.
And afterwards, he would carve away happily at the table he was making, or watch television, or do the crossword with Amy; and she realized happily that she was essential to him, because only her kind of understanding could make him uncoil and regard his life as a happy, unworrying thing.
That was all before the threatened visit of Bella.
In: BINCHY, Maeve. Victoria Line, Central Line. Hodder and Stoughton: Coronet Books, 1982, p.11-12.
In the sentence “And she needed to hold on to what she had for tonight.”, the word what stands for
Q1109957 Inglês
INSTRUCTION: Now read carefully the text below; then mark the alternatives that answer the questions or complete the sentences in the question.

Amy watched six taxis avoid her and go deliberately towards other people. Then she began to realise she was suffering from advanced paranoia and that she had better cut her losses and take the tube home. She was already so late and angry, that the lurching crowded journey couldn’t make her much worse. And there was the danger that if she stood much longer on the side of the street being ignored by rush hour taxi drivers she might lose her small remaining ration of sanity. And she needed to hold on to what she had for tonight.
Tonight Ed’s sister and her husband were coming to dinner. Tonight, for the first time, she would meet the Big Mama figure in Ed’s American family, the one they all bowed to, the one Ed had practically written to for permission to marry Amy. At the time Amy had thought it funny; she had even suggested that her dental reports and Photostats of her GCE certificates be sent to New York. But three years later, after a period of watching Ed write his monthly letter to his big sister Bella, she found it less funny. She was never shown those letters and in pique she had opened one before posting it. It was an infantile report on how their life had been progressing since last month: childish details about the floor covering they had bought for the kitchen, aspirations that Ed’s salary would be reviewed and upped. Praise for a new dress that Amy had bought, minutiae about a picnic they had had with another couple. It had made Amy uneasy, because it had made Ed seem retarded. It was the kind of letter that a mother might expect from a small son who had gone off to summer camp, not something that a sister in far away America should need or want.
Ed had been euphoric about the visit. It had been planned for over three months. Bella and her husband Blair were coming to London for three days as part of a European tour. They would arrive in the morning; they did not want to be met, they preferred to recover from their jet lag alone in the privacy of a good hotel with a comfortable bedroom and bathroom.
Fully refreshed, at seven p.m. they would come and see their beloved Ed and welcome their new sister Amy to the family. Next day there would be a tour to Windsor and an evening at the theatre, with a dinner for the four of them. And on the Saturday morning, Amy might kindly take her new sister Bella shopping, and point out the best places, introduce her to the heads of departments in the better stores. They would have a super girly lunch, and then Bella and Blair should fly out of their lives to Paris.
Normally, on any ordinary Thursday, Amy came home from Harley Street, where she worked as a doctor’s receptionist, took off her shoes, put on her slippers, unpacked her shopping, organized a meal, lit the fire and then Ed would arrive home. Their evenings had begun to have a regular pattern. Ed came home tense and tired. Little by little, in front of the fire, he would unwind; little by little he relaxed his grip on the file of papers he had brought back from the office. He would have a sherry, his face would lose its lines; and then he would agree really that there was no point in trying to do too much work in the evening.
And afterwards, he would carve away happily at the table he was making, or watch television, or do the crossword with Amy; and she realized happily that she was essential to him, because only her kind of understanding could make him uncoil and regard his life as a happy, unworrying thing.
That was all before the threatened visit of Bella.
In: BINCHY, Maeve. Victoria Line, Central Line. Hodder and Stoughton: Coronet Books, 1982, p.11-12.
On paragraph 4, In the sentence “ … he would agree really that there was no point in trying to do too much work in the evening”, Ed’s exact words would be:
Q1109956 Inglês
INSTRUCTION: Now read carefully the text below; then mark the alternatives that answer the questions or complete the sentences in the question.

