Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Viana - ES 2019 para Professor de Educação Básica - Língua Inglesa

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Q1139120 Inglês

Aided by the rise of new digital communication technologies, as well as an Internet that allows messages and images to be distributed anonymously, episodes of cyberbullying have become much more common. According to a 2013 review of cyberbullying research, online harassment can take two primary forms: direct cyberbullying in which threatening or insulting messages or images are sent directly to the intended victim and indirect or relational cyberbullying, which involves the spread of rumours and/or demeaning content behind the victim's back. And there are a variety of ways for cyberbullying to happen, including texting, emails, or through posts relayed through social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.”

(What Makes Cyberbullying So Popular? By Romeo Vitelli. Psychology Today. Available in what-makes-cyberbullying-so-popular.)

When he says “demeaning content behind the victim’s back”, it implies that:
Q1139121 Inglês

Aided by the rise of new digital communication technologies, as well as an Internet that allows messages and images to be distributed anonymously, episodes of cyberbullying have become much more common. According to a 2013 review of cyberbullying research, online harassment can take two primary forms: direct cyberbullying in which threatening or insulting messages or images are sent directly to the intended victim and indirect or relational cyberbullying, which involves the spread of rumours and/or demeaning content behind the victim's back. And there are a variety of ways for cyberbullying to happen, including texting, emails, or through posts relayed through social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.”

(What Makes Cyberbullying So Popular? By Romeo Vitelli. Psychology Today. Available in what-makes-cyberbullying-so-popular.)

When we have something “relayed through”, we can say that:
Q1139122 Inglês

Aided by the rise of new digital communication technologies, as well as an Internet that allows messages and images to be distributed anonymously, episodes of cyberbullying have become much more common. According to a 2013 review of cyberbullying research, online harassment can take two primary forms: direct cyberbullying in which threatening or insulting messages or images are sent directly to the intended victim and indirect or relational cyberbullying, which involves the spread of rumours and/or demeaning content behind the victim's back. And there are a variety of ways for cyberbullying to happen, including texting, emails, or through posts relayed through social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.”

(What Makes Cyberbullying So Popular? By Romeo Vitelli. Psychology Today. Available in what-makes-cyberbullying-so-popular.)

Look at the common sayings above and choose the one that bests describes its meaning:
Q1139123 Inglês
"Nowadays, families are totally transferring the responsibility of their children’ education to the school.” 
Choose the correct the passive voice option, using a synonym for the word “totally”:
Q1139124 Inglês
"Nowadays, families are totally transferring the responsibility of their children’ education to the school.” 
The word nowadays can be classified as:
36: C
37: D
38: B
39: A
40: D