Questões de Concurso Público Colégio Pedro II 2013 para Professor - Inglês

Foram encontradas 27 questões

Q1015006 Inglês
It is correct to say that the distinction between the modal verbs in the extracts “The loss of languages may have accelerated recently, […]” (L. 13) and “[…] as if such characteristics might make a language more or less influential.” (L. 18,19) is grounded in
Q1015007 Inglês
In the passage “[…] today there are a mere 200.” (L. 15), one can point out that the elliptical words are
Q1015008 Inglês
It is correct to affirm that the word so in “They do so because they feel that their identity is at stake” […]” (L. 25,26) substitutes for
Q1015009 Inglês
One may say that the use of as in “Language nationalists see their language as a treasure house, as a repository of memories, as a gift to their children, as a birthright.” (L. 27-29) and in "Such demonstrations stand in stark contrast to places where cultural and linguistic pluralism works successfully, as in Switzerland and Sweden, [...]" (L. 31,32) conveys, respectively, the idea of
Q1015015 Inglês


Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Taking into account the assumptions that underlie the text, one can say that the author advocates a linguistic approach that

6: A
7: B
8: A
9: C
10: B