Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Ji-Paraná - RO 2018 para Professor Nível II - Inglês

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Q1128083 Inglês

Text 3:

Simple Steps to Improve Your English Reading Comprehension

1- Read the right books

If you dislike science fiction, you might not want to read a book about a man stuck on Mars. When you're choosing books (and other texts) to read, keep two things in mind:

1st. What you're interested in

2nd. Your reading level

Whenever you can, you should read things that you enjoy. You should also choose books that are at an English level just above the one you're most comfortable with. You want to challenge yourself just enough to learn new things, but not enough to get frustrated with your reading.

2. Ask yourself questions while reading and after reading

There's more to understanding a book than just reading the words!

There are a few things you can do before, during and after you read to help you better understand the text.

Before you read, browse the text. Take some time after you read too, to browse again and summarize what you remember. Try to quickly say or write a few sentences that describe what the text was all about.

Thinking about what you read will show you how much of it you really understood, and help you figure out if you still have questions.

Adapted from:

According to the text, we should read things that we enjoy.
The modal verb SHOULD in this context indicates:
Q1128084 Inglês

Text 3:

Simple Steps to Improve Your English Reading Comprehension

1- Read the right books

If you dislike science fiction, you might not want to read a book about a man stuck on Mars. When you're choosing books (and other texts) to read, keep two things in mind:

1st. What you're interested in

2nd. Your reading level

Whenever you can, you should read things that you enjoy. You should also choose books that are at an English level just above the one you're most comfortable with. You want to challenge yourself just enough to learn new things, but not enough to get frustrated with your reading.

2. Ask yourself questions while reading and after reading

There's more to understanding a book than just reading the words!

There are a few things you can do before, during and after you read to help you better understand the text.

Before you read, browse the text. Take some time after you read too, to browse again and summarize what you remember. Try to quickly say or write a few sentences that describe what the text was all about.

Thinking about what you read will show you how much of it you really understood, and help you figure out if you still have questions.

Adapted from:

Read the following questions.
Choose the only question that is grammatically correct.
Q1128088 Pedagogia
Segundo Libâneo, “formação profissional é um processo pedagógico, intencional e organizado, de preparação teórico-científica e técnica do professor para dirigir competentemente o processo de ensino”. Nessa perspectiva, a formação do professor abrange duas dimensões:
Q1128110 Pedagogia
Na Tendência Liberal Tecnicista, a(o):
Q1128114 Pedagogia
Pensar a formação de professores implica em reconhecer, que o professor:
I. é uma pessoa de um certo tempo e lugar. Datado e situado, fruto de relações vividas, de uma dada ambiência que o expõe ou não a saberes, que podem ou não ser importantes para sua atuação profissional. II. tem sua identidade pessoal e social que precisa ser compreendida e respeitada: com elas é que se estará interagindo em qualquer processo de formação, de base ou continuada, e nos processos de inovação educacional. III. deve ser entendido em sua totalidade, isto é, reconhecer que a competência docente envolve também as condições existenciais, as relações sociais e familiares, as características pessoais, a elaboração da afetividade. IV. o lócus privilegiado para a formação permanente do professor é nas instituições acadêmicas canônicas.
Estão corretos apenas os itens:
56: A
57: A
58: C
59: D
60: D