Questões de Inglês - Substantivos e compostos | Nouns and compounds para Concurso

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Q2316847 Inglês

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The zero article, the absence of any article, is used in specific contexts, such as with plural and uncountable nouns or when referring to things in general. Understanding when to omit articles is essential for precise communication in American English.

Q2286501 Inglês

(Available at:
service/ - text especially adapted for this test).

*Bot: a computer program that works automatically, especially one that searches for and finds information on the internet. ( 09/09/23).
In the excerpt from the text “every interaction matters” (l. 42-43), the use of “matters” is: 
Q2267389 Inglês
Which noun does not have the correct definition? Choose the INCORRECT answer. 
Q2257131 Inglês
"The Lords differs" (line 9) shows an unusual subject-verb agreement because
Q2257125 Inglês
The word "droves" (line 10) is
81: C
82: C
83: C
84: D
85: E