Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de São José do Cedro - SC 2020 para Professor de Inglês

Foram encontradas 20 questões

Q1694624 Pedagogia
De acordo com os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais, há uma diferença entre avaliar a capacidade de desempenho do aluno e estabelecer diferentes níveis de proficiência. A este respeito, com relação ao processo de avaliação do aprendizado de língua estrangeira, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q1694625 Pedagogia
Com relação às habilidades comunicativas, em particular, a compreensão escrita, espera-se que o aluno seja capaz de: I. Selecionar informações específicas do texto. II. Demonstrar consciência de que a leitura é um processo linear que exige o entendimento de cada palavra no texto. III. Demonstrar conhecimento da organização textual através do reconhecimento de como a informação é apresentada no texto e dos conectores articuladores do discurso e de sua função enquanto tais.
Está correto o que se afirma em:
Q1694626 Inglês
Sobre o aprendizado de Inglês e sua relação com a língua materna do aprendiz, verifique se cada afirmação abaixo é verdadeira (V) ou falsa (F): I. Reduz o conhecimento sobre linguagem que o aluno construiu sobre sua língua materna, por meio de comparações com o inglês. II. Impossibilita que o aluno se constitua em um ser discursivo no uso do inglês. III. Aprender a ler em outra língua pode colaborar no desempenho do aluno como leitor em sua língua materna.
O resultado para I – II – III é:
Q1694627 Pedagogia
Sobre o ensino e a aprendizagem de língua estrangeira, assinale a alternativa correta:
Q1694628 Inglês
Why bats are not to blame, say scientists

    “Every now and then, Dr Mathieu Bourgarel seeks permission from the village elders to visit the sacred caves, bringing a gift to appease the spirits. Donning mask, overalls, and three layers of gloves, he descends into the darkness, climbing down rope ladders and squeezing through the narrow chambers of caves. People in this part of Zimbabwe call bats "winged dragons", "flying rats" or simply the "evil ones".
    Like elsewhere in the world, the flying mammals are much misunderstood. For this wildlife ecologist, they're beautiful and incredible creatures. "They are fascinating," he says. "People are frightened of something they don't know."
    "The local population frequently visits these bats' habitat, in order to collect guano to use as fertiliser for their crops. It is therefore essential to know the pathogens carried by the bats, because they could be transmitted to humans," says Dr Elizabeth Gori of the University of Zimbabwe.
    Bat experts have launched a campaign, Don't Blame Bats, to dispel unfounded fears and myths about bats, which are threatening conservation. They say bats are some of the most misunderstood and undervalued animals on the planet.
    Long the target of disdain, persecution and cultural prejudice, they have been blamed for a host of evils visited upon humans. And fears and myths about bats have only intensified in the time of Covid.
    The precise origin of the virus that has wreaked such havoc across the world has not been pinned down. But the vast majority of scientists agree that it crossed into humans from an animal species, most likely a bat. That doesn't mean bats are to blame; it's our increasing interference with these wild creatures that's at the root of the problem.”

(Adapted from:
No texto, a palavra “bat” significa, em Português:
Q1694629 Inglês
Why bats are not to blame, say scientists

    “Every now and then, Dr Mathieu Bourgarel seeks permission from the village elders to visit the sacred caves, bringing a gift to appease the spirits. Donning mask, overalls, and three layers of gloves, he descends into the darkness, climbing down rope ladders and squeezing through the narrow chambers of caves. People in this part of Zimbabwe call bats "winged dragons", "flying rats" or simply the "evil ones".
    Like elsewhere in the world, the flying mammals are much misunderstood. For this wildlife ecologist, they're beautiful and incredible creatures. "They are fascinating," he says. "People are frightened of something they don't know."
    "The local population frequently visits these bats' habitat, in order to collect guano to use as fertiliser for their crops. It is therefore essential to know the pathogens carried by the bats, because they could be transmitted to humans," says Dr Elizabeth Gori of the University of Zimbabwe.
    Bat experts have launched a campaign, Don't Blame Bats, to dispel unfounded fears and myths about bats, which are threatening conservation. They say bats are some of the most misunderstood and undervalued animals on the planet.
    Long the target of disdain, persecution and cultural prejudice, they have been blamed for a host of evils visited upon humans. And fears and myths about bats have only intensified in the time of Covid.
    The precise origin of the virus that has wreaked such havoc across the world has not been pinned down. But the vast majority of scientists agree that it crossed into humans from an animal species, most likely a bat. That doesn't mean bats are to blame; it's our increasing interference with these wild creatures that's at the root of the problem.”

