Questões de Concurso Público Instituto Rio Branco 2007 para Diplomata - 1ª Etapa PAPA

Foram encontradas 78 questões

Q10286 Português
Assinale a opção em que o vocábulo em negrito não é sinônimo contextual do termo transcrito.
Q10287 Inglês
Imagem 007.jpg

According to the previous text, judge - right (C) or
wrong (E) - each item below.
The Dutch government's introduction of the ban on the wearing of the burqa and niqab in all public places has had a disastrous impact on the local Muslim community.
Q10288 Inglês
Imagem 007.jpg

According to the previous text, judge - right (C) or
wrong (E) - each item below.
The Dutch immigration minister has exploited the ban on the Muslim veil for political gain.
Q10289 Inglês
Imagem 007.jpg

According to the previous text, judge - right (C) or
wrong (E) - each item below.
Turkey is the only Muslim country where women have never been allowed to wear veils in public.
Q10290 Inglês
Imagem 007.jpg

According to the previous text, judge - right (C) or
wrong (E) - each item below.
The idea conveyed by the proverb in English Clothes make men can be found in this text.
56: B
57: E
58: C
59: E
60: C