Questões de Concurso Público STF 2013 para Todos os Cargos, Conhecimentos Básicos - Cargos 2 e 9

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Q373825 Redação Oficial
Mem. 123/DJ

Em 10 de novembro de 2013. Ao Sr. Chefe do Departamento de Materiais

Assunto: Solicitação de impressora

1.        Consulto Vossa Senhoria a respeito da possibilidade de instalação de uma nova impressora neste departamento.

2.         A solicitação deve-se ao fato de que, desde a oportuna nomeação de três novos servidores para este Departamento, no mês passado, a quantidade de impressoras em uso tornou-se insuficiente para atender a demanda, que, aliás, tem crescido nos últimos meses.

3.         A título de acréscimo, devo mencionar que a instalação de mais uma impressora no departamento será positiva e bem-vinda, pois conferirá maior agilidade ao trabalho dos servidores.

  ;       Atenciosamente,

           Fulano de Tal
       Chefe do Departamento de Atendimento ao Público

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Q373826 Inglês
       The aging process affects us all at different rates. Some people of fifty-three, like the esteemed author, look a mere thirty-five, with sparkling brown eyes, a handsome gait and the virility of a steam train. Others, like the author’s friend Colin, look like little middle-aged men at twenty-one with middle-aged outlooks of set ways and planned futures. In women the former condition is common but women rarely suffer from the latter, being fired with the insatiable drive of ambition for either an independent and distinguished career in a still male-dominated world, or a home and seven children by the time they are thirty followed by an independent and distinguished career as a Cheltenham councillor or a public relations agent for Jonathan Cape, in later life.

       No such luck for Charles Charlesworth, who was born on the 14th of March, 1829, in Stafford. At the age of four Charles had a beard and was sexually active.
       In the final three years of his life his skin wrinkled, he developed varicose veins, shortness of breath, grey hair, senile dementia and incontinence. Some time in his seventh year he fainted and never gained consciousness.

       The coroner returned a verdict of natural causes due to old age.

               Hugh Cory. Advanced writing with english in use. Oxford University Press, p. 34.

According to the text above,

Colin looks and behaves as if he were much older than he actually is.
Q373827 Inglês
       The aging process affects us all at different rates. Some people of fifty-three, like the esteemed author, look a mere thirty-five, with sparkling brown eyes, a handsome gait and the virility of a steam train. Others, like the author’s friend Colin, look like little middle-aged men at twenty-one with middle-aged outlooks of set ways and planned futures. In women the former condition is common but women rarely suffer from the latter, being fired with the insatiable drive of ambition for either an independent and distinguished career in a still male-dominated world, or a home and seven children by the time they are thirty followed by an independent and distinguished career as a Cheltenham councillor or a public relations agent for Jonathan Cape, in later life.

       No such luck for Charles Charlesworth, who was born on the 14th of March, 1829, in Stafford. At the age of four Charles had a beard and was sexually active.
       In the final three years of his life his skin wrinkled, he developed varicose veins, shortness of breath, grey hair, senile dementia and incontinence. Some time in his seventh year he fainted and never gained consciousness.

       The coroner returned a verdict of natural causes due to old age.

               Hugh Cory. Advanced writing with english in use. Oxford University Press, p. 34.

According to the text above,

it is rather common for women to look older than they really are.
Q373828 Inglês
       The aging process affects us all at different rates. Some people of fifty-three, like the esteemed author, look a mere thirty-five, with sparkling brown eyes, a handsome gait and the virility of a steam train. Others, like the author’s friend Colin, look like little middle-aged men at twenty-one with middle-aged outlooks of set ways and planned futures. In women the former condition is common but women rarely suffer from the latter, being fired with the insatiable drive of ambition for either an independent and distinguished career in a still male-dominated world, or a home and seven children by the time they are thirty followed by an independent and distinguished career as a Cheltenham councillor or a public relations agent for Jonathan Cape, in later life.

       No such luck for Charles Charlesworth, who was born on the 14th of March, 1829, in Stafford. At the age of four Charles had a beard and was sexually active.
       In the final three years of his life his skin wrinkled, he developed varicose veins, shortness of breath, grey hair, senile dementia and incontinence. Some time in his seventh year he fainted and never gained consciousness.

       The coroner returned a verdict of natural causes due to old age.

               Hugh Cory. Advanced writing with english in use. Oxford University Press, p. 34.

According to the text above,

women around 30 have had distinguished careers in spite of living in a male-dominated world.
Q373829 Inglês
       The head of the National Security Agency defended his beleaguered organization, saying it acts within the law to stop militant attacks and calling reports that the NSA collected data on millions of phone calls in Europe false.
       The intelligence chiefs appeared against a backdrop of angry accusations by European allies that the United States spies on their leaders and citizens, accusations prompted by highly classified documents that Snowden leaked to media organizations.
       Army General Keith Alexander, testifying with other U.S. spy chiefs before the House of Representatives Intelligence committee, sought to defuse a growing controversy over reports of NSA snooping on citizens and leaders of major U.S. allies.
       The hearing took place as Congress is weighing new legislative proposals that could limit some of the NSA’s more expansive electronic intelligence collection programs.
       More than any previous disclosures from the Snowden documents, the reports of spying on close U.S. allies have forced the White House to promise reforms and even acknowledge that America’s electronic surveillance may have gone too far.

              Internet: imagem-004.jpg (adapted).

Judge the following items according to the text above.

Given the increasing threat of terrorist attacks in Europe and in the U.S., there must be no limits over the surveillance powers governments have.
26: E
27: C
28: E
29: E
30: E