Questões de Concurso Público SEE-MG 2018 para Professor de Educação Básica - Inglês
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Leia o texto a seguir:
(Fonte: Disponível em: Acesso em 14 fev. 2018).
Segundo o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (1990), adolescente é a pessoa que tem
I. Direito de um tratamento diferenciado, perante os tribunais ou outro órgão que administre justiça; direito à segurança ou à proteção do Estado, contra violência ou lesão corporal cometida, seja por funcionários de Governo, seja por qualquer indivíduo, grupo ou instituição.
II. Direito de participar das eleições - votar e ser votado - de acordo com o sistema de sufrágio universal e igual direito de tomar parte no Governo, assim como na direção de dois assuntos públicos, em qualquer grau, e o direito de acesso, em igualdade de condições, às funções públicas.
III. Direito de circular parcialmente e de escolher residência dentro das fronteiras do Estado; direito de deixar qualquer país, inclusive o seu, e de retornar a seu país.
IV. Direito a uma nacionalidade; direito de casar-se e escolher o cônjuge; direito tanto individual como coletivo à propriedade.
V. Direito ao trabalho, à escolha do trabalho, a condições equivalentes e satisfatórias de trabalho, à proteção contra o desemprego, a um salário igual para um trabalho igual e a uma remuneração equitativa e satisfatória.
Está CORRETO apenas o que se afirma em:
A obrigatoriedade de inclusão da História e Cultura Afro-Brasileira e Africana nos currículos da Educação Básica trata-se de decisão política, com fortes repercussões pedagógicas, inclusive na formação de professores. Com esta medida, reconhece-se que, além de garantir vagas para negros nos bancos escolares, é preciso valorizar devidamente a história e a cultura de seu povo, buscando reparar danos, que se repetem há cinco séculos, à sua identidade e a seus direitos. A relevância do estudo de temas decorrentes da história e da cultura afro-brasileira e africana não se restringe à população negra, ao contrário, diz respeito a todos os brasileiros, uma vez que devem educar-se enquanto cidadãos atuantes no seio de uma sociedade multicultural e pluriétnica, capazes de construir uma nação democrática.
(Fonte: Resolução Nº 1, de 17 de junho de 2004. Institui Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para a Educação das Relações Étnico-Raciais e para o Ensino de História e Cultura Afro-Brasileira e Africana. p.17. Disponível em:> Acesso 26 fev 2018).
(Fonte: Resolução Nº 1, de 17 de junho de 2004. Institui Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para a Educação das Relações Étnico-Raciais e para o Ensino de História e Cultura Afro-Brasileira e Africana. p.17. Disponível em:> Acesso 26 fev 2018).
É urgente que professores, gestores e todos os que fazem parte do contexto escolar tenham, em sua formação, condições para o trabalho pedagógico com toda e qualquer expressão de diversidade cultural. Cabe a todos que educam exigir a educação para a diversidade, reconhecendo as alteridades presentes nas relações étnico-raciais, além de pensar nos grupos que foram e são excluídos da sociedade. Sabendo desses princípios, é CORRETO afirmar:
I. A Educação Integral e Integrada na Educação Básica assegura jornada escolar igual ou superior a sete horas diárias ou trinta e cinco semanais, durante o período letivo.
II. O decreto reconhece e valoriza a diversidade das populações do campo, quilombola, indígena e situação de itinerância e estimula a gestão democrática e a articulação entre a educação básica e o ensino superior.
III. São princípios da Educação Integral e Integrada: igualdade de condições para o acesso e permanência na escola; valorização do profissional da educação; vinculação entre a educação escolar, trabalho e práticas sociais; singularismo de ideias e de concepções pedagógicas.
IV. Um dos objetivos da Educação Integral é fortalecer a rede de educação profissional, com vistas ao aumento da escolarização e à melhoria da qualidade da formação do jovem e adulto trabalhador, tendo como centralidade o estudante, considerando como dimensões indissociáveis o trabalho, a ciência, a cultura e a tecnologia.
V. É competência da Secretaria Municipal de Educação tomar as providências para a ampliação gradativa da Educação Integral e Integrada na rede de ensino, considerando as metas estabelecidas no Plano Nacional de Educação e nos demais instrumentos legais.
Está CORRETO apenas o que se afirma em:
Numere a Coluna 2 conforme a Coluna 1, levando em consideração os recursos de acessibilidade
que o estudante com Necessidades Educacionais Especiais precisa ter, com a adaptação no seu
currículo, garantindo-lhe o direito à aprendizagem e efetividade na vida escolar.
Coluna 1 Aluno com NEE
1 Aluno Surdo
2 Aluno Cego
3 Aluno Superdotado
4 Aluno com Transtorno do Espectro Autista
5 Aluno com Deficiência Intelectual
6 Aluno com Paralisia Cerebral
Coluna 2 Recursos necessários
( ) Rotina diária organizada, agenda com esquema de aulas
com símbolos ou desenhos, ordens claras e cartões de comunicação.
