Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Viana - ES 2019 para Professor de Educação Básica - Língua Inglesa

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Q1139125 Inglês
"Nowadays, families are totally transferring the responsibility of their children’ education to the school.” 
Choose the correct way to make subordinate clauses passive:
Q1139126 Inglês


The quote “from upbringing”, means that morals are:
Q1139127 Inglês


The adverb “partly” can be best replaced by:
Q1139128 Inglês

The expression “meet each other halfway” means:

Q1139129 Inglês
“She was always reclaiming that nobody recognized her skills. She never admitted any deception but we all knew our coordinator had a comprehensive list of sources and several reasons not to promote her. I pretend not to be aware and I’m very adept to make myself invisible when I need to.”
The underlined word used incorrectly in the text is:
41: C
42: B
43: B
44: C
45: A