(Adapted from:
De acordo com o texto, moradores da região apelidaram os animais da caverna de:
Q1694630 Inglês
Why bats are not to blame, say scientists

    “Every now and then, Dr Mathieu Bourgarel seeks permission from the village elders to visit the sacred caves, bringing a gift to appease the spirits. Donning mask, overalls, and three layers of gloves, he descends into the darkness, climbing down rope ladders and squeezing through the narrow chambers of caves. People in this part of Zimbabwe call bats "winged dragons", "flying rats" or simply the "evil ones".
    Like elsewhere in the world, the flying mammals are much misunderstood. For this wildlife ecologist, they're beautiful and incredible creatures. "They are fascinating," he says. "People are frightened of something they don't know."
    "The local population frequently visits these bats' habitat, in order to collect guano to use as fertiliser for their crops. It is therefore essential to know the pathogens carried by the bats, because they could be transmitted to humans," says Dr Elizabeth Gori of the University of Zimbabwe.
    Bat experts have launched a campaign, Don't Blame Bats, to dispel unfounded fears and myths about bats, which are threatening conservation. They say bats are some of the most misunderstood and undervalued animals on the planet.
    Long the target of disdain, persecution and cultural prejudice, they have been blamed for a host of evils visited upon humans. And fears and myths about bats have only intensified in the time of Covid.
    The precise origin of the virus that has wreaked such havoc across the world has not been pinned down. But the vast majority of scientists agree that it crossed into humans from an animal species, most likely a bat. That doesn't mean bats are to blame; it's our increasing interference with these wild creatures that's at the root of the problem.”

(Adapted from:
A campanha mencionada no texto é:
Q1694631 Inglês
Why bats are not to blame, say scientists

    “Every now and then, Dr Mathieu Bourgarel seeks permission from the village elders to visit the sacred caves, bringing a gift to appease the spirits. Donning mask, overalls, and three layers of gloves, he descends into the darkness, climbing down rope ladders and squeezing through the narrow chambers of caves. People in this part of Zimbabwe call bats "winged dragons", "flying rats" or simply the "evil ones".
    Like elsewhere in the world, the flying mammals are much misunderstood. For this wildlife ecologist, they're beautiful and incredible creatures. "They are fascinating," he says. "People are frightened of something they don't know."
    "The local population frequently visits these bats' habitat, in order to collect guano to use as fertiliser for their crops. It is therefore essential to know the pathogens carried by the bats, because they could be transmitted to humans," says Dr Elizabeth Gori of the University of Zimbabwe.
    Bat experts have launched a campaign, Don't Blame Bats, to dispel unfounded fears and myths about bats, which are threatening conservation. They say bats are some of the most misunderstood and undervalued animals on the planet.
    Long the target of disdain, persecution and cultural prejudice, they have been blamed for a host of evils visited upon humans. And fears and myths about bats have only intensified in the time of Covid.
    The precise origin of the virus that has wreaked such havoc across the world has not been pinned down. But the vast majority of scientists agree that it crossed into humans from an animal species, most likely a bat. That doesn't mean bats are to blame; it's our increasing interference with these wild creatures that's at the root of the problem.”

(Adapted from:
A palavra rope, em “climbing down rope ladders”, pode ser traduzida, em Português, por:
Q1694632 Inglês
Why bats are not to blame, say scientists

    “Every now and then, Dr Mathieu Bourgarel seeks permission from the village elders to visit the sacred caves, bringing a gift to appease the spirits. Donning mask, overalls, and three layers of gloves, he descends into the darkness, climbing down rope ladders and squeezing through the narrow chambers of caves. People in this part of Zimbabwe call bats "winged dragons", "flying rats" or simply the "evil ones".
    Like elsewhere in the world, the flying mammals are much misunderstood. For this wildlife ecologist, they're beautiful and incredible creatures. "They are fascinating," he says. "People are frightened of something they don't know."
    "The local population frequently visits these bats' habitat, in order to collect guano to use as fertiliser for their crops. It is therefore essential to know the pathogens carried by the bats, because they could be transmitted to humans," says Dr Elizabeth Gori of the University of Zimbabwe.
    Bat experts have launched a campaign, Don't Blame Bats, to dispel unfounded fears and myths about bats, which are threatening conservation. They say bats are some of the most misunderstood and undervalued animals on the planet.
    Long the target of disdain, persecution and cultural prejudice, they have been blamed for a host of evils visited upon humans. And fears and myths about bats have only intensified in the time of Covid.
    The precise origin of the virus that has wreaked such havoc across the world has not been pinned down. But the vast majority of scientists agree that it crossed into humans from an animal species, most likely a bat. That doesn't mean bats are to blame; it's our increasing interference with these wild creatures that's at the root of the problem.”

