Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de São José de Piranhas - PB 2024 para Professor de Língua Inglesa

Foram encontradas 40 questões

Q3092337 Pedagogia
De acordo com Luckesi (2013), a prática educacional brasileira de aferição dos resultados da aprendizagem escolar opera, na quase totalidade das vezes, com a verificação, e não com a avaliação da aprendizagem.

Sendo assim, nos termos do autor citado, é CORRETO afirmar que a prática escolar da verificação trata de uma prática:
Q3092338 Pedagogia
O Art. 62 da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (LDB - Lei nº 9.394/1996), na sua redação atual, cuja alteração foi feita em 2017, dispõe que “a formação de docentes para atuar na educação básica far-se-á em nível superior, em curso de licenciatura plena, admitida, como formação mínima para o exercício do magistério na educação infantil e nos cinco primeiros anos do ensino fundamental, a oferecida em nível médio, na modalidade normal” (Brasil, 1996, art. 62). Fonte: BRASIL. Ministério de Educação e Cultura. LDB - Lei nº 9394/96, de 20 de dezembro de 1996.

Neste contexto, com base no que dispõem os parágrafos do Art. 62, é CORRETO afirmar sobre a formação docente que:
Q3092339 Pedagogia

Leia o Texto I.


A escola, por oferecer conteúdos e desenvolver modalidades de pensamento bastante específicos, tem um papel diferente e insubstituível, na apropriação pelo sujeito da experiência culturalmente acumulada. Assim, ela desempenhará bem seu papel, na medida em que, partindo daquilo que a criança já sabe (o conhecimento que ela traz de seu cotidiano, suas ideias a respeito dos objetos, fatos e fenômenos, suas “teorias” acerca do que observa no mundo), a escola for capaz de ampliar e desafiar a construção de novos conhecimentos, isto é, de incidir na zona de desenvolvimento proximal dos educandos. Em outras palavras, a escola deve ser capaz de desenvolver nos alunos capacidades intelectuais que lhes permitam assimilar plenamente os conhecimentos acumulados. Isto quer dizer que ela não deve se restringir à transmissão de conteúdos, mas, principalmente, ensinar o aluno a pensar, ensinar formas de acesso e apropriação do conhecimento elaborado, de modo que ele possa praticá-las autonomamente ao longo de sua vida, além de sua permanência na escola. Essa é a tarefa principal da escola contemporânea frente às exigências das sociedades modernas (Rego, 2014, p. 108).

Fonte: REGO, Teresa Cristina. Vygotsky: uma perspectiva histórico-cultural da educação. Editora Vozes, 2014.

O TEXTO I trata do papel da escola na construção do conhecimento. Diante desse contexto, é CORRETO afirmar que as colocações de Rego (2014) são baseadas nos pressupostos da/das:

Q3092340 Pedagogia
Levando em conta o valor que as atividades adquirem quando as colocamos numa série ou sequência significativa, é preciso identificar as sequências didáticas como unidade preferencial para análise da prática educativa (Zabala, 2014).
Fonte: ZABALA, Antoni. A prática educativa: como ensinar [recurso eletrônico]; traduação: Ernani F. da F. Rosa; revisão técnica: Nalú Farenzana. - Porto alegre: Penso, 2014.

Nesse sentido, analise as afirmativas de acordo com o que diz Zabala (2014) sobre as sequências didáticas.

I- São um conjunto de atividades, ordenadas, estruturadas e articuladas para a realização de certos objetivos educacionais, que têm um princípio e um fim conhecidos pelos professores, mas não pelos alunos.
II- São consideradas unidade preferencial para análise da prática, pois elas mantêm o caráter unitário e reúnem toda a complexidade da prática, ao mesmo tempo que são instrumentos que permitem incluir as três fases de toda intervenção reflexiva: planejamento, aplicação e avaliação.
III- A maneira de configurar as sequências didáticas, ou seja, as atividades que as compõem e o modo como essas atividades são organizadas e articuladas em sequências ordenadas, é um dos traços mais claros que determinam as características diferenciais da prática educativa.

É CORRETO o que se afirma apenas em:
Q3092341 Pedagogia
Um estudo que procurou caracterizar as concepções de aprendizagem de estudantes universitários brasileiros em processo de formação inicial docente mostrou que, quando interrogados sobre como se aprende, os estudantes deram respostas como as  exemplificadas no quadro abaixo.

