Questões de Concurso Público Petrobras 2007 para Administrador Júnior

Foram encontradas 150 questões

Q167266 Inglês

Internet: (adapted).

1turnstile – a narrow gate at the entrance of something, with metal bars that move in a circle so that only one person at a time can go through.
2squeegee – an object used for cleaning windows, consisting of a short handle with a rubber blade.
3jaywalking – a dangerous or illegal way of crossing a street at a place where cars do not usually stop.
4hubris – a very proud way of talking or behaving that offends people.

In the text,

the article “the”, in the expression “in the March, 1982 issue of Atlantic Monthly” (L.4), is optional.
Q167267 Inglês

Internet: (adapted).

1turnstile – a narrow gate at the entrance of something, with metal bars that move in a circle so that only one person at a time can go through.
2squeegee – an object used for cleaning windows, consisting of a short handle with a rubber blade.
3jaywalking – a dangerous or illegal way of crossing a street at a place where cars do not usually stop.
4hubris – a very proud way of talking or behaving that offends people.

In the text,

“laws against minor crimes” (L.5) is the subject of “are enforced” (L.6).
Q167268 Inglês

Internet: (adapted).

1turnstile – a narrow gate at the entrance of something, with metal bars that move in a circle so that only one person at a time can go through.
2squeegee – an object used for cleaning windows, consisting of a short handle with a rubber blade.
3jaywalking – a dangerous or illegal way of crossing a street at a place where cars do not usually stop.
4hubris – a very proud way of talking or behaving that offends people.

In the text,

the use of “will” (L.7) expresses a polite request.
Q167269 Inglês

Internet: (adapted).

1turnstile – a narrow gate at the entrance of something, with metal bars that move in a circle so that only one person at a time can go through.
2squeegee – an object used for cleaning windows, consisting of a short handle with a rubber blade.
3jaywalking – a dangerous or illegal way of crossing a street at a place where cars do not usually stop.
4hubris – a very proud way of talking or behaving that offends people.

In the text,

the word “mayor” (L.8) is synonymous with representative.
Q167270 Inglês

Internet: (adapted).

1turnstile – a narrow gate at the entrance of something, with metal bars that move in a circle so that only one person at a time can go through.
2squeegee – an object used for cleaning windows, consisting of a short handle with a rubber blade.
3jaywalking – a dangerous or illegal way of crossing a street at a place where cars do not usually stop.
4hubris – a very proud way of talking or behaving that offends people.

In the text,

the word “critical” (L.49) can be correctly replaced by extremely important.
41: E
42: C
43: E
44: E
45: C