Questões de Concurso Público SEDF 2014 para Estudantes Universitários

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Q417543 Inglês
Judge if the translation suggested in each of the following items is grammatically correct and maintains the meaning of the original text.

“Start by taking the Metro there (orange or blue line to Smithsonian; take the Mall exit out of the station)” (l.4 and 5) = Comece pegando o Metrô para lá (linha laranja ou azul para Smithsonian; tome a saída para Mall quando chegar à estação).
Q417544 Inglês
      There are people who are latecomers wherever they go. Lateness is their way of life.

      Chronic lateness has spoilt friendships, and it’s a habit that has caused people to lose their jobs. Why, then, are so many people late?

      According to some specialists, not arriving on time can be a form of avoidance. You are late for a party, or coming home from work because you don’t want to be where you’re supposed to be. It can also be a habit learned on childhood from a parent or an old brother or sister who also ran late. For others, it’s a result of an inability to judge time.

      Whatever reason people have, lateness almost always annoys those of us who are always prompt to attend our commitments.

            Diane Washawsky. Spectrum book 4. Ana Veltford. Prentice Hall Regents. p.156 (adapted).

Based on the text, judge the following items.

Some people lose their jobs because they are habitually late.
Q417545 Inglês
      There are people who are latecomers wherever they go. Lateness is their way of life.

      Chronic lateness has spoilt friendships, and it’s a habit that has caused people to lose their jobs. Why, then, are so many people late?

      According to some specialists, not arriving on time can be a form of avoidance. You are late for a party, or coming home from work because you don’t want to be where you’re supposed to be. It can also be a habit learned on childhood from a parent or an old brother or sister who also ran late. For others, it’s a result of an inability to judge time.

      Whatever reason people have, lateness almost always annoys those of us who are always prompt to attend our commitments.

            Diane Washawsky. Spectrum book 4. Ana Veltford. Prentice Hall Regents. p.156 (adapted).

Based on the text, judge the following items.

Latecomers are people who hardly ever are on time for their appointments.
Q417546 Inglês
Based on the text, judge the items that follow.

The narrator applied for a job at a shoe store and was hired before he/she attended college.
Q417547 Inglês
Based on the text, judge the items that follow.

It is correct to infer that the person who tells of his/her experience in the text is a foreigner in the country in which he/she lives.
26: C
27: C
28: C
29: E
30: C