Questões de Concurso Público FUB 2009 para Tradutor Intérprete

Foram encontradas 39 questões

Q135828 Inglês
Judge the following items according to the text.

The scandal will force the Coltech's current management to control the investigation.
Q135829 Inglês
Judge the following items according to the text.

Tanzania has ceased doing business with Canadian companies.
Q135830 Inglês
In the text,

“goodwill” (l.9) means a good relationship, as of a business enterprise with its customers or a nation with other nations.
Q135831 Inglês
In the text,

in ‘Coltech products are considered to be of superior quality and as a result are in high demand’ (l.13-14), the underlined expression brings the idea of consequence.
29: E
30: E
31: C
32: C