Questões de Concurso Público IF Sul Rio-Grandense 2021 para Professor - Letras – Português/Inglês

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Q2421808 Inglês

Read the text below and complete the gap.

___________, or a person’s preferred or habitual ways of learning, can affect strategy use and learners outcome. Therefore learners need to be aware of their style so they can develop style-stretching skills for learning and using a foreign language.

The alternative that best completes the sentence is

Q2421809 Inglês

The Communicative Approach is used by many teachers around the world and studied by many important authors including Leffa

It is NOT appropriate to say, according to Leffa, that in the Communicative Approach:

Q2421810 Inglês

According to Leffa, the ideal foreign language teacher needs to have certain characteristics.

The ideal foreign language teacher characteristics’ are:

Q2421811 Inglês

Celse-Murcia, in her book Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, stablishes central principles of four current approaches to language teaching.

The four approaches are:

Q2421812 Inglês

Krashen is an important author that deals with language acquisition. In his book Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning, he shows that findings on first language influence on second language performance are quite consistent with findings and hypotheses from other apparently nonrelated areas, and that they contribute to a clear theoretical picture of second language acquisition and performance.

I. First language influence appears to be strongest in complex word order and in word-for-word translations of phrases.

II. First language influence is weaker in bound morphology.

III. First language influence seems to be strongest in acquisition poor environments.

According to his research findings, the correct affirmatives are:

Q2421813 Inglês

There are three preferences in common Learner Styles, according to Celse-Murcia: perceptual preference, personality preference, and processing preference.

According to perceptual preference, we can say that auditory, visual and kinesthetic are styles and the only one of them with the correct description below is:

Q2421814 Inglês

Leffa on his book Ensino e Aprendizagem mentions the importance of differentiating learning and acquisition.

According to Leffa:

Q2421815 Inglês

The cognitive approach is a well known one among teachers and researchers of foreign languages.

Concerning the principles of the four current approaches to language teaching that CelseMurcia presents in her book Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, the cognitive approach stablishes that:

Q2421816 Inglês

“In the field of language teaching, the term syllabus has both practical and theoretical meanings. In a practical sense, it is an actual plan of course. In theoretical sense, it refers to a specific way to conceptualize what language is and how language is learned so that the materials can be selected and prepared for the classroom.” (CELSE-MURCIA, 2014)

The items that can be considered examples of syllabuses are:

I. Task-based syllabus, skill-based approaches, lexical syllabus

II. Negotiated syllabus, project-based language learning, lexical syllabus

III. Grammatical syllabus, notional-functional syllabus, text-based syllabus

IV. Task-based syllabus, content-based instruction, grammatical syllabus

The correct affirmatives are:

Q2421817 Inglês

Leslie Dickinson is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Heriot-Watt, Scotland. In her article Learner autonomy: what, why and how? a definition of autonomy, he presents the definition for autonomy.

According to her, it is correct to say that:

I. Autonomy is essentially an attitude to learning rather than a methodology.

II. Learning or learner’s autonomy is not a license to behave without constraint.

III. Autonomy is not primarily a matter of the physical setting of learning.

IV. Helping learners to become autonomous is not a threat to the teacher's job.

The correct affirmatives are:

Q2421818 Inglês

According to Swan (2005), DO has four main uses - it can be an auxiliary verb, a generalpurpose verb, a substitute verb and also can use combined forms.

The sentences bellow can be completed correctly by:

Complete the gaps bellow.

I. Then he ____ a very strange thing.

II. ____ something!

III. I like ____ nothing.

IV. What shall we ____?

The words that complete, correctly and respectively, the gaps are:

Q2421819 Inglês

The words: atypical, bilingual, drainage, guarantee are examples of English words with affixes.

I. Yes – two – instance of – object of the verb

II. Yes – two – instance of – object of the noun

III. Not – two – instance of – object of the verb

IV. Not – two – instance of – object of the noun

The meaning of the affixes in the words listed above are:

Q2421820 Inglês

Able is used especially in the structure be able + infinitive. This often has the same meaning as can. The negative form is unable.

Considering the use of ABLE in the sentences bellow, mark T for the true sentences and F for the false ones:

( ) Some people are able to walk on their hands.

( ) I am unable to understand what she wants.

( ) He is able to do so.

The correct order of the answers for the sentences above, top down, is:

Q2421821 Inglês

-ing forms (e.g. smoking, walking,) can be used not only as verbs, but also like adjectives or nouns.

Considering the use of -ING in the sentences bellow, mark T for the true sentences and F for the false ones:

I. ( ) You're smoking too much these days. (verb: part of present progressive)

II. ( )There was a smoking cigarette end in the ashtray. (adjective describing the cigarette end)

III. ( )Smoking is bad for you. (noun: subject of sentence)

The correct order of the answers for the sentences above, top down, is:

Q2421822 Inglês

Question tags are the small question that often comes at end of sentences in speech, and sometimes in informal writing.

The sentences bellow can be completed correctly by:

Complete the gaps bellow.

The film wasn’t very good, _______?

You’re the new secretary, _______?

You never say what you’re thinking, _______?

The question tags that complete, correctly and respectively, the gaps are:

Q2421823 Inglês

Regarding ARTICLES, Swan stablishes that

Q2421824 Inglês

Concerning the use of adjectives, Swan stablishes that the following sentences are correct or incorrect.

I. A fat old white horse.

II. A big grey woolen sweater.

III. New Italian boots.

IV. A little modern square brick house.

The correct alternatives are:

Q2421825 Inglês

Here is a list of jobs and positions that have different forms for men and women EXCEPT for

Q2421826 Inglês

The irregular verbs bellow can be spelled in two different ways in the past form EXCEPT

Q2421827 Inglês

The only sentence which is NOT grammatically correct is:

21: C
22: C
23: B
24: A
25: A
26: B
27: A
28: D
29: D
30: D
31: A
32: C
33: B
34: A
35: B
36: B
37: D
38: C
39: B
40: C