Estudante 1:
“É uma coisa que acontece naturalmente, não precisa de muito esforço, de forma inata, instintiva...”.

Estudante 2:
“Você pode tá estudando, mas não tá entendendo nada... decorar é bem diferente de você realmente aprender”.

Estudante 3:
“Principalmente com a troca de conhecimentos, tipo uma pessoa mais experiente ajuda outra que ainda não sabe tanto, para que nas interações entre as pessoas e com o meio possamos aprender...”.

Estudante 4:
“Quando a gente vê que aquilo deu errado; a gente não vai fazer aquilo de novo do mesmo jeito, a gente já procura outra maneira de fazer. É como se o erro fosse o estímulo... Isso... Estímulo e resposta mesmo...”.

Estudante 5:
“Através da memorização eu vou armazenando conhecimentos e os repassando. Eu entendo que aprendi, quando eu consigo repassar esses conhecimentos da forma como eles foram transmitidos pra mim...”.

Fonte: Freire, Gustavo Lima; Duarte, António Manuel. Concepções de aprendizagem em estudantes universitários brasileiros. Psicologia USP, v. 21, p. 875-898, 2010. Disponível em: Psicologia USP, acesso em 2024.Adaptado.

Analisando as concepções dos estudantes à luz das Teorias da Aprendizagem é CORRETO afirmar que:
Q3128390 Inglês
Text 1

Generation y or the millennials: digital natives

  The revolution was shaped by the millennials or generation Y. Also known as digital natives, millennials are those born between 1982 and 1994 and technology is part of their everyday lives: all their activities are mediated by a screen. The concept of on and off is completely integrated into their lives. However, they were not born into it; they migrated to the digital world from the analogue one in which they were living.

   Unlike previous generations, because of the economic crisis, the world requires them to be better trained to get a job, as competition is increasing. Unlike their parents, Generation X, digital natives are not satisfied with the world around them and are ambitious and want to achieve their goals.

    However, the millennial generation is labelled as being lazy, narcissistic and spoilt. In fact, in 2014, Time magazine labelled them as the me-me-me generation.

Disponível em: em: 2 out. 2020.
Which statement best explains the difference between millennials and Generation X as described in the text?
Q3128391 Inglês
Text 1

Generation y or the millennials: digital natives

  The revolution was shaped by the millennials or generation Y. Also known as digital natives, millennials are those born between 1982 and 1994 and technology is part of their everyday lives: all their activities are mediated by a screen. The concept of on and off is completely integrated into their lives. However, they were not born into it; they migrated to the digital world from the analogue one in which they were living.

   Unlike previous generations, because of the economic crisis, the world requires them to be better trained to get a job, as competition is increasing. Unlike their parents, Generation X, digital natives are not satisfied with the world around them and are ambitious and want to achieve their goals.

    However, the millennial generation is labelled as being lazy, narcissistic and spoilt. In fact, in 2014, Time magazine labelled them as the me-me-me generation.

Disponível em: em: 2 out. 2020.
Why did the 2014 Time magazine label millennials as the "me-me-me generation," according to the text?
Q3128392 Inglês
Text 2

Call Me Libertad
Some of the things we see are apples with worms,
Maggots, expired juices, and other badly spoiled food.
Others are denied basic care, like fever or cold medicine.
The medical department solution?
“Drink a lot of water.”
Every day we wonder who will be deported next.
Every morning we look around for our friends.
We make sure they are still here.
Those who are deported are taken at the wee hours,
Setting that fear among us as if we were kids afraid of the dark.
While we wait behind these walls, all we can do is watch.
Watch all that we've worked for all these years go down in flames.
And our families?
They are scattered, living with relatives.
And our children?
They ask and wonder, “When is Daddy coming home?”
We don't ask for much. Just for liberty and justice for all.
Disponível em: em: 15 jan. 2024.
What is the central theme of the poem Call Me Libertad
Q3128393 Inglês
Text 2

Call Me Libertad
Some of the things we see are apples with worms,
Maggots, expired juices, and other badly spoiled food.
Others are denied basic care, like fever or cold medicine.
The medical department solution?
“Drink a lot of water.”
Every day we wonder who will be deported next.
Every morning we look around for our friends.
We make sure they are still here.
Those who are deported are taken at the wee hours,
Setting that fear among us as if we were kids afraid of the dark.
While we wait behind these walls, all we can do is watch.
Watch all that we've worked for all these years go down in flames.
And our families?
They are scattered, living with relatives.
And our children?
They ask and wonder, “When is Daddy coming home?”
We don't ask for much. Just for liberty and justice for all.
Disponível em: em: 15 jan. 2024.
What literary technique does the poem use to convey the sense of fear and uncertainty experienced by the speaker?
Q3128394 Inglês
Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Disponível em: em: 15 jan. 2024.

