Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Juripiranga - PB 2024 para Professor do Ensino Fundamental - Anos Finais Língua Inglesa

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Q2569456 Noções de Informática
Fazer backups é uma prática essencial para garantir que os dados estejam seguros e possam ser recuperados em caso de falhas ou perda de informações. Dentre as estratégias de backup, existe uma estratégia tradicional chamada “Grandfather-Father-Son”.
A seguir é apresentada uma afirmação sobre essa estratégia com três lacunas em branco.
O ciclo de backups batizado como “Grandfather” deve acontecer _____________, o ciclo de backups batizado como “Father” deve ser realizado ____________, e o ciclo de backups batizado como “Son” deve acontecer ________________.
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente os espaços em branco da afirmação anterior na SEQUÊNCIA em que eles aparecem.
Q2569457 Noções de Informática
Arquivos e pastas são componentes fundamentais do sistema de arquivos em um computador. Um arquivo é uma coleção de dados ou informações que tem um nome e está armazenado em um meio de armazenamento, como um disco rígido, SSD, ou pen drive. Uma pasta, também chamada de diretório, é uma área de armazenamento que contém arquivos e/ou outras pastas. As pastas ajudam a organizar arquivos em um sistema hierárquico.
Acerca das características de arquivos e diretórios, analise as afirmações a seguir.
I. Os arquivos possuem permissões que controlam quem pode ler, escrever ou executar o arquivo. I. Arquivos podem ter atributos específicos que os definem como um item oculto ou disponível somente para leitura. III. Diferentemente dos arquivos, as pastas não possuem atributos que permitem configurá-las como um item oculto ou disponível somente para leitura.
Está(ão) CORRETA(S):
Q2569458 Noções de Informática
O programa Excel, do pacote Office 2010, permite que as células computem o valor de expressões. As expressões são formadas por operandos e operadores aritméticos, e existe uma precedência determinística para o processamento do resultado da expressão. Sobre a precedência de operadores em expressões do Excel, assinale a alternativa que apresenta a regra CORRETA: 
Q2569459 Noções de Informática
A relação simbiótica entre a CPU e a memória é crucial para o desempenho do computador, pois a rapidez com que a CPU pode acessar e manipular dados na memória é o que determina a velocidade das operações realizadas.
Sobre esses componentes de hardware, análise as afirmações a seguir:
I. A SRAM é um tipo de memória mais veloz do que a DRAM. II. Overclocking é a prática de aumentar a frequência de operação de um componente de hardware, geralmente a CPU ou a GPU, além das especificações originais definidas pelo fabricante. III. A Lei de Moore é uma observação empírica feita por Gordon E. Moore, que postula que o número de transistores em uma memória RAM dobra aproximadamente a cada dois anos, enquanto o custo por transistor cai.
Está(ão) CORRETA(S): 
Q2569460 Noções de Informática
Ataques cibernéticos representam uma ameaça crescente para empresas e indivíduos, pois podem resultar em perda de dados sensíveis, interrupção de serviços e danos à reputação. “Man-in-the-Middle” (MitM) e “Denial of Service” (DoS) são ataques cibernéticos populares, mas existem mitigações para os mesmos.
Sobre os ataques de MitM e DoS, analise as afirmações a seguir:
I. Um ataque de MitM consiste em interceptar a comunicação entre duas partes, onde o atacante se posiciona entre elas para escutar ou modificar informações transmitidas. II. Aplicações que empregam o protocolo HTTPS são mais protegidas contra ataques de MitM devido à criptografia TLS. III. Um ataque de DoS consiste em sobrecarregar um sistema ou rede com um volume excessivo de tráfego ou requisições, tornando-o indisponível para usuários legítimos. IV. Aplicações que usam o protocolo HTTPS estão intrinsecamente protegidas contra ataques de DoS.