Amy watched six taxis avoid her and go deliberately towards other people. Then she began to realise she was suffering from advanced paranoia and that she had better cut her losses and take the tube home. She was already so late and angry, that the lurching crowded journey couldn’t make her much worse. And there was the danger that if she stood much longer on the side of the street being ignored by rush hour taxi drivers she might lose her small remaining ration of sanity. And she needed to hold on to what she had for tonight.
Tonight Ed’s sister and her husband were coming to dinner. Tonight, for the first time, she would meet the Big Mama figure in Ed’s American family, the one they all bowed to, the one Ed had practically written to for permission to marry Amy. At the time Amy had thought it funny; she had even suggested that her dental reports and Photostats of her GCE certificates be sent to New York. But three years later, after a period of watching Ed write his monthly letter to his big sister Bella, she found it less funny. She was never shown those letters and in pique she had opened one before posting it. It was an infantile report on how their life had been progressing since last month: childish details about the floor covering they had bought for the kitchen, aspirations that Ed’s salary would be reviewed and upped. Praise for a new dress that Amy had bought, minutiae about a picnic they had had with another couple. It had made Amy uneasy, because it had made Ed seem retarded. It was the kind of letter that a mother might expect from a small son who had gone off to summer camp, not something that a sister in far away America should need or want.
Ed had been euphoric about the visit. It had been planned for over three months. Bella and her husband Blair were coming to London for three days as part of a European tour. They would arrive in the morning; they did not want to be met, they preferred to recover from their jet lag alone in the privacy of a good hotel with a comfortable bedroom and bathroom.
Fully refreshed, at seven p.m. they would come and see their beloved Ed and welcome their new sister Amy to the family. Next day there would be a tour to Windsor and an evening at the theatre, with a dinner for the four of them. And on the Saturday morning, Amy might kindly take her new sister Bella shopping, and point out the best places, introduce her to the heads of departments in the better stores. They would have a super girly lunch, and then Bella and Blair should fly out of their lives to Paris.
Normally, on any ordinary Thursday, Amy came home from Harley Street, where she worked as a doctor’s receptionist, took off her shoes, put on her slippers, unpacked her shopping, organized a meal, lit the fire and then Ed would arrive home. Their evenings had begun to have a regular pattern. Ed came home tense and tired. Little by little, in front of the fire, he would unwind; little by little he relaxed his grip on the file of papers he had brought back from the office. He would have a sherry, his face would lose its lines; and then he would agree really that there was no point in trying to do too much work in the evening.
And afterwards, he would carve away happily at the table he was making, or watch television, or do the crossword with Amy; and she realized happily that she was essential to him, because only her kind of understanding could make him uncoil and regard his life as a happy, unworrying thing.
That was all before the threatened visit of Bella.
In: BINCHY, Maeve. Victoria Line, Central Line. Hodder and Stoughton: Coronet Books, 1982, p.11-12.
In the third paragraph of the text, the pronoun their appears 4 times. In the first three times, in the sentences “they preferred to recover from their jet lag alone (…) they would come and see their beloved Ed and welcome their new sister Amy to the family…” the pronoun refers to
Q1109955 Inglês
INSTRUCTION: Now read carefully the text below; then mark the alternatives that answer the questions or complete the sentences in the question.

Amy watched six taxis avoid her and go deliberately towards other people. Then she began to realise she was suffering from advanced paranoia and that she had better cut her losses and take the tube home. She was already so late and angry, that the lurching crowded journey couldn’t make her much worse. And there was the danger that if she stood much longer on the side of the street being ignored by rush hour taxi drivers she might lose her small remaining ration of sanity. And she needed to hold on to what she had for tonight.
Tonight Ed’s sister and her husband were coming to dinner. Tonight, for the first time, she would meet the Big Mama figure in Ed’s American family, the one they all bowed to, the one Ed had practically written to for permission to marry Amy. At the time Amy had thought it funny; she had even suggested that her dental reports and Photostats of her GCE certificates be sent to New York. But three years later, after a period of watching Ed write his monthly letter to his big sister Bella, she found it less funny. She was never shown those letters and in pique she had opened one before posting it. It was an infantile report on how their life had been progressing since last month: childish details about the floor covering they had bought for the kitchen, aspirations that Ed’s salary would be reviewed and upped. Praise for a new dress that Amy had bought, minutiae about a picnic they had had with another couple. It had made Amy uneasy, because it had made Ed seem retarded. It was the kind of letter that a mother might expect from a small son who had gone off to summer camp, not something that a sister in far away America should need or want.
Ed had been euphoric about the visit. It had been planned for over three months. Bella and her husband Blair were coming to London for three days as part of a European tour. They would arrive in the morning; they did not want to be met, they preferred to recover from their jet lag alone in the privacy of a good hotel with a comfortable bedroom and bathroom.
Fully refreshed, at seven p.m. they would come and see their beloved Ed and welcome their new sister Amy to the family. Next day there would be a tour to Windsor and an evening at the theatre, with a dinner for the four of them. And on the Saturday morning, Amy might kindly take her new sister Bella shopping, and point out the best places, introduce her to the heads of departments in the better stores. They would have a super girly lunch, and then Bella and Blair should fly out of their lives to Paris.
Normally, on any ordinary Thursday, Amy came home from Harley Street, where she worked as a doctor’s receptionist, took off her shoes, put on her slippers, unpacked her shopping, organized a meal, lit the fire and then Ed would arrive home. Their evenings had begun to have a regular pattern. Ed came home tense and tired. Little by little, in front of the fire, he would unwind; little by little he relaxed his grip on the file of papers he had brought back from the office. He would have a sherry, his face would lose its lines; and then he would agree really that there was no point in trying to do too much work in the evening.
And afterwards, he would carve away happily at the table he was making, or watch television, or do the crossword with Amy; and she realized happily that she was essential to him, because only her kind of understanding could make him uncoil and regard his life as a happy, unworrying thing.
That was all before the threatened visit of Bella.
In: BINCHY, Maeve. Victoria Line, Central Line. Hodder and Stoughton: Coronet Books, 1982, p.11-12.
Amy was worried because
Q1109954 Inglês
INSTRUCTION: Now read carefully the text below; then mark the alternatives that answer the questions or complete the sentences in the question.