(Adapted from:
De acordo com o texto,
Q1694633 Inglês
Why bats are not to blame, say scientists

    “Every now and then, Dr Mathieu Bourgarel seeks permission from the village elders to visit the sacred caves, bringing a gift to appease the spirits. Donning mask, overalls, and three layers of gloves, he descends into the darkness, climbing down rope ladders and squeezing through the narrow chambers of caves. People in this part of Zimbabwe call bats "winged dragons", "flying rats" or simply the "evil ones".
    Like elsewhere in the world, the flying mammals are much misunderstood. For this wildlife ecologist, they're beautiful and incredible creatures. "They are fascinating," he says. "People are frightened of something they don't know."
    "The local population frequently visits these bats' habitat, in order to collect guano to use as fertiliser for their crops. It is therefore essential to know the pathogens carried by the bats, because they could be transmitted to humans," says Dr Elizabeth Gori of the University of Zimbabwe.
    Bat experts have launched a campaign, Don't Blame Bats, to dispel unfounded fears and myths about bats, which are threatening conservation. They say bats are some of the most misunderstood and undervalued animals on the planet.
    Long the target of disdain, persecution and cultural prejudice, they have been blamed for a host of evils visited upon humans. And fears and myths about bats have only intensified in the time of Covid.
    The precise origin of the virus that has wreaked such havoc across the world has not been pinned down. But the vast majority of scientists agree that it crossed into humans from an animal species, most likely a bat. That doesn't mean bats are to blame; it's our increasing interference with these wild creatures that's at the root of the problem.”

(Adapted from:
No texto, a frase “Donning mask, overalls, and three layers of gloves” refere-se:
Q1694634 Inglês

Analise as tabelas abaixo:


I Water boils at 100°C.
II Mary heard the sound of a bell.
III I will drive the car tomorrow.


A Passado
B Presente
C Futuro

Assinale a alternativa que relaciona a frase da “Tabela 1” ao tempo verbal correto da “Tabela 2”:

Q1694635 Inglês
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta uma palavra no singular:
Q1694636 Inglês
Considere a frase abaixo: He is a music teacher. A negação está corretamente apresentada em:
Q1694637 Inglês

Considere a frase abaixo:

Tomorrow she will wake up early.

Isso significa que ela, provavelmente

Q1694638 Legislação dos Municípios do Estado de Santa Catarina
De acordo com a Lei Orgânica Municipal (São José do Cedro), o falecimento e a renúncia por escrito são casos de:
Q1694640 Direito Constitucional
Nos termos da Constituição Federal de 1988, as universidades gozam de autonomia didáticocientífica, administrativa e de gestão financeira e patrimonial, e obedecerão ao princípio de indissociabilidade entre ensino, pesquisa e extensão. Diante de tal artigo do texto constitucional, o aluno de pedagogia João Marcos, perguntou à professora Clarisse sobre a possibilidade de admissão de professores e cientistas estrangeiros. A professora Clarisse respondeu que, de acordo com a Constituição Federal de 1988:
Q1694641 Conhecimentos Gerais
Leia o trecho a seguir: “Em outubro de 2020 o Prêmio Nobel da Paz foi concedido ao(aos) _______________ que teve uma participação intensa durante o combate à pandemia que atingiu o mundo neste ano.” A lacuna se refere:
Q1694642 Conhecimentos Gerais
No final do mês de setembro deste ano, faleceu o cartunista argentino Joaquín Salvador Lavado, conhecido como Quino, que ficou mundialmente conhecido por seu personagem mais icônico, este personagem é:
Q1694643 Geografia
Em setembro de 2020 pesquisadores da Europa e dos Estados Unidos anunciaram que encontraram possíveis sinais de vida em Vênus. Estes sinais são decorrentes de que descoberta?
Q1694934 Direito da Criança e do Adolescente - Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA) - Lei nº 8.069 de 1990
Para efeitos da Lei nº 8.069/90 (Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente), é certo dizer que é considerado como adolescente:
1: D
2: C
3: B
4: A
5: B
6: C
7: C
8: B
9: B
10: A
11: D
12: B
13: C
14: D
15: D
16: A
17: C
18: D
19: B
20: B