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Q1810759 Inglês
…reinforced the contemporary public understanding of x-rays as fantastically potent yet ambiguously helpful. (l. 4-5)
Identify the aspect that the underlined word represents in the sentence above and its appropriate substitute expression(s): 
Q1806171 Inglês

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.

Pensioners face £1,000 fine if they don't get TV licence this week

1º§ The BBC confirmed it will start to charge everyone for the licence from August 1, so you only have until Saturday before the change comes in. Anybody who watches live telly has to pay for a licence. Brits over the age of 75 used to get free TV licences, but the benefit was axed last year - unless you claim pension credit.

2º§ The government stopped funding the free licences for over-75s in 2015, handing the responsibility over to the BBC. But the BBC last year announced it would also pull the plug on the initiative to save cash.

3º§ There was a transition period set up because of the coronavirus crisis, which meant anyone who couldn't afford a TV licence wouldn't be fined. But that all comes to an end this weekend, and anyone without a licence that needs one after the end date of July 31 will face the fine.

4º§ The BBC has said that more than nine in 10 over-75s households have already made arrangements for a paid licence, or updated changes in their circumstances to entitle them to a free one. In its latest update on the changes, the broadcasting house said it would otherwise write to the remaining 260,000 customers who hadn't yet made arrangements. Over 2,838,000 people now have a paid-for licence.

5º§ Since the over-75s have been forced to pay the annual fee, the BBC has reportedly raked in an extra £250million in licence fees, and this will only go up with the end of the grace period looming. You'll want to make sure to get a licence before the deadline or risk paying the hefty fine. 6º§ You need a TV licence to watch or record live programmes on any channel in the UK, or if you're watching something live on a streaming service too.

7º§ If you're using those services but you don't pay the fee then you could face prosecution plus a fine of up to £1,000. To get one, it's going to cost you £159 for a standard colour TV licence, otherwise it's £53.50 for a black and white one.

8º§ You don't have to pay for the licence if you're over 75 and on Pension Credit though, but you'll need to apply for a free licence on the TV licensing website or call 0300 790 6117.

9º§ You can apply for a TV licence online or by calling 0300 790 6165. The fee you pay will last you a whole year and starts from the day that you buy it.

10º§ You'll want to make a note of when this is so you know when to renew it next year too - after 12 months you'll have to pay the £159 (or £53.50) all over again.

11º§ You'll only need one per household and it doesn't matter how many people live with you. But if you or someone you live with is blind or severely sight-impaired, you can get 50% off the fee.

12º§ If you live in a residential care home or sheltered accommodation, you may be able to apply for a reduced licence which will normally cost you £7.50 instead. Plus if you're a student you don't have to pay yourself as you can be covered by your parents licence despite living away from home, but you can't watch something plugged into the mains in this case.



Consider the §12 and the following assertives:

I.The "residential care home" could be translated as "casa de repouso".

II.In the context of the sentence in the paragraph, the word "cost" is an adverb.

III.The word "apply" could be replaced by "request".

Which one(s) is(are) CORRECT?

Q1801490 Inglês

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

The verb TO BROIL means the same as:

Q1801488 Inglês
Choose the correct alternative, which indicates the meaning of blow over in the following sentence: They're hoping that this crisis will BLOW OVER and be forgotten.
Q1798486 Inglês


Technological change – from consumers to producers

Chris Pim

   Over the last 20 years, there has been a tremendous shift in the way that users integrate technology into their personal lives. These changes have taken time to filter down into the educational sector, but slowly teachers have realised the need to adapt their practice in order to reflect the changing nature of technological use in the wider world.

   In the past, technology has predominately been used to source and consume information, whereas today‟s learners have become particularly adept at creating and collaboratively developing content for a wide variety of purposes, for example so-called Web 2.0 tools such as blogs, forums and wikis. Moreover, children and young people are now becoming increasingly interested in the concept of „content curation‟ –selecting, sifting, showcasing and sharing content with friends, family and peers.

   The change from a „read Web‟ to a „read/write Web‟ has encouraged teachers to become increasingly inventive in their approach to engaging technologically savvy learners who want to publish their work within an ever expanding arena.


PIM, Chris. Emerging Technologies, emerging minds: digital innovations within the primary sector. In MOTTERAM, Gary (Ed.) Innovations in learning technologies for English language teaching. London: British Council, 2013. 

(Concurso Milagres/2018) The adjective savvy has the same idea of:
296: C
297: D
298: B
299: E
300: E