Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Sapucaia do Sul - RS 2023 para Professor A2 – Língua Inglesa

Foram encontradas 39 questões

Q2286491 Inglês

(Available at:
service/ - text especially adapted for this test).

*Bot: a computer program that works automatically, especially one that searches for and finds information on the internet. ( 09/09/23).
The text mentions a research conducted by HBR. The research says that if AI is applied to customer service, companies can spend more time and energy in other tasks that will be more valued by clients. Which of the following is NOT on the list of suggested tasks?
Q2286492 Inglês

(Available at:
service/ - text especially adapted for this test).

*Bot: a computer program that works automatically, especially one that searches for and finds information on the internet. ( 09/09/23).
Analyze the following statements about the text and mark T, if true, or F, if false. 

( ) Companies struggle to keep their customer service agents because the job is very stressful.
( ) Replacing agents constantly is costly for the companies and impacts the customer experience.
( ) AI will replace inefficient and stressed agents.
( ) AI will reduce the companies’ cost with agents in 45% per year.

The correct order of filling the parentheses, from top to bottom, is:
Q2286493 Inglês

(Available at:
service/ - text especially adapted for this test).

*Bot: a computer program that works automatically, especially one that searches for and finds information on the internet. ( 09/09/23).
Which of the following questions is NOT answered by the text?
Q2286494 Inglês

(Available at:
service/ - text especially adapted for this test).

*Bot: a computer program that works automatically, especially one that searches for and finds information on the internet. ( 09/09/23).
Consider the verb tense in the sentence “AI has shown up everywhere in recent months” (l. 01-02). Which of the following is NOT a regular use of this verb tense?
Q2286495 Inglês

(Available at:
service/ - text especially adapted for this test).

*Bot: a computer program that works automatically, especially one that searches for and finds information on the internet. ( 09/09/23).
What are the highlighted words “it” (l. 21), “those” (l. 24), and “which” (l. 31) referring to, respectively?
26: A
27: C
28: E
29: E
30: A