Amy watched six taxis avoid her and go deliberately towards other people. Then she began to realise she was suffering from advanced paranoia and that she had better cut her losses and take the tube home. She was already so late and angry, that the lurching crowded journey couldn’t make her much worse. And there was the danger that if she stood much longer on the side of the street being ignored by rush hour taxi drivers she might lose her small remaining ration of sanity. And she needed to hold on to what she had for tonight.
Tonight Ed’s sister and her husband were coming to dinner. Tonight, for the first time, she would meet the Big Mama figure in Ed’s American family, the one they all bowed to, the one Ed had practically written to for permission to marry Amy. At the time Amy had thought it funny; she had even suggested that her dental reports and Photostats of her GCE certificates be sent to New York. But three years later, after a period of watching Ed write his monthly letter to his big sister Bella, she found it less funny. She was never shown those letters and in pique she had opened one before posting it. It was an infantile report on how their life had been progressing since last month: childish details about the floor covering they had bought for the kitchen, aspirations that Ed’s salary would be reviewed and upped. Praise for a new dress that Amy had bought, minutiae about a picnic they had had with another couple. It had made Amy uneasy, because it had made Ed seem retarded. It was the kind of letter that a mother might expect from a small son who had gone off to summer camp, not something that a sister in far away America should need or want.
Ed had been euphoric about the visit. It had been planned for over three months. Bella and her husband Blair were coming to London for three days as part of a European tour. They would arrive in the morning; they did not want to be met, they preferred to recover from their jet lag alone in the privacy of a good hotel with a comfortable bedroom and bathroom.
Fully refreshed, at seven p.m. they would come and see their beloved Ed and welcome their new sister Amy to the family. Next day there would be a tour to Windsor and an evening at the theatre, with a dinner for the four of them. And on the Saturday morning, Amy might kindly take her new sister Bella shopping, and point out the best places, introduce her to the heads of departments in the better stores. They would have a super girly lunch, and then Bella and Blair should fly out of their lives to Paris.
Normally, on any ordinary Thursday, Amy came home from Harley Street, where she worked as a doctor’s receptionist, took off her shoes, put on her slippers, unpacked her shopping, organized a meal, lit the fire and then Ed would arrive home. Their evenings had begun to have a regular pattern. Ed came home tense and tired. Little by little, in front of the fire, he would unwind; little by little he relaxed his grip on the file of papers he had brought back from the office. He would have a sherry, his face would lose its lines; and then he would agree really that there was no point in trying to do too much work in the evening.
And afterwards, he would carve away happily at the table he was making, or watch television, or do the crossword with Amy; and she realized happily that she was essential to him, because only her kind of understanding could make him uncoil and regard his life as a happy, unworrying thing.
That was all before the threatened visit of Bella.
In: BINCHY, Maeve. Victoria Line, Central Line. Hodder and Stoughton: Coronet Books, 1982, p.11-12.
Amy’s husband Ed’s sister and brother in law
Q1109953 Inglês
INSTRUCTION: Now read carefully the text below; then mark the alternatives that answer the questions or complete the sentences in the question.