Q2569461 Medicina
De acordo com o Art. 4° da Lei nº 8142/90, Para receberem os recursos, de que trata o art. 3° desta lei, os Municípios, os Estados e o Distrito Federal deverão contar com: 
I. Fundo de Saúde. II. Conselho de Saúde. III. Plano de saúde. IV. Relatórios de gestão. V. Contrapartida de recursos para a saúde norespectivo orçamento. VI. Comissão de elaboração do Plano de Carreira,Cargos e Salários (PCCS).
Q2569462 Medicina
De acordo com o art. 6° da Lei nº 8.080/90, analise os itens a seguir:
I. Entende-se por vigilância sanitária um conjunto de ações capaz de eliminar, diminuir ou prevenir riscos à saúde e de intervir nos problemas sanitários decorrentes do meio ambiente, da produção e circulação de bens e da prestação de serviços de interesse da saúde. II. Entende-se por vigilância epidemiológica um conjunto de ações que proporcionam o conhecimento, a detecção ou prevenção de qualquer mudança nos fatores determinantes e condicionantes de saúde individual ou coletiva, com a finalidade de recomendar e adotar as medidas de prevenção e controle das doenças ou agravos. III. Entende-se por saúde do trabalhador, para fins desta lei, um conjunto de atividades que se destina, através das ações de vigilância epidemiológica e vigilância sanitária, à promoção e proteção da saúde dos trabalhadores, assim como visa à recuperação e reabilitação da saúde dos trabalhadores submetidos aos riscos e agravos advindos das condições de trabalho. IV. Entende-se por saúde bucal o conjunto articulado de ações, em todos os níveis de complexidade, que visem a garantir promoção, prevenção, recuperação e reabilitação odontológica, individual e coletiva, inseridas no contexto da integralidade da atenção à saúde. V. Entende-se por assistência toxicológica, a que se refere o inciso XII do caput deste artigo, o conjunto de ações e serviços de prevenção, diagnóstico e tratamento das intoxicações agudas e crônicas decorrentes da exposição a substâncias químicas, medicamentos e toxinas de animais peçonhentos e de plantas tóxicas.
Q2569463 Medicina
Com base no Art. 19-I. da Lei nº 8.080/90, São estabelecidos, no âmbito do Sistema Único de Saúde, o atendimento domiciliar e a internação domiciliar da seguinte forma:
I. Na modalidade de assistência de atendimento e internação domiciliares incluem-se, principalmente, os procedimentos médicos, de enfermagem, fisioterapêuticos, psicológicos e de assistência social, entre outros necessários ao cuidado integral dos pacientes em seu domicílio. II. O atendimento e a internação domiciliares serão realizados por equipes multidisciplinares que atuarão nos níveis da medicina preventiva, terapêutica e reabilitadora. III. O atendimento e a internação domiciliares só poderão ser realizados por indicação médica, pela necessidade do paciente, mesmo com discordância expressa da família.
Está(ão) CORRETA(S):
Q2569464 Medicina
De acordo com a Norma Operacional Básica do Sistema Único de Saúde- NOB/SUS/96, analise as alternativas e assinale a INCORRETA:
Q2569465 Medicina
De acordo com a Portaria GM/MS nº. 104/2011, São Notificações Compulsórias em Unidades Sentinelas LNCS, entre outras, EXCETO:
Q2569886 Inglês
Minimal pairs are words that differ by only one sound. When it comes to minimal pairs, it is important to note that the focus is on sounds, so the spellings of the words may be different. Within the pair, the sounds that differ may occur at the beginning or the end of the words, and the difference may occur between singleton consonants or in one sound in a consonant blend. Minimal pairs can be tricky for some speakers, and this can also impact their written work. When they struggle to differentiate either the sound or pronunciation, it is more likely that this will translate to misconceptions in spelling. That being said, check the answer whose pair of words presented may not be considered minimal pairs. 