( ) Teclados especiais, programas para uso no computador (como instrumento para escrever), tesoura adaptada, engrossadores e material pedagógico adaptado.
( ) Material pedagógico adaptado para facilitar sua compreensão, material concreto para auxiliar na matemática, adaptações curriculares nas provas e no material da aula.
( ) Uso de tecnologias computacionais: softwares educativos, enciclopédias digitais, jogos pedagógicos e simuladores.
( ) Recursos didáticos em alto relevo, reglete e punção, recursos ópticos e programas leitores de tela
A sequência CORRETA, de cima para baixo, é:
I. O Projeto Político-Pedagógico está relacionado com a organização do trabalho pedagógico em dois níveis: na organização da escola como um todo e na organização da sala de aula, incluindo sua relação com o contexto social imediato, procurando preservar a visão de totalidade.
II. O Projeto Político-Pedagógico, sendo a sistematização de um processo de planejamento participativo, substitui o Regimento Escolar e dá o devido suporte para a elaboração dos planos de ensino e dos planos de aula.
Está CORRETO o que se afirma em:
Sobre o processo de avaliação, esse documento estabelece:
I. A avaliação da aprendizagem dos estudantes será realizada pelos professores, em conjunto com toda equipe pedagógica da escola, e deverá assumir um caráter processual, formativo e participativo, prevalecendo os aspectos quantitativos do aprendizado do estudante sobre os qualitativos.
II. A avaliação da aprendizagem deverá prover, obrigatoriamente, intervenções pedagógicas, ao longo do ano letivo, para garantir a aprendizagem no tempo certo, e assegurar tempos e espaços diversos para aqueles com menor rendimento, para que tenham condição de ser devidamente atendido.
III. A avaliação da aprendizagem dos estudantes será contínua, cumulativa, diagnóstica e possibilitar a aceleração de estudos para aqueles com distorção idade-série e para aqueles que tiverem frequência superior a 75%, no final do ano letivo.
IV. As formas e procedimentos utilizados pela escola para diagnosticar, acompanhar e intervir pedagogicamente no processo de aprendizagem dos estudantes devem expressar, com clareza, o que é esperado deles, em relação a sua aprendizagem e ao que foi realizado pela escola, devendo ser registrado para subsidiar as decisões e informações sobre sua vida escolar.
V. No caso de desempenho satisfatório dos estudantes e de frequência inferior a 75%, no final do período letivo, a escola deve usar o recurso de reclassificação para posicionar o aluno no ano seguinte de seu percurso escolar.
Está CORRETO apenas o que se afirma em:
Considerando a concepção presente no texto, analise as afirmativas a seguir:
I. A BNCC reconhece que a Educação Básica deve visar à formação e ao desenvolvimento humano global, o que implica compreender que esse desenvolvimento é linear.
II. A dimensão conceitual da BNCC permite que os estudantes desenvolvam aproximações e compreensões sobre os saberes científicos e os presentes nas situações cotidianas.
III. A noção de competência é definida na BNCC como a mobilização de conhecimentos, habilidades, atitudes e valores para resolver demandas complexas da vida cotidiana, do pleno exercício da cidadania e do mundo do trabalho.
IV. Ao dizer que os conteúdos curriculares estão a serviço do desenvolvimento de competências, a LDBEN orienta a definição das aprendizagens dos conteúdos mínimos a serem ensinados na proposta da BNCC.
Está CORRETO apenas o que se afirma em:
Quanto ao AEE (Atendimento Educacional Especializado), analise as afirmativas a seguir e identifique-as com (V) ou (F) conforme sejam verdadeiras ou falsas.
( ) O Atendimento Educacional Especializado deve integrar a proposta pedagógica da escola, envolver a participação da família para garantir pleno acesso e participação dos estudantes, atender às necessidades específicas do público-alvo da educação especial e ser realizado em articulação com as demais políticas públicas.
( ) A educação especial deve garantir os serviços de apoio especializado voltados a eliminar as barreiras que possam obstruir o processo de escolarização de estudantes com deficiência, mas não dos transtornos globais do desenvolvimento e altas habilidades ou superdotação.
( ) O Atendimento Educacional Especializado para o aluno com deficiência intelectual deve permitir que esse aluno saia de uma posição de “não saber”, para se apropriar de um saber que lhe é próprio, ou melhor, que ele tem consciência de que o construiu.
( ) O Atendimento Educacional Especializado existe para que os alunos possam aprender o que é diferente dos conteúdos curriculares do ensino comum, exceto o que é necessário para que possam ultrapassar as barreiras impostas pela deficiência.
A sequência CORRETA, de cima para baixo, é:
Read the following text and answer question.