Amy watched six taxis avoid her and go deliberately towards other people. Then she began to realise she was suffering from advanced paranoia and that she had better cut her losses and take the tube home. She was already so late and angry, that the lurching crowded journey couldn’t make her much worse. And there was the danger that if she stood much longer on the side of the street being ignored by rush hour taxi drivers she might lose her small remaining ration of sanity. And she needed to hold on to what she had for tonight.
Tonight Ed’s sister and her husband were coming to dinner. Tonight, for the first time, she would meet the Big Mama figure in Ed’s American family, the one they all bowed to, the one Ed had practically written to for permission to marry Amy. At the time Amy had thought it funny; she had even suggested that her dental reports and Photostats of her GCE certificates be sent to New York. But three years later, after a period of watching Ed write his monthly letter to his big sister Bella, she found it less funny. She was never shown those letters and in pique she had opened one before posting it. It was an infantile report on how their life had been progressing since last month: childish details about the floor covering they had bought for the kitchen, aspirations that Ed’s salary would be reviewed and upped. Praise for a new dress that Amy had bought, minutiae about a picnic they had had with another couple. It had made Amy uneasy, because it had made Ed seem retarded. It was the kind of letter that a mother might expect from a small son who had gone off to summer camp, not something that a sister in far away America should need or want.
Ed had been euphoric about the visit. It had been planned for over three months. Bella and her husband Blair were coming to London for three days as part of a European tour. They would arrive in the morning; they did not want to be met, they preferred to recover from their jet lag alone in the privacy of a good hotel with a comfortable bedroom and bathroom.
Fully refreshed, at seven p.m. they would come and see their beloved Ed and welcome their new sister Amy to the family. Next day there would be a tour to Windsor and an evening at the theatre, with a dinner for the four of them. And on the Saturday morning, Amy might kindly take her new sister Bella shopping, and point out the best places, introduce her to the heads of departments in the better stores. They would have a super girly lunch, and then Bella and Blair should fly out of their lives to Paris.
Normally, on any ordinary Thursday, Amy came home from Harley Street, where she worked as a doctor’s receptionist, took off her shoes, put on her slippers, unpacked her shopping, organized a meal, lit the fire and then Ed would arrive home. Their evenings had begun to have a regular pattern. Ed came home tense and tired. Little by little, in front of the fire, he would unwind; little by little he relaxed his grip on the file of papers he had brought back from the office. He would have a sherry, his face would lose its lines; and then he would agree really that there was no point in trying to do too much work in the evening.
And afterwards, he would carve away happily at the table he was making, or watch television, or do the crossword with Amy; and she realized happily that she was essential to him, because only her kind of understanding could make him uncoil and regard his life as a happy, unworrying thing.
That was all before the threatened visit of Bella.
In: BINCHY, Maeve. Victoria Line, Central Line. Hodder and Stoughton: Coronet Books, 1982, p.11-12.
Reading the text, it becomes clear that Amy
Q1109952 Inglês
INSTRUCTION: Now read carefully the text below; then mark the alternatives that answer the questions or complete the sentences in the question.