Q2569887 Inglês
During 16th century, 5 to 7 million people were believed to speak English as a native language. Due to the colonization of America and other continents, there was a huge expansion in English speakers, either as a native or as a second language, for the 21st century is believed to hold 450 million English speakers. Having said that, match the second column by using the information provided in the first one, then check the correct answer.
( )The spread of English was the consequence of colonies established by New Englanders, who were loyal to Britain, in the 18th century.
( ) Its English was imported from the language of other Europeans settlers, who were speakers of French, Spanish, Portuguese, German and Dutch. ( ) At the same time, during the 18th century, settlers arrived from England, Scotland and Ireland adding dialects to the mixture. ( ) British settlers adopted local words from aboriginal languages to describe cultural objects and specific practices. ( ) Successful settlements at Chesapeake Bay, which were named as Jamestown and Virginia by the colonists, and also a settlement in Massachusetts named Plymouth by the Puritans, who arrived on the Mayflower, were important steps for the spread of English. ( ) The influx of English speakers resulted in a dramatic decline of the Maori language. ( ) When heard, it is similar to American English and, when spelled, it follows British conventions. ( ) Its English origins lie in Britain, for it was established as language in India, Singapore and Hong Kong. ( ) It is spoken by over 22 million people in Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Sri Lanka as a second language.

Q2569888 Inglês
The dissemination of English linked to the expansion and domination of the British Empire is only part of the story of the language’s progression across the globe. Today English is the primary language in some sixty countries and continues to spread, especially as a second language. A useful model to document the expansion of English today, developed by an Indian-American linguist, Braj B. Kachru, employs three concentric circles to reflect the different ways in which English continues to gain new speakers. That being so, read the statements that follow, which are, at some point and extent, associated with the model to document the expansion of English today, and check the correct answer.
(I) The Inner Circle represents the English language’s traditional heartland, USA, Canada, UK, Australia, and New Zealand, where it is spoken as a native tongue by some 350 million people. (II) The Outer Circle comprises non-native countries where English has an important status as an official second language, including post colonial countries such as Singapore, Kenya, and India. (III) The Expanding Circle encompasses all other countries where English is recognized either as a foreign language or as a lingua franca, therefore being used in business and trade, but where it does not have a special status, such as China and Japan. 
The statement(s) that may be considered correct is/are:
Q2569889 Inglês
Morphology either refers to the mental system involved in the word formation process or to the branch of Linguistics that deals with words, their internal structure, and how they are formed. When it comes to the process of word formation, there are two possibilities to study such complex process, which are: Inflection and Derivation. It being understood that, match the second column based on the information provided in the first one, then check the correct answer.
( ) refers to the formation of new lexemes – words. ( ) refers to the grammatical contrasts and distinctions. ( ) a stem is considered to be a semantic core of a word. ( ) a root is considered to be a semantic core of a word.
Q2569890 Inglês
English has always been a language that interests its learners and users in many ways. That is because, almost every day, a new word is added to the wide range of vocabulary. Homophones are one of the various interesting factors of the language. Homophones are two or more words that share the same pronunciation, but which have different spellings or meanings. In English classrooms, when students are provided with opportunities to learn homophones, they are more likely to: I) broaden their vocabulary and grammar skills; II) understand the difference between two similar-sounding words; and III) practice and improve their spelling. With that in mind, check the answer whose pairs of words presented may not be considered homophones. 