Introduction to Climate change
Many people make Climate Change and Global Warming a scary and difficult thing to understand, _______ it’s not.
Scientists have warned that the world's climate has changed a lot, and has affected many living and non-living things. Many places _______ were warmer are now getting colder, and many colder regions are getting much colder or even warmer nown as Global Warming).
For example, _________ 1901 and 2012, it is believed that the earth's temperature has risen by 0.89 °C. Rainfall amounts have also risen in the mid-latitudes of the northern hemisphere since the beginning of the 20th Century. It is also believed that sea levels have risen up to about 19cm globally, with lots of glaciers melting in addition.
Some people do not believe that these are caused by human activities. They think it is all political actions and falsehood intended to cause panic among humans.
Well, whatever it is, we would like to know more, and take a few good points from this confusion, and
use them to make our world a better place to live.
(Adapted from: Access: 01/22/2018)
Read the following text and answer question.
Introduction to Climate change
Many people make Climate Change and Global Warming a scary and difficult thing to understand, _______ it’s not.
Scientists have warned that the world's climate has changed a lot, and has affected many living and non-living things. Many places _______ were warmer are now getting colder, and many colder regions are getting much colder or even warmer nown as Global Warming).
For example, _________ 1901 and 2012, it is believed that the earth's temperature has risen by 0.89 °C. Rainfall amounts have also risen in the mid-latitudes of the northern hemisphere since the beginning of the 20th Century. It is also believed that sea levels have risen up to about 19cm globally, with lots of glaciers melting in addition.
Some people do not believe that these are caused by human activities. They think it is all political actions and falsehood intended to cause panic among humans.
Well, whatever it is, we would like to know more, and take a few good points from this confusion, and
use them to make our world a better place to live.
(Adapted from: Access: 01/22/2018)
Read the following text and answer question.
Introduction to Climate change
Many people make Climate Change and Global Warming a scary and difficult thing to understand, _______ it’s not.
Scientists have warned that the world's climate has changed a lot, and has affected many living and non-living things. Many places _______ were warmer are now getting colder, and many colder regions are getting much colder or even warmer nown as Global Warming).
For example, _________ 1901 and 2012, it is believed that the earth's temperature has risen by 0.89 °C. Rainfall amounts have also risen in the mid-latitudes of the northern hemisphere since the beginning of the 20th Century. It is also believed that sea levels have risen up to about 19cm globally, with lots of glaciers melting in addition.
Some people do not believe that these are caused by human activities. They think it is all political actions and falsehood intended to cause panic among humans.
Well, whatever it is, we would like to know more, and take a few good points from this confusion, and
use them to make our world a better place to live.
(Adapted from: Access: 01/22/2018)
Read the following text and answer question.
Introduction to Climate change
Many people make Climate Change and Global Warming a scary and difficult thing to understand, _______ it’s not.
Scientists have warned that the world's climate has changed a lot, and has affected many living and non-living things. Many places _______ were warmer are now getting colder, and many colder regions are getting much colder or even warmer nown as Global Warming).
For example, _________ 1901 and 2012, it is believed that the earth's temperature has risen by 0.89 °C. Rainfall amounts have also risen in the mid-latitudes of the northern hemisphere since the beginning of the 20th Century. It is also believed that sea levels have risen up to about 19cm globally, with lots of glaciers melting in addition.
Some people do not believe that these are caused by human activities. They think it is all political actions and falsehood intended to cause panic among humans.
Well, whatever it is, we would like to know more, and take a few good points from this confusion, and
use them to make our world a better place to live.
(Adapted from: Access: 01/22/2018)
Read the following text and answer question.
Introduction to Climate change
Many people make Climate Change and Global Warming a scary and difficult thing to understand, _______ it’s not.
Scientists have warned that the world's climate has changed a lot, and has affected many living and non-living things. Many places _______ were warmer are now getting colder, and many colder regions are getting much colder or even warmer nown as Global Warming).
For example, _________ 1901 and 2012, it is believed that the earth's temperature has risen by 0.89 °C. Rainfall amounts have also risen in the mid-latitudes of the northern hemisphere since the beginning of the 20th Century. It is also believed that sea levels have risen up to about 19cm globally, with lots of glaciers melting in addition.
Some people do not believe that these are caused by human activities. They think it is all political actions and falsehood intended to cause panic among humans.
Well, whatever it is, we would like to know more, and take a few good points from this confusion, and
use them to make our world a better place to live.
(Adapted from: Access: 01/22/2018)
Read the following text and answer question.
Introduction to Climate change
Many people make Climate Change and Global Warming a scary and difficult thing to understand, _______ it’s not.
Scientists have warned that the world's climate has changed a lot, and has affected many living and non-living things. Many places _______ were warmer are now getting colder, and many colder regions are getting much colder or even warmer nown as Global Warming).