Amy watched six taxis avoid her and go deliberately towards other people. Then she began to realise she was suffering from advanced paranoia and that she had better cut her losses and take the tube home. She was already so late and angry, that the lurching crowded journey couldn’t make her much worse. And there was the danger that if she stood much longer on the side of the street being ignored by rush hour taxi drivers she might lose her small remaining ration of sanity. And she needed to hold on to what she had for tonight.
Tonight Ed’s sister and her husband were coming to dinner. Tonight, for the first time, she would meet the Big Mama figure in Ed’s American family, the one they all bowed to, the one Ed had practically written to for permission to marry Amy. At the time Amy had thought it funny; she had even suggested that her dental reports and Photostats of her GCE certificates be sent to New York. But three years later, after a period of watching Ed write his monthly letter to his big sister Bella, she found it less funny. She was never shown those letters and in pique she had opened one before posting it. It was an infantile report on how their life had been progressing since last month: childish details about the floor covering they had bought for the kitchen, aspirations that Ed’s salary would be reviewed and upped. Praise for a new dress that Amy had bought, minutiae about a picnic they had had with another couple. It had made Amy uneasy, because it had made Ed seem retarded. It was the kind of letter that a mother might expect from a small son who had gone off to summer camp, not something that a sister in far away America should need or want.
Ed had been euphoric about the visit. It had been planned for over three months. Bella and her husband Blair were coming to London for three days as part of a European tour. They would arrive in the morning; they did not want to be met, they preferred to recover from their jet lag alone in the privacy of a good hotel with a comfortable bedroom and bathroom.
Fully refreshed, at seven p.m. they would come and see their beloved Ed and welcome their new sister Amy to the family. Next day there would be a tour to Windsor and an evening at the theatre, with a dinner for the four of them. And on the Saturday morning, Amy might kindly take her new sister Bella shopping, and point out the best places, introduce her to the heads of departments in the better stores. They would have a super girly lunch, and then Bella and Blair should fly out of their lives to Paris.
Normally, on any ordinary Thursday, Amy came home from Harley Street, where she worked as a doctor’s receptionist, took off her shoes, put on her slippers, unpacked her shopping, organized a meal, lit the fire and then Ed would arrive home. Their evenings had begun to have a regular pattern. Ed came home tense and tired. Little by little, in front of the fire, he would unwind; little by little he relaxed his grip on the file of papers he had brought back from the office. He would have a sherry, his face would lose its lines; and then he would agree really that there was no point in trying to do too much work in the evening.
And afterwards, he would carve away happily at the table he was making, or watch television, or do the crossword with Amy; and she realized happily that she was essential to him, because only her kind of understanding could make him uncoil and regard his life as a happy, unworrying thing.
That was all before the threatened visit of Bella.
In: BINCHY, Maeve. Victoria Line, Central Line. Hodder and Stoughton: Coronet Books, 1982, p.11-12.
The text shows that Amy’s feelings were a mixture of
Q1109951 Inglês
INSTRUCTION: Now read carefully the text below; then mark the alternatives that answer the questions or complete the sentences in the question.

Amy watched six taxis avoid her and go deliberately towards other people. Then she began to realise she was suffering from advanced paranoia and that she had better cut her losses and take the tube home. She was already so late and angry, that the lurching crowded journey couldn’t make her much worse. And there was the danger that if she stood much longer on the side of the street being ignored by rush hour taxi drivers she might lose her small remaining ration of sanity. And she needed to hold on to what she had for tonight.
Tonight Ed’s sister and her husband were coming to dinner. Tonight, for the first time, she would meet the Big Mama figure in Ed’s American family, the one they all bowed to, the one Ed had practically written to for permission to marry Amy. At the time Amy had thought it funny; she had even suggested that her dental reports and Photostats of her GCE certificates be sent to New York. But three years later, after a period of watching Ed write his monthly letter to his big sister Bella, she found it less funny. She was never shown those letters and in pique she had opened one before posting it. It was an infantile report on how their life had been progressing since last month: childish details about the floor covering they had bought for the kitchen, aspirations that Ed’s salary would be reviewed and upped. Praise for a new dress that Amy had bought, minutiae about a picnic they had had with another couple. It had made Amy uneasy, because it had made Ed seem retarded. It was the kind of letter that a mother might expect from a small son who had gone off to summer camp, not something that a sister in far away America should need or want.
Ed had been euphoric about the visit. It had been planned for over three months. Bella and her husband Blair were coming to London for three days as part of a European tour. They would arrive in the morning; they did not want to be met, they preferred to recover from their jet lag alone in the privacy of a good hotel with a comfortable bedroom and bathroom.
Fully refreshed, at seven p.m. they would come and see their beloved Ed and welcome their new sister Amy to the family. Next day there would be a tour to Windsor and an evening at the theatre, with a dinner for the four of them. And on the Saturday morning, Amy might kindly take her new sister Bella shopping, and point out the best places, introduce her to the heads of departments in the better stores. They would have a super girly lunch, and then Bella and Blair should fly out of their lives to Paris.
Normally, on any ordinary Thursday, Amy came home from Harley Street, where she worked as a doctor’s receptionist, took off her shoes, put on her slippers, unpacked her shopping, organized a meal, lit the fire and then Ed would arrive home. Their evenings had begun to have a regular pattern. Ed came home tense and tired. Little by little, in front of the fire, he would unwind; little by little he relaxed his grip on the file of papers he had brought back from the office. He would have a sherry, his face would lose its lines; and then he would agree really that there was no point in trying to do too much work in the evening.
And afterwards, he would carve away happily at the table he was making, or watch television, or do the crossword with Amy; and she realized happily that she was essential to him, because only her kind of understanding could make him uncoil and regard his life as a happy, unworrying thing.
That was all before the threatened visit of Bella.
In: BINCHY, Maeve. Victoria Line, Central Line. Hodder and Stoughton: Coronet Books, 1982, p.11-12.
In the sentence “She was already so late and angry, that the lurching crowded journey couldn’t make her much worse”, she is referring to
Q1109950 Inglês
INSTRUCTION: Read the following text carefully and then mark the alternatives that complete the sentences in the question.