Q2569891 Inglês
In order to meet the determinations of the Law of Directives and Bases (LDB – 9394/96), debates have been held over the last few years around definitions to guide the construction of an Elementary Education syllabus in Brazilian schools. The Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC), which has been designed and recently approved, presents traditions and also some changes in relation to what has historically been produced in our country regarding curricular discussions. That is to say that in English classrooms, the English language has been regarded different statuses throughout the years. When it comes to the teaching and learning of English in Brazilian regular schools, from the National Curriculum Parameters (PCNs – 1998) to the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC – 2017), one of the biggest changes in terms of language teaching in recent years concerns to the status the English language has been regarded within language practices inside and outside the classroom. With that said, considering the status of English language in the National Common Curricular Base, it is correct to say that English has been assumed as: 
Q2569892 Inglês
The name of Shakespeare is the greatest in all literature. No man ever came near to him in the creative power of the mind; no man ever had such strength and such variety of imagination. He wrote in his day some thirty-seven plays and a few poems; since then as many hundred volumes have been written in praise of his accomplishment. At the present time unnumbered critics, historians and scholars are still explaining the mind and the art displayed in that same neglected work. Shakespeare's plays are a canon of dramatic works written by the English poet, playwright, and actor. The exact number of plays as well as their classifications as tragedy, history, comedy, or otherwise is a matter of scholarly debate. Shakespeare's plays are widely regarded as among the greatest in the English language and are continually performed around the world. His plays have been translated into every major living language. Having that in mind, it is correct to say that are plays written by William Shakespeare, except for:
Q2569893 Inglês
Cohesion and coherence are important aspects of writing as they have an influence on the readability of the argument of a text. Coherence is about the unity of the ideas, on the other hand, cohesion is about the unity of structural elements. If a text is coherent, it is logically ordered and connected. If the elements of a text are cohesive, they are united and work together contributing to its meaning. Both cohesion and coherence are essential when structuring paragraphs. That said, read the excerpts that follow, whose topic is related to “Teachers´ Identities”, then number them. After organizing the excerpts in a cohesive and coherent well-structured paragraph, check the correct answer.
( ) Identity has been defined as ‘what makes you similar to yourself and different from others’ (Deschamp and Devos 1998, p. 3). ( ) Although the definition of professional identity varies between researchers, many scholars have been suggesting that important concepts on professional identity have been provided throughout the years. ( ) That being so, teachers’ effectiveness and commitment towards their job tend to be related to the way they value their significance and professionalism. ( ) The importance of exploring teachers’ identities and how these identities influence their effectiveness has also been emphasized. ( ) In other words, the way teachers value themselves is more likely to be related to their professional identities.
Q2569894 Inglês
The Communicative Language Teaching is defined as an approach of teaching a second or a foreign language that focuses on learners’ interaction whether as the means or the ultimate goal of learning a target language. Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is an approach that aims to achieve communicative rather than linguistic competence through learner interaction. Born in the 1980s, this strategy to language teaching is based on the philosophy that, in order to learn a language, one must practice using that language to communicate meaning to others. Communicative language teaching integrates reading, writing, and speaking, which can have students practice multiple skills at once. It also uses groups or pairs for activities and tools and technology to create a more individualized learning experience for students. There are some characteristics of CLT in English Language Teaching classroom. Having said that, check the alternative whose information may not be associated with the potential characteristics or theoretical framework of the Communicative Language Teaching approach. 
Q2569895 Inglês
Language learning is using a formal education method where direct instructions and rules are provided by an educator. When teaching a language, teachers usually focus on teaching the form of the language. As a result, they explain the grammar rules, structures, and vocabulary to the students. Language learning is often much more formal than language acquisition. There are usually set goals and objectives in a language learning setting, and progress is often monitored and evaluated, for language learning typically involves using instructional materials such as textbooks, workbooks, and audiovisual aids. On the other hand, in a naturalistic setting, people acquire languages without formal instruction or materials. Language acquisition is a procedure that takes place at any period of a person’s life. The term language acquisition is usually related to the learning of one’s native language with the help of a close family or the surroundings. People engaged in language acquisition may not have any specific goals or objectives in mind. They may be exposed to the target language through interactions in their daily lives. Nonetheless, there is a distinction between them, for it is believed to there to be key differences between learning and acquiring a language. With that in mind, check the alternative that best represents the difference between language acquisition and language learning processes. 
21: D
22: D
23: B
24: C
25: D
26: A
27: C
28: B
29: D
30: C
31: E
32: C
33: B
34: A
35: A
36: C
37: B
38: A
39: B
40: E