Questões de Concurso Público ANTAQ 2009 para Especialista em Regulação - Economia

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Q46915 Português
Imagem 002.jpg

Julgue os itens a seguir a respeito da organização do texto apresentado.

Na organização das ideias no texto, o pronome "que" (l.14) retoma "nosso conhecimento das coisas" (l.13).
Q46916 Português
Imagem 002.jpg

Julgue os itens a seguir a respeito da organização do texto apresentado.

Por se referir a "um nível mais profundo de síntese" (l.16), a expressão "uma unificação que" (l.16-17) pode ser substituída por o que, sem prejudicar a argumentação ou a correção gramatical do texto.
Q46917 Inglês
Sharks in the water

In the last year, Somalia's pirates have attacked 120 vessels in the Gulf of Aden, choking commerce in a critical shipping lane (the transit route for 20 percent of the world's oil), blocking aid supplies and driving up transport costs.
The last few weeks have shown how hard it will be to defeat the pirates on the high seas, which seems like the international community's approach. When British Marines tried to board a captured fishing dhow on Nov. 11, they had to go in with guns blazing and killed one possible hostage in the process. A week later, an Indian warship opened fire on what it thought was a pirate mother ship. But the target turned out to be a Thai fishing vessel. When pirates seized their most valuable prize ever on Nov. 15 - the Sirius Star supertanker holding 2 million barrels of Saudi crude - everyone kept their distance.
As this suggests, Somalia's seaborne bandits are making a mockery of all efforts to stop them. Pirates have only increased their efforts, ranging across an area bigger than the Mediterranean. The Sirius Star was taken 450 nautical miles southeast of Kenya, and with it, the Somalis now hold 300 hostages and 15 ships.
The Somalia's internationally recognized transitional government has invited foreign navies to do what's necessary to stop the pirates, even attacking them ashore if need be. The Security Council has affirmed that option. Moreover, nearly all of Somalia's pirates come from one region (Puntland), live in a single town (Boosaaso) and stash captured vessels in one of three ports (Eyl, Hobyo or Haradhere) - making interdiction that much easier. Andrew Linington of Nautilus UK, a seaman's union that has had many of its members taken hostage, says the international community "knows where the pirates are, they know the ports they use, they know the mother ships. Stopping them could be done," he says. But that would be expensive at a time when U.S. resources are tied up in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Rod Nordlant. Sharks in the water. Internet: (adapted).

According to the text, it is correct to affirm that

Judge the following items according to the text.

The efforts to stop the attacks have forced the pirates to shrink the area of their activities.
Q46918 Inglês
Sharks in the water

In the last year, Somalia's pirates have attacked 120 vessels in the Gulf of Aden, choking commerce in a critical shipping lane (the transit route for 20 percent of the world's oil), blocking aid supplies and driving up transport costs.
The last few weeks have shown how hard it will be to defeat the pirates on the high seas, which seems like the international community's approach. When British Marines tried to board a captured fishing dhow on Nov. 11, they had to go in with guns blazing and killed one possible hostage in the process. A week later, an Indian warship opened fire on what it thought was a pirate mother ship. But the target turned out to be a Thai fishing vessel. When pirates seized their most valuable prize ever on Nov. 15 - the Sirius Star supertanker holding 2 million barrels of Saudi crude - everyone kept their distance.
As this suggests, Somalia's seaborne bandits are making a mockery of all efforts to stop them. Pirates have only increased their efforts, ranging across an area bigger than the Mediterranean. The Sirius Star was taken 450 nautical miles southeast of Kenya, and with it, the Somalis now hold 300 hostages and 15 ships.
The Somalia's internationally recognized transitional government has invited foreign navies to do what's necessary to stop the pirates, even attacking them ashore if need be. The Security Council has affirmed that option. Moreover, nearly all of Somalia's pirates come from one region (Puntland), live in a single town (Boosaaso) and stash captured vessels in one of three ports (Eyl, Hobyo or Haradhere) - making interdiction that much easier. Andrew Linington of Nautilus UK, a seaman's union that has had many of its members taken hostage, says the international community "knows where the pirates are, they know the ports they use, they know the mother ships. Stopping them could be done," he says. But that would be expensive at a time when U.S. resources are tied up in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Rod Nordlant. Sharks in the water. Internet: (adapted).

According to the text, it is correct to affirm that

Judge the following items according to the text.

Although the international community may know where the pirates are or the ports they use, interdicting them would be quite expensive for the U.S. at this moment.
Q46919 Inglês
Sharks in the water

