Questões de Concurso Público FURB - SC 2020 para Instrutor de Idiomas - Inglês

Foram encontradas 20 questões

Q1742008 Inglês
It is a good idea to group less able students together so that:
Q1742009 Inglês
The sound of letter ‘a’ is underlined in the words below. What is the correct sequence that brings the phonemic symbols that would be used in a dictionary entry?
late – player – party – alphabet – island – hard – pizza – grandson – invitation
1. /æ/ 2. /ei/ 3. /ɑ:/ 4. /ə/
Q1742010 Inglês
What’s the best answer for: “Group work is useful because it…”:
Q1742011 Inglês

The words below include examples of which lexical or phonological items?

unhappy and incorrect

hole and whole

vehicle: car, bicycle

fit and feet

Q1742012 Inglês
Choose the best answer that completes the sentence: “A civilized man respects all life and __________ cruelty to animals.”
11: E
12: B
13: A
14: D
15: A