Questões de Concurso Público SEE -PB 2017 para Professor de Educação Básica 3 - Língua Inglesa

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Q987416 Inglês
Considerthe following sentences.
Choose the one which has an adjective in the comparative form.
Q987417 Inglês
Choose the question we would ask to get the following answer:
“The school day starts at 8 a.m.” (2nd paragraph)
Q987418 Inglês
In the sentence “South Korean students mustn't sleep in the classroom”, the modal verb MUSTN'T in this context indicates:
Q987419 Inglês
Read the sentences below and choose the correct sentence:
Q987420 Inglês
Active readers make use of different reading strategies to help them save time and cover a lot of ground. Their purpose for reading should determine which strategy or strategies to use.
Avery useful strategy involves running our eyes very quickly over large chunks of a text. It allows us to pick up some of the main ideas of the text without paying attention to detail. It is a fast process. We do not actually read the text in total. We may read a few words of each paragraph, perhaps the first and last sentences, in order to get the main ideas of the text.
The above definition refers to the following reading strategy:
46: A
47: A
48: E
49: A
50: D