In the last year, Somalia's pirates have attacked 120 vessels in the Gulf of Aden, choking commerce in a critical shipping lane (the transit route for 20 percent of the world's oil), blocking aid supplies and driving up transport costs.
The last few weeks have shown how hard it will be to defeat the pirates on the high seas, which seems like the international community's approach. When British Marines tried to board a captured fishing dhow on Nov. 11, they had to go in with guns blazing and killed one possible hostage in the process. A week later, an Indian warship opened fire on what it thought was a pirate mother ship. But the target turned out to be a Thai fishing vessel. When pirates seized their most valuable prize ever on Nov. 15 - the Sirius Star supertanker holding 2 million barrels of Saudi crude - everyone kept their distance.
As this suggests, Somalia's seaborne bandits are making a mockery of all efforts to stop them. Pirates have only increased their efforts, ranging across an area bigger than the Mediterranean. The Sirius Star was taken 450 nautical miles southeast of Kenya, and with it, the Somalis now hold 300 hostages and 15 ships.
The Somalia's internationally recognized transitional government has invited foreign navies to do what's necessary to stop the pirates, even attacking them ashore if need be. The Security Council has affirmed that option. Moreover, nearly all of Somalia's pirates come from one region (Puntland), live in a single town (Boosaaso) and stash captured vessels in one of three ports (Eyl, Hobyo or Haradhere) - making interdiction that much easier. Andrew Linington of Nautilus UK, a seaman's union that has had many of its members taken hostage, says the international community "knows where the pirates are, they know the ports they use, they know the mother ships. Stopping them could be done," he says. But that would be expensive at a time when U.S. resources are tied up in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Rod Nordlant. Sharks in the water. Internet: (adapted).

According to the text, it is correct to affirm that

Judge the following items according to the text.

All of Somalia's pirates come from one region, what makes their interdiction quite easy.
Q50192 Direito Tributário
Julgue os itens a seguir relativos à definição, às finalidades básicas e à natureza jurídica do tributo.

Tributo é toda prestação pecuniária sancionatória de ato ilícito.
Q50194 Direito Tributário
Julgue os itens a seguir relativos à definição, às finalidades básicas e à natureza jurídica do tributo.

A natureza jurídica específica do tributo é determinada pelo fato gerador da respectiva obrigação, devendo-se considerar, necessariamente, para qualificá-la, a destinação legal do produto de sua arrecadação.
Q50195 Direito Tributário
Julgue os itens que se seguem acerca das espécies de tributo.

As taxas cobradas pelos estados, no âmbito de suas respectivas atribuições, podem ter como fato gerador a utilização, efetiva ou potencial, de serviço público específico e divisível, prestado ao contribuinte.
Q50196 Direito Tributário
Julgue os itens que se seguem acerca das espécies de tributo.

Ao contrário do que ocorre com os impostos, as taxas são conhecidas como tributos não-vinculados.
Q50198 Direito Tributário
Julgue os itens subsequentes com relação à classificação de impostos.

Diferentemente dos impostos subjetivos, que são estruturados de acordo com certas características do devedor, os impostos objetivos são estruturados de acordo com aspectos materiais.
Q50199 Direito Tributário
Julgue os itens subsequentes com relação à classificação de impostos.

Os impostos podem ser classificados em não-cumulativos e cumulativos, estes últimos incidindo várias vezes em operações em cadeia.
Q50200 Direito Financeiro
Julgue os itens a seguir acerca de taxas e preços públicos.

Receita arrecadada de taxa é originária; receita arrecadada de preço público é derivada.
Q50201 Direito Tributário
Julgue os itens a seguir acerca de taxas e preços públicos.

Taxas sujeitam-se aos princípios tributários, o que não ocorre com preços públicos.
Q50202 Economia
Em relação aos conceitos básicos de macroeconomia, julgue os itens a seguir.

No sistema de contas nacionais para uma economia fechada com governo, a destinação da renda das unidades familiares restringe-se ao consumo e à poupança.
Q50203 Economia
Em relação aos conceitos básicos de macroeconomia, julgue os itens a seguir.

Entre as diversas teorias de determinação da renda agregada, a que mais se aproxima dos dados empíricos observados pela pesquisa científica contemporânea é a teoria da renda relativa, que consiste na tese de que quanto maior for o nível de renda individual, menor será a fração da renda aplicada no consumo.
Q50204 Economia
Em relação aos conceitos básicos de macroeconomia, julgue os itens a seguir.

Se a produção de determinada economia nacional está abaixo do seu ponto de equilíbrio, a eventual expansão da produção se dará associada a um aumento não-intencional dos estoques das empresas.
Q50205 Economia
Em relação aos conceitos básicos de macroeconomia, julgue os itens a seguir.

O consumo independente da renda, também chamado de consumo autônomo, determina o ponto em que a curva de consumo agregado corta o eixo das ordenadas de um gráfico do tipo consumo versus nível de renda nacional.
Q50206 Economia
Em relação aos conceitos básicos de macroeconomia, julgue os itens a seguir.

Se o grupo responsável pela reforma tributária que ainda se encontra em discussão no Congresso Nacional optasse pelo aumento dos impostos indiretos no Brasil, permanecendo constantes os demais impostos, deveriam ser observadas alterações nas propensões médias a consumir da população, embora a propensão marginal a consumir não fosse afetada.
Q50207 Economia
Em relação aos conceitos básicos de macroeconomia, julgue os itens a seguir.

A relação entre o nível de taxa real de juros e a propensão a poupar das famílias é sempre diretamente proporcional.
Q50208 Economia
Em relação aos conceitos básicos de macroeconomia, julgue os itens a seguir.

A demanda por investimentos de um sistema econômico é determinada pela eficiência marginal do capital, quando comparada com a taxa de juros do mercado.
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