3 Tips for Teaching Reading in a Foreign Language

June 15, 2015     Giwan Persaud

Reading is a great skill to have. It’s something we can do anytime, anywhere. Today I want to share with you some tips about teaching reading skills in foreign languages to young learners. Ready? Let’s go.

1. Traffic Light Reading.

This is one of my all-time favourite exercises for teaching reading. The idea is that you pick an appropriately levelled text (this can be adapted to any level!), take the text in question, or a segment of it, and reread it three times. The first time you read with a green pen or pencil in hand and underline every single thing you understand. This is great because it includes numbers, places, and names meaning that every student is guaranteed some green on their page. What a confidence booster!
Then students re-read the text. This time with an orange pen at the ready. The orange is for those words that look familiar or could be guessed, but that students aren’t 100% sure about. There should be less of these. Encourage students to also have the green pen ready as they may notice ‘green’ words they didn’t see the first time around. And finally, as you may well have guessed, the red pen comes in and underlines every completely unknown word. Providing that the text is of the right level, there should be a nice shade of green filling the page with the odd orange and red spec.
I find this activity constantly boosts students confidence as they see a black and white page in a foreign language come to life in colour. So many students are amazing and really pleased with themselves about how much they can actually understand when they take the time to focus on a text. One of my all-time favourites.
Available at: <> (Adapted).
The author of the article calls this reading strategy the traffic light strategy
Q1109949 Inglês
INSTRUCTION: Read the following text carefully and then mark the alternatives that complete the sentences in the question.

3 Tips for Teaching Reading in a Foreign Language

June 15, 2015     Giwan Persaud

Reading is a great skill to have. It’s something we can do anytime, anywhere. Today I want to share with you some tips about teaching reading skills in foreign languages to young learners. Ready? Let’s go.

1. Traffic Light Reading.

This is one of my all-time favourite exercises for teaching reading. The idea is that you pick an appropriately levelled text (this can be adapted to any level!), take the text in question, or a segment of it, and reread it three times. The first time you read with a green pen or pencil in hand and underline every single thing you understand. This is great because it includes numbers, places, and names meaning that every student is guaranteed some green on their page. What a confidence booster!
Then students re-read the text. This time with an orange pen at the ready. The orange is for those words that look familiar or could be guessed, but that students aren’t 100% sure about. There should be less of these. Encourage students to also have the green pen ready as they may notice ‘green’ words they didn’t see the first time around. And finally, as you may well have guessed, the red pen comes in and underlines every completely unknown word. Providing that the text is of the right level, there should be a nice shade of green filling the page with the odd orange and red spec.
I find this activity constantly boosts students confidence as they see a black and white page in a foreign language come to life in colour. So many students are amazing and really pleased with themselves about how much they can actually understand when they take the time to focus on a text. One of my all-time favourites.
Available at: <> (Adapted).
According to the text, students should mark the words they think they understand with
Q1109948 Inglês
INSTRUCTION: Read the following text carefully and then mark the alternatives that complete the sentences in the question.

3 Tips for Teaching Reading in a Foreign Language

June 15, 2015     Giwan Persaud

Reading is a great skill to have. It’s something we can do anytime, anywhere. Today I want to share with you some tips about teaching reading skills in foreign languages to young learners. Ready? Let’s go.

1. Traffic Light Reading.

This is one of my all-time favourite exercises for teaching reading. The idea is that you pick an appropriately levelled text (this can be adapted to any level!), take the text in question, or a segment of it, and reread it three times. The first time you read with a green pen or pencil in hand and underline every single thing you understand. This is great because it includes numbers, places, and names meaning that every student is guaranteed some green on their page. What a confidence booster!
Then students re-read the text. This time with an orange pen at the ready. The orange is for those words that look familiar or could be guessed, but that students aren’t 100% sure about. There should be less of these. Encourage students to also have the green pen ready as they may notice ‘green’ words they didn’t see the first time around. And finally, as you may well have guessed, the red pen comes in and underlines every completely unknown word. Providing that the text is of the right level, there should be a nice shade of green filling the page with the odd orange and red spec.
I find this activity constantly boosts students confidence as they see a black and white page in a foreign language come to life in colour. So many students are amazing and really pleased with themselves about how much they can actually understand when they take the time to focus on a text. One of my all-time favourites.
Available at: <> (Adapted).
The article prescribes that the activity text
Q1109507 Inglês

Brain Development: Can Teaching Make a


It has long been known that different regions of the brain have specialized functions. For example, the frontal lobes are involved in abstract reasoning and planning, while the posterior lobes are involved in vision. Until recently, it was believed that these specialized regions developed from a genetic blueprint that determined the structure and function of specific areas of the brain. That is, particular areas of the brain were designed for processing certain kinds of information from birth.

