Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Princesa - SC 2018 para Professor de Inglês

Foram encontradas 32 questões

Q1750021 Inglês
“It took me ages to bring him around to my point of view.” The underlined phrasal verb can be replaced by:
Q1750022 Inglês
“They hope the new management will be able to make the project progress.” Choose the best phrasal verb that replaces the underlined expression.
Q1750023 Inglês
“When the company ______________ whether the current report had been funded by any outside interests.” Choose the best option that completes the sentence.
Q1750024 Inglês
Analyze the underlined items below and choose the wrong option.
Q1750025 Inglês
Analyze the sentence below: I - (…) until she finds a friend who sings back; II - Scattered ruins and a little cemetery are all which remain of their time; III - I thought wooden boards were something that left the planet in the '60s. Observing the use of the relative pronouns, choose the correct option:
26: A
27: D
28: C
29: A
30: C