Questões de Concurso Público EBC 2011 para Analista, Tradução - Língua Inglesa

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Q273652 Inglês

In the sentence

“They elected Prof. Palmer the head of that department for the second time.”, “the head of that department” is a direct object.
Q273653 Inglês

In the sentence

“They give Anne a rather interesting book every single year.”, the verb give can be said to be a ditransitive verb.
Q273654 Inglês
Each of the following items offers a suggestion for a translation into Portuguese of some excerpts of the text above. If the proposed translation is accurate and acceptable label the item C (certo). Otherwise, label it E (errado).
“The typical sources of evidence for standard usage are literary texts, quality journalism, academic and professional writing, etc.” (L.6-8) — As fontes típicas que evidenciam o uso padrão são os textos literários, o jornalismo de qualidade, os escritos acadêmicos e profissionais etc.
Q273655 Inglês
Each of the following items offers a suggestion for a translation into Portuguese of some excerpts of the text above. If the proposed translation is accurate and acceptable label the item C (certo). Otherwise, label it E (errado).
“Standard spoken English grammar will therefore be different from standard written English grammar in many respects if we consider ‘standard’ to be a description of the recurrent spoken usage of adult native speakers.” (L.16-19) — O padrão gramatical da língua inglesa oral será, no entanto, diferente do padrão escrito da gramática inglesa em muitos aspectos, se considerarmos como “padrão” a descrição do uso repetido da língua oral por falantes nativos adultos.
Q273656 Inglês
Each of the following items offers a suggestion for a translation into Portuguese of some excerpts of the text above. If the proposed translation is accurate and acceptable label the item C (certo). Otherwise, label it E (errado).
“The term ‘standard grammar’ is most typically associated with written language, and is usually considered to be characteristic of the recurrent usage of adult, educated native speakers of a language.” (L.1-4) — O termo “gramática padrão” é tipicamente associado com a linguagem escrita e é geralmente considerado característico do uso repetitivo falado pelo nativo adulto educado de uma língua.
21: E
22: E
23: E
24: E
25: C