New evidence suggests that the brain is much more malleable than previously thought. Recent findings indicate that the specialized functions of specific regions of the brain are not fixed at birth but are shaped by experience and learning. To use a computer analogy, we now think that the young brain is like a computer with incredibly sophisticated hardwiring, but no software. The software of the brain, like the software of desktop computers, harnesses the exceptional processing capacity of the brain in the service of specialized functions, like vision, smell, and language. All individuals have to acquire or develop their own software in order to harness the processing power of the brain with which they are born.

A number of studies support this view. However, all were carried out on animals, because it is not possible to do such research with humans. Caution is called for when extrapolating these findings to humans.

These findings may have implications for language educators: for one thing, that teaching and teachers can make a difference in brain development, and that they shouldn’t give up on older language learners.


BrainResearch.html (Edited.)

Read this sentence from the text and analyze its structure:

These findings may have implications for language educators: for one thing, that teaching and teachers can make a difference in brain development, and that they shouldn’t give up on older language learners.

The core modal verbs in English are “can”, “could”, “may”, “might”, “shall”, “should”, “will”, “would”, and “must”. Their use obeys some syntactic restrictions. Which of the following alternatives presents an incorrect example of the use of a modal verb?

Q1109506 Inglês

Brain Development: Can Teaching Make a


It has long been known that different regions of the brain have specialized functions. For example, the frontal lobes are involved in abstract reasoning and planning, while the posterior lobes are involved in vision. Until recently, it was believed that these specialized regions developed from a genetic blueprint that determined the structure and function of specific areas of the brain. That is, particular areas of the brain were designed for processing certain kinds of information from birth.

New evidence suggests that the brain is much more malleable than previously thought. Recent findings indicate that the specialized functions of specific regions of the brain are not fixed at birth but are shaped by experience and learning. To use a computer analogy, we now think that the young brain is like a computer with incredibly sophisticated hardwiring, but no software. The software of the brain, like the software of desktop computers, harnesses the exceptional processing capacity of the brain in the service of specialized functions, like vision, smell, and language. All individuals have to acquire or develop their own software in order to harness the processing power of the brain with which they are born.

A number of studies support this view. However, all were carried out on animals, because it is not possible to do such research with humans. Caution is called for when extrapolating these findings to humans.

These findings may have implications for language educators: for one thing, that teaching and teachers can make a difference in brain development, and that they shouldn’t give up on older language learners.


BrainResearch.html (Edited.)

Read this sentence from the text and analyze its structure:

However, all were carried out on animals, because it is not possible to do such research with humans.

Now, consider the following statements about the use of the word “because” in English language and choose the correct alternative.

I) “Because” can be used as a subordinating conjunction which introduces clauses of cause.

II) “Because” is a conjunction that can be used when giving the reason for something.

III) “Because” can always be replaced without change of meaning by “in the event that”.

Q1109505 Inglês

Brain Development: Can Teaching Make a


It has long been known that different regions of the brain have specialized functions. For example, the frontal lobes are involved in abstract reasoning and planning, while the posterior lobes are involved in vision. Until recently, it was believed that these specialized regions developed from a genetic blueprint that determined the structure and function of specific areas of the brain. That is, particular areas of the brain were designed for processing certain kinds of information from birth.

New evidence suggests that the brain is much more malleable than previously thought. Recent findings indicate that the specialized functions of specific regions of the brain are not fixed at birth but are shaped by experience and learning. To use a computer analogy, we now think that the young brain is like a computer with incredibly sophisticated hardwiring, but no software. The software of the brain, like the software of desktop computers, harnesses the exceptional processing capacity of the brain in the service of specialized functions, like vision, smell, and language. All individuals have to acquire or develop their own software in order to harness the processing power of the brain with which they are born.

A number of studies support this view. However, all were carried out on animals, because it is not possible to do such research with humans. Caution is called for when extrapolating these findings to humans.

