Questões de Concurso Público SEAP-DF 2013 para Professor - Língua Inglesa
Foram encontradas 50 questões
I. Ressalvada a legislação distrital aplicável, ao servidor público do Distrito Federal é proibido substituir, sob qualquer pretexto, trabalhadores de empresas privadas em greve.
II. Os vencimentos dos cargos do Poder Legislativo poderão ser idênticos aos pagos pelo Poder Executivo.
III. É vedada a exigência do exame psicotécnico para ingresso no serviço público, mas é assegurado ao servidor o acompanhamento psicológico para progressão funcional.
Está correto o que se afirma em:
I. O Programa Nacional de Acesso ao Ensino Técnico e Emprego (Pronatec) foi criado pelo Governo Federal, com o objetivo de ampliar a oferta de cursos de educação profissional e tecnológica.
II. Entre os objetivos do Pronatec está aumentar as oportunidades educacionais aos trabalhadores por meio de cursos de formação inicial e continuada, ou qualificação profissional e expandir, interiorizar e democratizar a oferta de cursos de educação profissional técnica de nível médio e de cursos de formação inicial e continuada, ou qualificação profissional presencial e a distância.
I. O servidor público estável somente perderá o cargo em virtude de sentença judicial transitada em julgado ou mediante processo administrativo em que lhe seja assegurada ampla defesa.
II. Os servidores públicos civis da União, dos Estados, do Distrito Federal e dos Municípios, da administração direta, autárquica e das fundações públicas que, na data da promulgação da Constituição da República, estavam em exercício, há pelo menos cinco anos continuados ou não, e que não tenham sido admitidos através de concurso público, são considerados estáveis no serviço público.
III. As funções de confiança, exercidas preferencialmente por servidores ocupantes de cargo efetivo, e os cargos em comissão, a serem preenchidos por servidores de carreira nos casos, condições e percentuais mínimos previstos em lei, destinam-se apenas às atribuições de direção e chefia.
Está correto o que se afirma em:
I. Obedeça os seus avós, menino!
II. Amélia, aspire ao pó direito!
III. Estudo implica em concentração.
As afirmativas que apresentam erro quanto à regência verbal são:
I. A Teoria Histórico-Cultural, que tem em Vigotski seu precursor, tem como elementos a gênese social da formação das funções psicológicas superiores, a relação entre aprendizagem e desenvolvimento, o conceito de zona de desenvolvimento proximal e o papel da intervenção pedagógica. Já a Pedagogia Histórico-Crítica tem como elementos a natureza da educação, seu objeto e sua especificidade, a função social da escola, o método dialético e o papel do professor.
II. ATeoria Histórico-Cultural empenha-se em colocara educação a serviço da transformação das relações sociais, ao passo que a Pedagogia Histórico-Crítica explica o aprendizado humano a partir de sua natureza social
III. ATeoria Histórico-Cultural de Vigotski pressupõe uma natureza social da aprendizagem, ou seja, é por meio das interações sociais que o indivíduo desenvolve suas funções psicológicas superiores. Não há primazia do princípio social sobre o princípio natural-biológico, quanto ao desenvolvimento psíquico do homem, uma vez que Vigotski dá igual valoração à influência da parte biológica ao aspecto social no desenvolvimento das funções psicológicas.
IV. Na perspectiva da Pedagogia Histórico-Crítica, o papel do professor consolida-se na garantia da apropriação dos conteúdos pelos alunos, com vistas ao atendimentos dos interesses das camadas populares e à democratização da sociedade brasileira. Este papel será tanto mais eficaz quanto mais o professor for capaz de compreender os vínculos da sua prática social global.
É correto o que se afirma em:
I. No leilão, será identificada a proposta mais vantajosa segundo o critério da oferta de maior excedente em óleo para a União, respeitado o percentual mínimo definido. Em caso de empate no volume de excedente em óleo para a União, não haverá concessão de novo prazo e os licitantes serão convidados a retirar suas propostas apresentadas. Cancelando o leilão.
II. A nova lei recém-aprovada, destina 75% dos royalties do petróleo e 50% do Fundo Social do Pré-Sal para a educação. O marco regulatório substitui o atual modelo de concessão pelo mecanismo de partilha da produção.
I. Since the traffic was horrible, I walked home.
II. Although I didn’t study for the test, I got a good grade.
III. I spoke to him even though I hadn’t forgiven him.
Choose the alternative with the correct sentences:
European Union member states could cut their plastic bag use by 80%, the European commission has said, by
charging for bags or even banning them.
Plastic bags are a major cause ofseaborne pollution, which is a serious hazard for marine life, and some regions have already
moved to cut their use through charging. The UK deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, has pledged to bring forward charges in
England that will affect single-use bags given out by supermarkets.
The European commission is proposing a new directive that would require member states to choose between three methods
ofreducing the waste from bags: charges, national reduction targets, or an outright ban.
The packaging industry has responded by saying that most people use their plastic bags more than once, for instance using
them as bins, but that does not cut the overall use.
