Questões de Concurso Público Câmara Legislativa do Distrito Federal 2018 para Consultor Técnico Legislativo - Analista de Sistemas Área 3
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One of the things Jaime appreciates about Accela is that “they believe in their product so much, you don’t have to sign on for a year. With Accela, we didn’t feel they were trying to get the most money they could from the agency. We felt they truly were a company that wanted to work with us and were understanding of all the different requirements we had.”
One of the things Jaime appreciates about Accela is that “they believe in their product so much, you don’t have to sign on for a year. With Accela, we didn’t feel they were trying to get the most money they could from the agency. We felt they truly were a company that wanted to work with us and were understanding of all the different requirements we had.”
De acordo com o texto,
One of the things Jaime appreciates about Accela is that “they believe in their product so much, you don’t have to sign on for a year. With Accela, we didn’t feel they were trying to get the most money they could from the agency. We felt they truly were a company that wanted to work with us and were understanding of all the different requirements we had.”
Em uma arquitetura de sistema computacional típica são utilizados diferentes tipos e tecnologias de memória hierarquicamente distribuídos. Considerando a hierarquia da velocidade de acesso, com velocidade crescente, uma correta listagem de tecnologia de memória é:
Considere o seguinte registro DNS: MX 10
O registro especifica