These findings may have implications for language educators: for one thing, that teaching and teachers can make a difference in brain development, and that they shouldn’t give up on older language learners.


BrainResearch.html (Edited.)

Read this sentence from the text and analyze its structure:

New evidence suggests that the brain is much more malleable than previously thought.

The word “previously” is an adverb which informs when an action happened. Choose the following alternative which presents an example of an adverb of time.

Q1109504 Inglês

Brain Development: Can Teaching Make a


It has long been known that different regions of the brain have specialized functions. For example, the frontal lobes are involved in abstract reasoning and planning, while the posterior lobes are involved in vision. Until recently, it was believed that these specialized regions developed from a genetic blueprint that determined the structure and function of specific areas of the brain. That is, particular areas of the brain were designed for processing certain kinds of information from birth.

New evidence suggests that the brain is much more malleable than previously thought. Recent findings indicate that the specialized functions of specific regions of the brain are not fixed at birth but are shaped by experience and learning. To use a computer analogy, we now think that the young brain is like a computer with incredibly sophisticated hardwiring, but no software. The software of the brain, like the software of desktop computers, harnesses the exceptional processing capacity of the brain in the service of specialized functions, like vision, smell, and language. All individuals have to acquire or develop their own software in order to harness the processing power of the brain with which they are born.

A number of studies support this view. However, all were carried out on animals, because it is not possible to do such research with humans. Caution is called for when extrapolating these findings to humans.

These findings may have implications for language educators: for one thing, that teaching and teachers can make a difference in brain development, and that they shouldn’t give up on older language learners.


BrainResearch.html (Edited.)

Read this sentence from the text and analyze its structure:

It has long been known that different regions of the brain

have specialized functions.

The verb “to have” can be used as a main verb as well as an auxiliary verb in English. Which of the following alternatives doesn’t present a characteristic of the verb “to have”?

Q1109503 Inglês

Brain Development: Can Teaching Make a


It has long been known that different regions of the brain have specialized functions. For example, the frontal lobes are involved in abstract reasoning and planning, while the posterior lobes are involved in vision. Until recently, it was believed that these specialized regions developed from a genetic blueprint that determined the structure and function of specific areas of the brain. That is, particular areas of the brain were designed for processing certain kinds of information from birth.

New evidence suggests that the brain is much more malleable than previously thought. Recent findings indicate that the specialized functions of specific regions of the brain are not fixed at birth but are shaped by experience and learning. To use a computer analogy, we now think that the young brain is like a computer with incredibly sophisticated hardwiring, but no software. The software of the brain, like the software of desktop computers, harnesses the exceptional processing capacity of the brain in the service of specialized functions, like vision, smell, and language. All individuals have to acquire or develop their own software in order to harness the processing power of the brain with which they are born.

A number of studies support this view. However, all were carried out on animals, because it is not possible to do such research with humans. Caution is called for when extrapolating these findings to humans.

These findings may have implications for language educators: for one thing, that teaching and teachers can make a difference in brain development, and that they shouldn’t give up on older language learners.


BrainResearch.html (Edited.)

According to the text, what is the possible implication of the new discovery about brain development for language educators?
Q1109502 Inglês

Brain Development: Can Teaching Make a


It has long been known that different regions of the brain have specialized functions. For example, the frontal lobes are involved in abstract reasoning and planning, while the posterior lobes are involved in vision. Until recently, it was believed that these specialized regions developed from a genetic blueprint that determined the structure and function of specific areas of the brain. That is, particular areas of the brain were designed for processing certain kinds of information from birth.

New evidence suggests that the brain is much more malleable than previously thought. Recent findings indicate that the specialized functions of specific regions of the brain are not fixed at birth but are shaped by experience and learning. To use a computer analogy, we now think that the young brain is like a computer with incredibly sophisticated hardwiring, but no software. The software of the brain, like the software of desktop computers, harnesses the exceptional processing capacity of the brain in the service of specialized functions, like vision, smell, and language. All individuals have to acquire or develop their own software in order to harness the processing power of the brain with which they are born.

A number of studies support this view. However, all were carried out on animals, because it is not possible to do such research with humans. Caution is called for when extrapolating these findings to humans.

These findings may have implications for language educators: for one thing, that teaching and teachers can make a difference in brain development, and that they shouldn’t give up on older language learners.


BrainResearch.html (Edited.)

What do new evidences about brain development suggest?
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