For example, _________ 1901 and 2012, it is believed that the earth's temperature has risen by 0.89 °C. Rainfall amounts have also risen in the mid-latitudes of the northern hemisphere since the beginning of the 20th Century. It is also believed that sea levels have risen up to about 19cm globally, with lots of glaciers melting in addition.
Some people do not believe that these are caused by human activities. They think it is all political actions and falsehood intended to cause panic among humans.
Well, whatever it is, we would like to know more, and take a few good points from this confusion, and
use them to make our world a better place to live.
(Adapted from: Access: 01/22/2018)
Read the following text and answer question.
Introduction to Climate change
Many people make Climate Change and Global Warming a scary and difficult thing to understand, _______ it’s not.
Scientists have warned that the world's climate has changed a lot, and has affected many living and non-living things. Many places _______ were warmer are now getting colder, and many colder regions are getting much colder or even warmer nown as Global Warming).
For example, _________ 1901 and 2012, it is believed that the earth's temperature has risen by 0.89 °C. Rainfall amounts have also risen in the mid-latitudes of the northern hemisphere since the beginning of the 20th Century. It is also believed that sea levels have risen up to about 19cm globally, with lots of glaciers melting in addition.
Some people do not believe that these are caused by human activities. They think it is all political actions and falsehood intended to cause panic among humans.
Well, whatever it is, we would like to know more, and take a few good points from this confusion, and
use them to make our world a better place to live.
(Adapted from: Access: 01/22/2018)
Read the following text and answer question.
Introduction to Climate change
Many people make Climate Change and Global Warming a scary and difficult thing to understand, _______ it’s not.
Scientists have warned that the world's climate has changed a lot, and has affected many living and non-living things. Many places _______ were warmer are now getting colder, and many colder regions are getting much colder or even warmer nown as Global Warming).
For example, _________ 1901 and 2012, it is believed that the earth's temperature has risen by 0.89 °C. Rainfall amounts have also risen in the mid-latitudes of the northern hemisphere since the beginning of the 20th Century. It is also believed that sea levels have risen up to about 19cm globally, with lots of glaciers melting in addition.
Some people do not believe that these are caused by human activities. They think it is all political actions and falsehood intended to cause panic among humans.
Well, whatever it is, we would like to know more, and take a few good points from this confusion, and
use them to make our world a better place to live.
(Adapted from: Access: 01/22/2018)
Read the following text and answer question.
How do people see disability today?
Some time ago, people’s idea of disability was very distressing, especially towards people with disability and their families. If a child was born with any kind of disability, they _____________ that to many strange taboos, spiritual and traditional beliefs.
Today, disability is seen very differently. Education, information, support services, policy and accessibility efforts by many modern societies have empowered people with disabilities, together with _____ families, to rise to their fullest potential. Children with disability are able to go to school and feel part of society. Many people with disability have grown to become great, successful people.
Ray Charles and Steve Wonder, both blind from childhood, are some of ____________ musicians in the world. Marlee Matlin, ______ lost her hearing from childhood, is a great Standup Comedian and Actress. Chris Burke, a favorite American TV character, and writer, is a person with Down Syndrome. Nick Vujicic is _______ Australian Christian Evangelist and Motivational Speaker. Born ______ 1982 with a rare disorder, characterized by no hands and legs, has lived to inspire millions and continue to empower people.
Disability is part of life. People with disability have potential too, just like people without a disability.
They have the same rights as everyone else and if people with disabilities, families, and society can
work together on policy, we can make society all-inclusive and every person will have a fair chance to
be the best they can be.
(Adapted from: Access: 01/22/2018)
Read the following text and answer question.
How do people see disability today?
Some time ago, people’s idea of disability was very distressing, especially towards people with disability and their families. If a child was born with any kind of disability, they _____________ that to many strange taboos, spiritual and traditional beliefs.
Today, disability is seen very differently. Education, information, support services, policy and accessibility efforts by many modern societies have empowered people with disabilities, together with _____ families, to rise to their fullest potential. Children with disability are able to go to school and feel part of society. Many people with disability have grown to become great, successful people.
Ray Charles and Steve Wonder, both blind from childhood, are some of ____________ musicians in the world. Marlee Matlin, ______ lost her hearing from childhood, is a great Standup Comedian and Actress. Chris Burke, a favorite American TV character, and writer, is a person with Down Syndrome. Nick Vujicic is _______ Australian Christian Evangelist and Motivational Speaker. Born ______ 1982 with a rare disorder, characterized by no hands and legs, has lived to inspire millions and continue to empower people.
Disability is part of life. People with disability have potential too, just like people without a disability.
They have the same rights as everyone else and if people with disabilities, families, and society can
work together on policy, we can make society all-inclusive and every person will have a fair chance to
be the best they can be.
(Adapted from: Access: 01/22/2018)