What is the main idea conveyed by the comic about the "Climate Scientists' Support Group"?
Q3128395 Inglês
How does the inclusion of English in Brazil's Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) reflect a shift in the role of foreign language education, and what are its potential implications for students' global engagement?
Q3128396 Inglês
Linguistic variation refers to the differences in language use across different regions, social groups, or contexts. In the context of English language teaching, especially in countries like Brazil, where English is a foreign language, incorporating linguistic variation plays a crucial role in developing students' communicative competence. English is not a monolithic language; it has many varieties, including British,American,Australian, Indian, and Nigerian English, among others. Each variety is associated with different accents, vocabulary, grammar, and cultural contexts.
One challenge in English language teaching is the overemphasis on certain "standard" forms of English, often British or American, to the exclusion of other varieties. This can lead to a narrow understanding of the language and limit students' ability to interact in global contexts where English is spoken in diverse forms. By exposing students to different accents, dialects, and usages, teachers can prepare them for real-world communication, where English functions as a global lingua franca. This approach also promotes linguistic tolerance and awareness, teaching students that no variety is inherently superior to another, but that different varieties serve different communicative purposes.
For example, a Brazilian student learning British English may encounter challenges when interacting with a Nigerian English speaker due to different pronunciations and expressions. Thus, it's important that students not only learn the grammatical structure of English but also develop the ability to adapt to and understand different varieties of English. This adaptability enhances their global communication skills.
Additionally, the Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) encourages teaching English as a means of fostering global citizenship  and intercultural communication, which implicitly requires an understanding of linguistic variation. Recognizing English as a plural language, with many forms and functions, aligns with the goal of preparing students for global engagement.

Canagarajah, S. (2006). The Place of World Englishes in Composition: Pluralization Continued.College Composition and Communication, 57(4), 586-619.

Why is it important to include linguistic variation in English language teaching, particularly in non-English-speaking countries?
Q3128397 Inglês
In the following passage, which option CORRECTLY identifies all the contextually appropriate references (lexical cohesion) used to avoid repetition and maintain coherence?
Original Passage: "The team discussed the project for several hours. They wanted to ensure that it was both innovative and feasible. However, the budget constraints made the planning difficult, and the members had to reconsider their approach. After some adjustments, the plan was finally approved by the committee, who appreciated its practicality."
Q3128398 Inglês
Which of the following sentences CORRECTLY converts the direct speech into reported speech with all necessary changes in tense, pronouns, and time expressions? Direct Speech:
"I have been working on this project for two weeks, but I can't finish it before next Monday because my colleagues aren't helping me," John explained yesterday.
Q3128399 Inglês

In the sentence below, identify the correctly analyzed morphological structure of the suffixed words:

"The happiness of the children was reflected in their joyful laughter." 

Q3128400 Inglês
Which of the following Best describes the relationship between the two clauses in the sentence?
"The novel received critical acclaim for its intricate plot and deep character development; consequently, it was nominated for several prestigious literary awards." 
Q3128401 Inglês
Which of the following sentences CORRECTLYuses the comparative form?
Q3128402 Inglês
Which of the following words is the CORRECT antonym for "ephemeral" in the sentence: “The joy of summer vacations always feels ephemeral, quickly fading as the days rush by.”?
Q3128403 Inglês
Which of the following sentences CORRECTLYdemonstrates the use of a complex verbal structure?
Q3128404 Inglês
Identify among the following sentences the one that CORRECTLYuses time and place indicators.
21: C
22: B
23: B
24: E
25: D
26: D
27: C
28: A
29: A
30: A
31: B
32: B
33: B
34: D
35: E
36: D
37: E
38: C
39: E
40: C