Questões de Concurso Público Petrobras 2010 para Conhecimentos Básicos - Nível Superior

Foram encontradas 16 questões

Q1869403 Inglês
Consider Text I to answer question.

The explanation given corresponds to the information in Text I in
Q1869405 Inglês
Consider Text I to answer question.

The only acronym that does NOT represent a vessel used in oil production is
Q1869406 Inglês
Consider Text I to answer question.

According to Text I, all of the following statements are true about NYK, EXCEPT the fact that the company
Q1869407 Inglês

Consider Text II to answer question.

The question mark in the title “The next oil giant?”, in connection with the arguments exposed in the text, suggests that the author
Q1869408 Inglês

Consider Text II to answer question.

According to paragraph 2 (lines 7-18), the overall reason for Petrobras to postpone disclosing its 2009-13 strategic plan was announced to be the
6: C
7: E
8: A
9: B
10: C