Questões de Concurso Público Instituto Rio Branco 2015 para Bolsa-prêmio de vocação para a Diplomacia - Objetiva
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In the passage “it can be said" (l.29), “it" refers to the sentence “The fact... decisive" (l. 26 to 28).
The catchphrase presented in the first paragraph is used by the author to support the adoption of one special diplomatic language.
The mentioning of the ability ancient diplomatic representatives had to speak many languages has the effect of showing that modern diplomats must be trained in at least three languages.
The role different languages play in diplomatic relations has to do with power asymmetry between nations.
Diplomacy has existed since the beginning of the human race. The act of conducting negotiations between two persons, or two nations within a large scope is essential to the upkeep of international affairs. Among the many functions of diplomacy, some include preventing war and violence, and strengthening relations between two nations. Diplomacy is most importantly used to set a specific agenda. Therefore, without diplomacy, much of the world's affairs would be abolished, international organizations would not exist, and above all the world would be at a constant state of war.
Internet: <> (adapted).
Diplomacy is an essential element for the keeping of peace and safety in the world.
Diplomacy has existed since the beginning of the human race. The act of conducting negotiations between two persons, or two nations within a large scope is essential to the upkeep of international affairs. Among the many functions of diplomacy, some include preventing war and violence, and strengthening relations between two nations. Diplomacy is most importantly used to set a specific agenda. Therefore, without diplomacy, much of the world's affairs would be abolished, international organizations would not exist, and above all the world would be at a constant state of war.
Internet: <> (adapted).
Every international transaction is carried out through diplomatic mediation.
Diplomacy has existed since the beginning of the human race. The act of conducting negotiations between two persons, or two nations within a large scope is essential to the upkeep of international affairs. Among the many functions of diplomacy, some include preventing war and violence, and strengthening relations between two nations. Diplomacy is most importantly used to set a specific agenda. Therefore, without diplomacy, much of the world's affairs would be abolished, international organizations would not exist, and above all the world would be at a constant state of war.
Internet: <> (adapted).
Diplomacy has always been present along the history of humankind.
Diplomacy has existed since the beginning of the human race. The act of conducting negotiations between two persons, or two nations within a large scope is essential to the upkeep of international affairs. Among the many functions of diplomacy, some include preventing war and violence, and strengthening relations between two nations. Diplomacy is most importantly used to set a specific agenda. Therefore, without diplomacy, much of the world's affairs would be abolished, international organizations would not exist, and above all the world would be at a constant state of war.
Internet: <> (adapted).
Diplomatic representatives or messengers have the mission to work as neutral agents for the common good.
Nonstate actors are gradually replacing state actors in the diplomatic relations.
The fact that diplomacy deals with ever-changing elements is indicated in the text by “shifting" (l.5) and “alter" (l.11).
In the text, “as the tides of globalization alter the international landscape" (l. 11 and 12) can be correctly replaced by: in the way the movements brought by globalization alter the international scenarios.
Most aspects of diplomacy are based on tradition, pragmatism, and expediency.
Public diplomacy is an area which has the potential to raise different academic and research questions.
The use of “by no means" (l. 2 and 3) emphasizes the negative statement made about the interest in public diplomacy.
Public diplomacy can be regarded as a sign of change in the handling of international relations.
A mineração, no século XVIII, conquanto centrada nos chamados sertões das Gerais, de Goiás e de Mato Grosso, consolidou o Nordeste como centro político-administrativo da colônia, com a capital mantida em Salvador para melhor controle do ouro exportado.
Entre os movimentos que lutaram pela emancipação da colônia, dois se destacaram por suas características distintas, ainda que irmanados pelo mesmo objetivo: a Conjuração Mineira (Inconfidência), essencialmente popular, e a Conjuração Baiana (Alfaiates), que uniu a elite local contra o domínio português.
A colonização do Brasil teve início efetivo com a produção açucareira, que contava com abundante mercado consumidor na Europa e que exigia, para sua implementação, disponibilidade de terras, capital e mão de obra.
Diferentemente do ocorrido nas colônias espanholas da América, o processo de independência do Brasil passou ao largo da conjuntura histórica europeia de princípios do século XIX, tendo ficado adstrito às circunstâncias da política interna da colônia.
Mais que gesto meramente simbólico, o grito do Ipiranga, proclamado a sete de setembro de 1822, anunciou o nascimento do Estado nacional brasileiro, que rompeu com as estruturas básicas sobre as quais se assentaram mais de três séculos de colonização estruturada no latifúndio, na monocultura e na escravidão.