Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Maravilha - AL 2023 para Professor(a) de Língua Estrangeira (Inglês)
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I- ‘age-related’ (l.8) is a hyphenated compound word;
II- ‘middle age’ (l.4, 5) is working as a noun;
III- ‘healthfully’ (l.18) is an adverb built by prefixation;
IV- ‘outside’ (l.6) is a preposition.
Taking into account that (T) means True and (F) means False, the correct sequence of propositions is, respectively:
(__) ‘worse’ (l.4) is a comparative form of bad;
(__) ‘higher’ (l.10) and ‘older’ (l.12) are used to characterize passages of equality;
(__) ‘better’ (l.13) is an exception to the rules of the nouns’ comparison.
Analyze the propositions and select the wrong alternative:
I- ‘many things’ (l. 6) is a countable example;
II- ‘something’ (l.9) can be also, used to offer something to somebody.
III- In the sentence ‘In this world, I love several things.’ ‘several’ (l.20) is uncountable.