When plastic bags, or pieces of them, find their way into the seas, they are a major hazard to marine life. A whale found dead
on the Southern Spanish coast was found to have swallowed 17kg of plastic waste, including plastic bags. Fish, seabirds and
mammals can ali ingest plastic, which they cannot digest and which can clog up their guts or cause choking.
One of the key problems with plastic bags is that they are so light and small that they easily escape into the environment,
defying attempts to recycle them. The European commission has identified this as a key reason for cutting the use ofthe bags,
and other plastic packaging. The first moves to legislate atan EU levei were made in 2011, and today's announcement is likely
to take at least two years to put into practice.
According to the most recent estimates, from 2008, the EU produces 3.4m tonnes of plastic bags in a year.
European Union member states could cut their plastic bag use by 80%, the European commission has said, by
charging for bags or even banning them.
Plastic bags are a major cause ofseaborne pollution, which is a serious hazard for marine life, and some regions have already
moved to cut their use through charging. The UK deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, has pledged to bring forward charges in
England that will affect single-use bags given out by supermarkets.
The European commission is proposing a new directive that would require member states to choose between three methods
ofreducing the waste from bags: charges, national reduction targets, or an outright ban.
The packaging industry has responded by saying that most people use their plastic bags more than once, for instance using
them as bins, but that does not cut the overall use.
When plastic bags, or pieces of them, find their way into the seas, they are a major hazard to marine life. A whale found dead
on the Southern Spanish coast was found to have swallowed 17kg of plastic waste, including plastic bags. Fish, seabirds and
mammals can ali ingest plastic, which they cannot digest and which can clog up their guts or cause choking.
One of the key problems with plastic bags is that they are so light and small that they easily escape into the environment,
defying attempts to recycle them. The European commission has identified this as a key reason for cutting the use ofthe bags,
and other plastic packaging. The first moves to legislate atan EU levei were made in 2011, and today's announcement is likely
to take at least two years to put into practice.
According to the most recent estimates, from 2008, the EU produces 3.4m tonnes of plastic bags in a year.
European Union member states could cut their plastic bag use by 80%, the European commission has said, by
charging for bags or even banning them.
Plastic bags are a major cause ofseaborne pollution, which is a serious hazard for marine life, and some regions have already
moved to cut their use through charging. The UK deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, has pledged to bring forward charges in
England that will affect single-use bags given out by supermarkets.
The European commission is proposing a new directive that would require member states to choose between three methods
ofreducing the waste from bags: charges, national reduction targets, or an outright ban.
The packaging industry has responded by saying that most people use their plastic bags more than once, for instance using
them as bins, but that does not cut the overall use.
When plastic bags, or pieces of them, find their way into the seas, they are a major hazard to marine life. A whale found dead
on the Southern Spanish coast was found to have swallowed 17kg of plastic waste, including plastic bags. Fish, seabirds and
mammals can ali ingest plastic, which they cannot digest and which can clog up their guts or cause choking.
One of the key problems with plastic bags is that they are so light and small that they easily escape into the environment,
defying attempts to recycle them. The European commission has identified this as a key reason for cutting the use ofthe bags,
and other plastic packaging. The first moves to legislate atan EU levei were made in 2011, and today's announcement is likely
to take at least two years to put into practice.
According to the most recent estimates, from 2008, the EU produces 3.4m tonnes of plastic bags in a year.
“(...) some regions have already moved (...)”
“The packaging industry has responded by (...)”
European Union member states could cut their plastic bag use by 80%, the European commission has said, by
charging for bags or even banning them.
Plastic bags are a major cause ofseaborne pollution, which is a serious hazard for marine life, and some regions have already
moved to cut their use through charging. The UK deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, has pledged to bring forward charges in
England that will affect single-use bags given out by supermarkets.
The European commission is proposing a new directive that would require member states to choose between three methods
ofreducing the waste from bags: charges, national reduction targets, or an outright ban.
The packaging industry has responded by saying that most people use their plastic bags more than once, for instance using
them as bins, but that does not cut the overall use.
When plastic bags, or pieces of them, find their way into the seas, they are a major hazard to marine life. A whale found dead
on the Southern Spanish coast was found to have swallowed 17kg of plastic waste, including plastic bags. Fish, seabirds and
mammals can ali ingest plastic, which they cannot digest and which can clog up their guts or cause choking.
One of the key problems with plastic bags is that they are so light and small that they easily escape into the environment,
defying attempts to recycle them. The European commission has identified this as a key reason for cutting the use ofthe bags,
and other plastic packaging. The first moves to legislate atan EU levei were made in 2011, and today's announcement is likely
to take at least two years to put into practice.
According to the most recent estimates, from 2008, the EU produces 3.4m tonnes of plastic bags in a year.
I. She applied for the job but they haven’t given her an answer
II. This book is based in a true story.
III. He don’t agree with everything I said.
IV. He was so tired that he couldn´t participate in the activity.
Can you see her? She’s standing____ the door.
His car was broken, so he got home_____ taxi.
Celebrities get emails and letters____ the thousands or even millions!
The word “itself" refers to:
The sentence that best describes the article is: